Mille Lacs Lake Watershed Management Group
Meeting Minutes – February 23, 2015
Mille Lacs Trails Snowmobile Clubhouse
Attendance: Perry Bunting, MLBODNRE; Al Close, Round Lake/Hazelton Township; Barb Eller, Mille Co. SWCD Supervisor; Lynn Gallice, Mille Lacs SWCD; David Oslin, Mille Lacs Co. Commissioner; Steven Pedersen, MLLWMG Chairperson; Dennise Sonnee, Resident; Janet Smude, Aitkin County SWCD; Chad Weiss, MLBODNRE; Laurie Westerlund, Aitkin Co. Commissioner; Bob Williams, Round Lake.
1. The meeting was called to order at 10:04am by Chairperson Pedersen.
2. Administrative Details: An attendance sheet was circulated and introductions were made. Shoreline restoration was added to the agenda. Pertinent correspondence included notification that the Watershed Group received the requested AIS Grant from Aitkin County.
3. Special Presentation – Aquatic Invaders Summit: Steve Pedersen shared a summary of this conference that he recently attended. A scholarship supporting his attendance was provided by the Initiative Foundation. Topics covered were varied. He attended sessions that focused on key management points, what makes organisms thrive, changing behaviors and attitudes, and successful local approaches. Steve noted it was difficult to pull all of the sessions together – the issue is still very broad and there is no focused plan for addressing the exotic species problem. Surveillance is something that can be done by lake associations; however they need to know what to do, and how to do it. Steve was thanked for sharing this information with the Group.
4. Minutes from the Decembermeeting of the Group were reviewed. The minutes were approved as presented M/S/C Bob Williams / Al Close.
5. Financial Report: A report for the months ofDecember 2014and January of 2015 was shared. There were no expenses. The Aquatic Invasive Species Activities Grant, showing a breakdown of funding, was added to the report. The report was approvedas presented. M/S/C Laurie Westerlund / Bob Williams.
An invoice for materials and staff time used for the Mille Lacs CWP Grant in 2014 by the Aitkin County SWCD was shared. A motion approving reimbursing the Aitkin County SWCD the requested $ 474.24 was made M/S/C Barb Eller / Bob Williams.
An invoice / voucher noting Steve Pedersen’s expenses (mileage, parking, meals) for the Aquatic Invaders Summit was presented. A motion approving reimbursing Steve the requested $ 207.75 was made M/S/C Bob Williams / Laurie Westerlund. This will come from the AIS Activities Grant.
6. Old Business:
6.1. Aquatic Invasive Species Control Funding Update: Steve Pedersen shared earlier that we have received the requested AIS Grant from Aitkin County. He will be meeting with Steve Hughes following this meeting to discuss implementation of the grant. Bob Williams offered to assist with tracking of the grant expenses. It was requested that Janet Smude send out the inkind reporting form electronically. The Mille Lacs Band DNRE may have some available staff time to assist with this grant.
Steve Pedersen informed the Group that he is meeting with Aaron Hautala from Red House Media this afternoon. He has spoken with Mille Lacs County SWCD staff regarding developing a program for personal responsibility regarding aquatic invasive species – with the focus on the individual. A funding proposal wlll be developed and presented to Mille Lacs County for support through their AIS funding. Steve will develop the proposal next week. This will be shared with the Group before it is submitted.
6.2. Rain Barrel Incentive Program / Materials: Lynn Gallice shared some information she received from the Scott County SWCD. They have had a rain barrel program for several years. Several options are available – from building your own barrel to purchasing a complete and ready to go unit. Shipping and storage were noted as things that need to be considered. Lynn agreed to prepare a draft budget for a “build a rain barrel” workshop for the next meeting. The remainder of the grant funds could be used to purchase complete barrels.
6.3. Issue of the Month / Topic of the Month: The January “Issue of the Month” article was shared electronically with members. It was also submitted to area newspapers. The February article will be completed before the end of the month. Group members were reminded of when they signed up to prepare the articles. Articles will also be added to the facebook page and website.
7. New Business:
7.1. Lake Health Conference: Lynn Gallice, Janet Smude, and Michele McPherson met recently to discuss this. A two day conference was proposed, with topics focusing on aquatic invasive species and stormwater management. Eddy’s has been contacted for the location. They are not booking any events yet, but have given us first priority when they begin taking reservations. The meeting room will accommodate 150 participants. They were interested in sharing information about their stormwater management BMPs. Other speakers that were proposed included U of M Extension staff, Mille Lacs Lake National Wildlife Refuge Staff, Kelly Applegate from the MLBODNRE, the Initiative Foundation, and private consultants. Reports on progress were requested each month.
8. Subcommittee Reports:
8.1. Media Contacts: Janet Smude shared text for the “Keep Our Water Clean” campaign developed by the media committee. It was noted that the subcommittee had suggested “Keep Our Lakes Clean” – but Aaron Hautala from Red House Media urged changing this to be more inclusive. It was noted that the MLLWMG can accept donations that would be tax deductable for donors.
The Group reviewed a proposal for creative services developed by Red House Media. Costs of developing a Watershed Rack Card, Direct Mail Postcard, and Poster were estimated. This would be the first step in developing / implementing a marketing plan for the watershed. The estimated costs of the services are $ 3,240 - $ 3,780 +/- 10%. A motion was made to accept the proposal and approve the work outlined by Red House Media M/S/C Barb Eller / Bob Williams. The sub-committee would like to meet with Aaron to review proofs of the products when they are developed. Lakes Printing was noted as a good provider of design and printing services.
8.2. Fundraising / Grant Writing: No additional information shared.
8.3. Membership: The “Topic of the Month” articles will be used as a way to encourage new members to join the Group.
9. Agenda Additions: Bob Williams questioned funding for shoreline restorations. Janet Smude shared that there is funding through grants received by the Big Sandy Area Lakes Watershed Management Project to assist with restorations. They operate similar to the MLLWMG – projects must have a water quality protection benefit, and funding is offered at a 50% cost share rate. It was noted that funding is limited and will not help every landowner affected by ice damage. A grant has also been applied for that would assist landowners on Cisco Lakes including Round Lake.
Laurie Westerlund shared that there is a Fisheries Input Meeting on Thursday February 26th at 6pm at the Hazelton Town Hall.
Perry Bunting shared that work has begun of the new water control structure at the outlet of Mille Lacs Lake. This will regulate the level of the lake. The Buckmore Dam, located below Lake Ogechie, will be lowered 3 feet. This is designed to promote / restore wild rice growth in Lake Ogechie.
Perry also shared that the DNR is working to remove a harbor in Vineland. This will restore near shore water currents / movement. The same contractor working on the water control structure mentioned above is conducting this work.
Utilities are being moved near the HWY 169 Rum River bridge. This is in preparation for the bridge replacement scheduled for next June.
10. Next Meeting: The next meeting was set for Monday,March 15th. It will be held at the Rolf Olsen Center in Onamia, if it is available. The meeting was adjourned at 12:10pm M/S/ Bob Williams / Barb Eller.