The following signature approvals must be obtained prior to sending the New Academic Degree Program Authorization Pre-Proposal Form to academic affairs to be reviewed and approved by the provost.
Degree Program Title (e.g. M.A. in Biology)______
Reviewed and Approved By / Signature / DateUndergraduate or Graduate Dean
College Dean
Department Chair
Program Director/Coordinator
The following New Academic Degree Program Authorization Pre-Proposal Form must be completed in its entirety. Pages 1-4 of this document will be reviewed by the provost and if approved for consideration, will be forwarded to the Council of Academic Vice President’s (CAVP) Academic Coordination Project Workgroup for review. The UCF Supplemental Application Form, (supplement pages 1-2) of this document, will be used for internal UCF use only.
Submit completed New Academic Degree Program Authorization Pre-Proposal Forms to the Office of the Provost, Millican Hall 338 by the following targeted deadlines:
- October 1 – for CAVP review during the fall term
- January 15 – for CAVP review during the spring term
- Additional deadlines may be added depending on CAVP meeting schedule
Additional information regarding the policies and procedures for implementing a new degree program can be found at:
New AcademicDegree Program AuthorizationPre-ProposalForm
New AcademicProgramPre-ProposalProcess
Newacademicprogram pre-proposals areinitiated anddeveloped by thefaculty members.Approval ofthepre- proposalmustbeobtainedfromdepartmentchairsandcollegedeansorequivalentadministrators beforesubmissionforAcademicAffairslevelreviewandconsiderationforinclusionin theUniversity’s Annual WorkPlan.
Directions: Please provide a succinct, yet thorough response to each section. Obtain the Provost’s signature, and submit the proposal to Susan Tracy, or review by the Council of Academic Vice President’s Academic Coordination Project Workgroup.
InstitutionDegree Program Title (e.g. M.A. in Biology)
CIP Code
Proposed Delivery Mode (% online, if applicable)
Enrollment Projections (Headcount): Year 1 and Year 5
Proposed Implementation Date (e.g. Fall 2014)
Other Programs in the SUS (Including Enrollment and Degrees):
- Brieflysummarizetheoverallrationaleforthenewacademicprogram and consider the following in your narrative:
- Waysin whichtheproposedprogramisdistinctfromothersalreadyofferedintheSUS(usethe4-digitCIPasa guide).
- HowthisprogramsupportsspecificuniversityandSUSmissions.
- Collaborativeopportunities withotherSUSinstitutionsas appropriate.(maximumlength250words)
StudentDemand:(Describethedemandin theSUSfortheproposedprogram)
2.Brieflydescribethestudent demandfortheproposedprogramandconsiderthefollowinginyournarrative:
- Explain why a student would be interested in this program.
- Recognizingthatprogramsat differentlevelsmayrequiredifferentdegreesofjustification(e.g., greaterduplicationmaybewarrantedatundergraduateandmaster’sdegree levels),indicatewhy duplicativeprogramsshouldbewarranted.
- Numbers ofgraduatesand studentsenrolledin similarprogramscurrentlyoffered onlineorface-to-face. For assistance, see the Board of Governors interactive data source,
- Asapplicable:place-boundlearners,underservedpopulationsinthefield/profession,and professionalcredentialsrequirements.(maximumlength250words)
Workforceand EconomicDevelopmentNeeds:(Describehowtheproposedprogrammeetsworkforceand economicdevelopmentneeds)
3.Brieflydescribehowtheproposedprogrammeetsworkforceandeconomicdevelopmentneedsandconsider thefollowinginyournarrative:
- Impactofthisprogram(local,state,national,and international).
- Impactofresearchfunding.
- Changingof professionalcredentialrequirements.(maximumlength250words)
I support the exploration of this degree proposal.
Print Provost’sName
Provost’s Signature
New Academic Program Pre-proposal Form (updated 02/2016)Page | 1
UCF Pre-proposal Supplemental Application Form
(for UCF use only)
Are any other academic programs at UCF offered under this CIP code or a similar CIP code? If yes, list them:
Area of Strategic Emphasis
UCF Campus Location
Date Application Submitted
- Provide a brief description (50 words or less) of the program. For undergraduate programs this description will be shared with Florida state colleges and universities through a Web-based communication tool called APPRiSe (Academic Program Pre-proposal Recognition System). APPRiSe was developed to serve as a method to share information regarding proposed new bachelor’s degrees.
Click here to enter text.
- A.What is the proposed tuition plan?
☐ E&G Standard Tuition Rates
☐ Cost RecoveryTuition Rate
- If the proposed program tuition is cost recovery, indicatethe rationale for offering the program as such. Include theproposed tuition rate (for residents and non-residents) and if the program is currently offered at UCF as E&G, discuss how thetarget student population under a cost recovery tuition ratewill differ from those enrolled under the E&G tuition program.
Click here to enter text.
C. Ifcost recovery tuition is not authorized will the program be offered at E&G tuition rate?
- Provide information on the projected program costs, available resources to support the program, and enrollment capacity of the program. Answers should address faculty availability and availability of student support resources including library resources, if appropriate. Will department/college resources be shifted to support the program? (maximum length 250 words)
Click here to enter text.
- Discuss cross-campus collaborations and/or interdisciplinary opportunities at UCF. (maximum length 250 words)
Click here to enter text.
- Discuss the impact of the program on UCF and existing programs. If applicable, discuss the impact of the program on the local or state community. (maximum length 250 words)
Click here to enter text.
UCF Pre-proposal Supplemental Application Form (Revised 02/2016)1