
Duration: 03:31 minutes


360 Virtual Reality video of flying with the AeroShell Aerobatic Team

AeroShell 360VRTranscript

[Background music plays]

Tink tink music plays

[Text displays]

Safety Instructions: VR requires full sense of motion and balance capabilities. Stop the experience if you don’t feel well. Don’t drive until you have fully recovered from any symptoms. Consult a doctor if you have persistent symptoms.

[Animated sequence]

The safety instruction fades away and is replaced by the AeroShell winged pecten. Ting ting music is replaced with the sound of string instruments and drums.

[Animated sequence]

The winged pecten is faded out and replaced by the AeroShell logo.

[Animated sequence]

The AeroShell logo and white background faded away and is replaced by view of looking through the

Cockpit window out onto some propellers that are starting to turn. The view is spread wide to give

360 view around the cockpit. To the right you can see the pilot waving out of his window. You can hear

The hum of the engine start

[Animated Sequence]

Image fades as is replaced by another view of cockpit view as the aircraft is about to take off. The engine sounds much louder and ahead of the cockpit you can see two other AeroShell Aerobatic aircraft take off with their smoke trails on.

[Animated sequence]

The engines are much louder and as you take off in the cockpit you can see the two other aircraft flying above and ahead of you. The aircraft position themselves around so that you can see three aircraft above you flying in formation.

[Animated sequence]

The three aircraft stay flying above.. the engines grumble loudly and you can see the fluffy white clouds above in the sky. The music is now more floaty.

[Animated sequence]

The aircraft seem to maneuver so they are closer to the cockpit window and the smoke trail goes on. The horizon changes through the cockpit windows and the sky seems like it is getting bigger as the aircraft ascends back into the sky.

[Animated sequence]

The aircraft keep pulling back until you can see the ground level on each side of the cockpit as the aircraft performs a loop the loop. At all times, the three other members of the AeroShell Aerobatic Team are flying close by.

[Animated sequence]

The loop continues until you can see the ground come back round again at the top of the screen so that you have ground above you and sky below as the aircraft performs a full loop all the way round.

[Animated sequence]

The loop continues until the ground comes all the way round again and you can see the runway looming up below you. The three aircraft flying ahead of you with the ground rushing up.

[Animated sequence]

As the ground storms up ahead the smoke trails go on and the aircraft fly in formation low with the ground below.

[Animated sequence]

As a tight group the formation flies towards to the right.. the smoke trails on with thundering music. The aircraft end up flying on their right hand sides with the ground below them and the sky on the left. You can see the side of one of aircraft flying above and to the side of you.

[Animated sequence]

The aircraft come close together in formation with the ground bulging below and the sky rising above. The runway comes rushing past underneath.

[Animated sequence]

Pulling the aircraft back up to the skies, your cockpit is flanked by an aircraft on each side – pulling up to the sky. The way looks like a tunnel; two part so land on either side and sky above and below the formation.

[Animated sequence]

The aircraft pull full circle and you see the ground come rushing back up under you. You are flying upside down – the ground above you and the sky below you. The smoke trails go on.

[Animated sequence]

Pulling full circle the horizon rights itself and you see the ground below you and the sky opening out again in front of you. The sky covered with clouds.

[Animated sequence]

Banking to the right, the ground gets deeper and the sky gets larger on the right hand side. With the horizon beginning to drop off the edge of the shot.

[Animated sequence]

The music changes tempo and you are returned to the beginning formation of you in your cockpit surrounded by aircraft above and below on three side.

[Animated sequence]

The formation pulls up to the sky with the ground falling from the way side. Smoke trails on and the drums starting drumming a different beat.

[Animated sequence]

Full loop pulled, the ground rushes up in the horizon and you and the rest of the team are flying upside down as you go through the loop. You see the ground rushing by underneath the cockpit.

[Animated sequence]

The ground comes rushing back into view, but you can see the end of the horizon in the distance. You are surrounded by the whiteness of sky

[Animated sequence]

The ground levels out below you and there is the runway and you are flying level and low behind the other aircraft of the AeroShell Aerobatic Team, smoke trails on

[Animated sequence]

One of the aircraft above you pulls up from the group and flies away from the formation

[Animated sequence]

The groups jumps to a section where you can see the other aircraft flying ahead of you taking it in turns to full up to the sky away from the ground.

[Animated sequence]

You follow suit and have the ground fall away from you on each side as you point the nose of the aircraft directly up to the sky. You can see the trial of the other team members ahead of you.

[Animated sequence]

The loop is completed and you can see the ground rushing up in front of you and the other aircraft ahead of you completing the loop.

[Animated sequence]

The ground pulls away, the you can see the end of the horizon as the ground falls back below your aircraft. You can see the runway rushing underneath the aircraft and can see ahead of you the other aircraft flying high and low with their smoke trails on.

[Animated sequence]

In your aircraft you are rushing off to the right hand side of the screen and following the trails of the other aircraft ahead of you.

[Animated sequence]

All aircraft pull up to the sky with the ground pulling away from the each side.

[Animated sequence]

The ground continues to move round and you see it rushing up in front of you and ends up above you as you fly upside down.

[Animated sequence]

The ground continues to rush under you and you end up higher in the sky looking far down onto the ground. You can see your three team mates ahead of you their smoke trails on as they fly loops down and over the ground below.

[Animated sequence]

Rushing along the ground, the nose points up to the sky and you see the ground fall away from each side as you perform a loop.

[Animated sequence]

You continue the loop until the ground is above you and you can see the other aircraft flying down and in front of you towards the ground with their smoke trails on.

[Animated sequence]

You keep pushing the nose of the aircraft down so the horizon rights itself and you follow the smoke trails of the aircraft in front as they fly towards the edge of the horizon.

[Animated sequence]

You fly with the nose of the aircraft along the horizon line. You can just see the tip of the ground below you.

[Animated sequence]

The flying scene fades to a white screen and the Shell pectin comes into view and ends with the sound of Shell.