9th Metro Council District
No. 9 eNews
September 20, 2012
You are receiving this email because you have signed up for the eNews or contacted my office in the past for assistance. If you would like to be removed from this communication please email Kyle Ethridge with “REMOVE” in the subject or body. Please feel free to copy any of this information for use at your meetings or in your newsletters!
Sign up for Public Works Street Closure Announcements
Metro Public Works is now sending email notifications through Gov Delivery for street closure announcements. If you are interested in signing up to receive these email notifications please subscribe online by clicking here and entering your email address. Once you have signed in, select the “add subscriptions” tab at the bottom, and scroll down the list to add “Living in Louisville, Road Closure Announcements”.
Notice of Planning & Design Public Meetings
Information provided by Louisville Metro Planning and Design Services, 444 S. 5th Street – Suite 300, Louisville, KY 40202-4313, (502)574-6230
Case Number: 17949
You are invited to attend a review of a proposal for approval for window replacement on front elevation. Existing windows are beyond repair. New Marvin Integrity Ultrex windows will be installed.
Subject Property: 119 N Jane St 40206; Clifton (currently residential)
Case Manager: Cynthia Johnson
This case will be presented to the Architectural Review Committee.
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Time: Meeting will begin at 5:30 PM and continue until all cases are heard.
Place: 444 S. 5th Street, Conference Room 101
Case Number: 18010
You are invited to attend a review of a proposal for Remove existing deck and two story shed addition. Add new 2 story shed addition w 2 story deck and stair. Hip roof w shingles vinyl siding and new addition.
Subject Property: 179 N Bellaire Ave 40206(currently residential)
Case Manager: Cynthia Johnson
This case will be presented to the Architectural Review Committee.
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Time: Meeting will begin at 5:30 PM and continue until all cases are heard.
Place: 444 S. 5th Street, Conference Room 101
For detailed case information please visit Click on “Case Information – eCustomer Services” link. Then under the “Planning and Design” tab click on “By Project No”. Enter the project no and click “search”. If you have any questions please contact Planning & Design at 574-6230.
Historic Landmarks Commission Meeting
The Louisville Historic Landmarks Commission designation hearing for the Hogan Fountain "TeePee" Pavilion in Cherokee Park is scheduled for 5:30PM on Monday, September 24th at the Old Jail Building, located at 514 W. Liberty Street.Those unable to attend may send a letter (or email) to the Commission to be included in the proceedings. The mailing address of the Commission follows: Ms. Cynthia Johnson, Preservation Officer, Historic Landmarks and Preservation Districts Commission, 444 S. Fifth Street, Suite 300, Louisville, KY 40202-4313 or email
The Afterbeat Festival at the Clifton Center
The Clifton Center, located at 2117 Payne Street, is pleased to announce its 2012-13 "MINI of Louisville LIVE at the Clifton Center" season, which will include concerts, film screenings, and presentations, by some of the region's most interesting public figures, and a new 3-day music festival. The first annual Afterbeat Festival will be held Thursday, October 4th through Saturday, October 6th from 6:00pm-midnight each day and will showcase a broad range of outstanding musicians on 3 stages within the Clifton Center, giving the audience a unique and intimate experience. Performers include Taj Mahal, Bill Frisell, The Boxcars, Shovels & Rope, Feufollet, and Trio Brasileiro, among other local and regional artists. Tickets are on sale now and range from $25 for single day admission to $75 for a full weekend pass. Tickets to all Clifton Center events can be purchased at cliftoncenter.org or at Carmichael's Bookstore, 2720 Frankfort Avenue.
9th District Fall Community Forum
Join me and my staff for our annual Fall Community Forum on Tuesday, October 9, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. at Field Elementary School, 120 Sacred Heart Lane. Guest speakers include Ms. Maria Koetter – Office of Sustainability, Officer Daniel English – LMPD, Mr. Bennett Knox – Metro Parks re Bradley Greenway Update, and Inspector Randy Scott – Codes & Regulations. Beginning at 6:00 p.m. drop off your donated new/used shoes to help EDGE Outreach, now WaterStep, provide clean, lifesaving drinking water for people in developing countries AND donate your handheld electronics to Eco-Cell for the Green Triangle. (Acceptable items include cell phones, cell phone accessories,digital cameras, iPods and MP3 players, GPS handheld units, laptops, e-readers and portable hard drives.) To view the forum flyer please click here.
14th Annual Fall Community Cleanup
In partnership with Brightside we will be cleaning up in the 9th District on Saturday,
October 27, 2012, from 8:30 am – Noon. Plan to meet in the lower parking lot of Mellwood Arts Center at 8:30 am. Enjoy donated breakfast sandwiches from the Clifton McDonalds and hot coffee from Heine Brothers’ Coffee. At 9:00 a.m. volunteers will start cleaning up along the Mellwood/Zorn corridor. We’ll provide FREE bags, gloves, tools and t-shirts will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please contact my office at 574-1109 or email if you would like to volunteer or download the registration form. To view a flyer with all details click here.
9th District FREE Mammogram Screenings
On Friday, October 19th, from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm the 9th District office, in partnership with U of L Hospital and the James Graham Brown Cancer Center, will offer FREE mammograms at the Clifton Center, 2117 Payne Street. To make an appointment please contact my office at 574-1109. There is no cost to program eligible women without insurance. Women with insurance will need to bring their card so a claim may be filed.
Ninth District Events!
Below are some Ninth District calendar events! To view a full listing of events please visit the Ninth District Blog at
If you would like to submit events to be considered for the blog calendar please email Kyle Ethridge or call 574-1109.
Thursday, September 20: Frankfort Avenue Business Association (FABA) monthly meet-n-greet and meeting at 5:30 p.m. at the Peterson-Dumesnil House, 301 S Peterson Avenue.
Thursday, September 20: Ribbon cutting for the Tin Roof, located at 3921 Shelbyville Road, at 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 22: St. Matthews Area Ministries’ Annual Tortoise & Hare 5 K run/walk. The event begins at 9:00 a.m. and registration is $25 before September 17th and $30 after.The Tortoise and Hare Race will partner with a long-standing tradition, the Turtle Soup Festival of Bethel-St. Paul Church, which observes eighty-three years this fall. Proceeds from the Run/Walk will go directly to the St. Matthews Area Ministries in support of its charitable programs. The start of the race will take place at Bethel-St. Paul, site of the Turtle Soup Festival. Questions please call 893-0205 or visit
Saturday, September 22:Join Louisville Water Company for a free guided tour of the original Water Works from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Learn the fascinating history of Louisville Water and how we make millions of gallons of drinking water every day. Step inside the Water Tower, visit the original Pumping Station for a beautiful view of the Ohio River and see one of the massive steam engines used in the early 1900s. Extend your tour with a short drive to the Crescent Hill Gatehouse. Step inside the Gatehouse where a Louisville Water guide will provide visitors with a historical overview. Then, view photographs, architectural drawings and film. Afterwards, take a walk around the Reservoir, one of the city’s favorite walking destinations. Lightning will cancel tour. Visit LouisvilleWater.com for more information.
Monday, September 24: Hogan Fountain “Tee Pee” Pavilion in Cherokee Park Historical Landmark designation hearing at 5:30 p.m. at the Old Jail, 514 W Liberty Street.Those unable to attend may send a letter (or email) to the Commission to be included in the proceedings. The mailing address of the Commission follows: Ms. Cynthia Johnson, Preservation Officer, Historic Landmarks and Preservation Districts Commission, 444 S. Fifth Street, Suite 300, Louisville, KY 40202-4313 or via email
Tuesday, September 25: Clifton Community Council Membership meeting and chili supper at 7:00 p.m. at the Clifton Center, 2117 Payne Street. Also enjoy a presentation by Michael McCoy, a landscape architect, professor and award-winning city planner.Michael will speak on the topic of integrated urban design – What does that mean for Clifton and how can we continue to make our lovable neighborhood even better?
9th District LINKS
9th Office Staff
Tina Ward-Pugh, 9th District Councilwoman
601 W Jefferson Street, Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 502.574.1109
Fax: 502.574.7844
Kyle Ethridge, Legislative Assistant
Phone: 502.574.3908
Fax: 502.574.7844
Katie Holmes, Special Projects Coordinator
Phone: 502.574-1109
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