/ MISSION: “Educating individual students for 21st century challenges.”

Accounting I Course Syllabus

Business Education

Location: WCC Room 207 / Instructor: Mrs. Ginny Box
Time(s): 1 Class Period / Email:
Course Length:2 semesters/full year / Office Phone:573.842.2500 ext 3907
Credit:1Practical Art credit / Conference: 7thhour & by appointment
  1. This course syllabus is tentative. The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus at any time.
  1. Course Objectives

This course is designed to develop skills necessary for starting a bookkeeping system and for recording, summarizing, and interpreting financial data for the three business entities. Emphasis is placed on acquiring skills needed for entry-level employment and/or further accounting study.

  1. Course Rationale:

Instruction is accounting plays an important role for students who are preparing for accounting careers after graduation – employment or higher level of education. It is also a crucial component of academic backgrounds for students who will pursue entrepreneurial ventures and small business ownership. All students, regardless of their occupational choice, can benefit from accounting instruction since it is an integral part of every business institution and organization.

  1. Required Materials
  1. Signed WCC Technology Agreement
  2. Student suppliedpencil and calculator (that can perform basic functions).
  3. School supplied Century 21 Accounting by South-Western Educational Publishing and Aplia Working Papers
  4. School supplied software and Internet.
  1. Teaching Strategies - The following instructional strategies will be utilized in class:

/ MISSION: “Educating individual students for 21st century challenges.”

Accounting I Course Syllabus

Business Education

  1. Project-based learning.
  2. Hands-on activities.
  3. Interactive software.
  4. Small group work.
  5. Lecture and instructor-led demonstrations.
  6. Peer teaching.
  7. Select reading from class.

/ MISSION: “Educating individual students for 21st century challenges.”

Accounting I Course Syllabus

Business Education

  1. Evaluation - The following items are used to evaluate student progress, all work will be point-based:

/ MISSION: “Educating individual students for 21st century challenges.”

Accounting I Course Syllabus

Business Education

  1. Tests/Semester Final.
  2. Teacher Observation.
  3. Class participation.
  4. Class projects.
  5. In-class assignments.
  6. Online working papers.

/ MISSION: “Educating individual students for 21st century challenges.”

Accounting I Course Syllabus

Business Education

*It is the students’ responsibility to obtain their missing work and arrange make up time the day that they return to school. Missing work will be discussed on an individual basis and an agreeable due date set with a missing homework contract signed by all parties. It will not be accepted after this agreed upon due date.


A—90% +B—80%-89%C—70%-79%D—60%-69%F—59% and Below

  1. Graduate Goals

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to do the following:

  1. Identify accounting systems, concepts and practices for a business organized as a proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.
  2. Identify fundamental accounting concepts and the need for accurate accounting records.
  3. Analyze, record, and post transactions manually and automated.
  4. Prepare financial statements manually and automated.
  5. Perform basic technology usage in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

*Academic Honesty – cheating of any kind is not allowed in this class. Cheating is defined as turning in assignments that are not your own work or allowing others to do so. This includes copying answers to quizzes, turning in assignments that someone else has done, letting someone copy your answers, and letting someone else turn in your work as their own. If cheating is discovered, both parties will receive a zero on the

assignment and referred to the office for additional disciplinary action. Parents will be notified.

**Career Technical Student Organization opportunity: This course provides the opportunity for the joining of the Waynesville Career Center—Future Business Leaders of America. Dues are $30 which includes national, state, and local dues. Monthly meetings incorporate leadership, ethical, and workplace learning strategies. There is also an opportunity to compete in District, State, and National competitions that can help the student.

  1. Behavioral Expectations
  1. Be seated in class and start Bell ringer activity before the tardy bell rings.
  3. Bring writing utensils and composition notebook to class each day.
  4. Bring a pass from the appropriate personnel if late.
  5. It is expected that bathroom breaks and drinks of water will be taken care of during the 9-minute passing time.
  1. Classroom Rules
  1. Be Respectful. Show respect to all teachers and students. Absolutely no foul language, name-calling, or harassment will be tolerated. Show respect to all school property and the property of others. Please keep the room clean and leave it the way you found it.
  1. Be Responsible for YOU. Manage your own behavior. Be here on time and ready to work with all materials. Do all assignments to the best of your ability by the due date.
  1. Be Honest and Reliable. Do your own work and be proud of it! Be the kind of person that others can count on.
  1. Be Accountable. You are accountable for your decisions, so be willing to face the consequences of the bad ones. Think about the consequences of your actions and how they affect others.
  1. Be a Person of Integrity. Be ethical. Stand for what you believe in. Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn’t make it right.

Location: WCC Room 207 / Instructor: Mrs. Ginny Box
Time(s): 1 Class Period / Email:
Course Length:2 semesters/full year / Office Phone:573.842.2500 ext 3907
Credit:1Practical Art credit / Conference: 7th hour & by appointment

I have read and understand the above information. I know that if I have missed class it is my responsibility to find out what I have missed and arrange the proper make up time. Also, that the result of cheating is a zero for both parties, disciplinary action from administration, and parent contact.

Date: ______

Student Printed Name ______

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______

Parent Contact Information Needed: Please fill in the below required information AND SELECT the best method for contact.

The best way to contact me is:  Text me at ______

 Email me at ______

 Call me at home at ______

 Call me on my cell at ______


Tear off and return ONLY this sheet to Mrs. Box