A Warrior’s Workout

Objective: Over a six week period, introduce Kundalini yoga to local police officers to engage their physical, mental and spiritual strengths while reducing stress. Each class focuses on a unique exercise set that expands the warrior spirit that is in all of us.

Timing: All classes designed for a 60-minute class structure

Target Audience: Police Officers and Firefighters

Location: Workplace

Donation: All class proceeds will go the Police Officer or Firefighters funds


Week 1 – Renewal

Week 2 - Strengthen

Week 3 – Flexibility

Week 4 – Energize

Week 5 – Vitality

Week 6 – Wisdom

All classes will provide an introduction to Kundalini yoga, reviewing the following:

is a physical and meditative discipline within the tradition of Yoga

has been brought to the US by the Master of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan

includes breath, movement, mudra, mantra and eye focus

additional 15 minutes to allow for some ‘flex time’ during each session

Week 1 – Renewal : Expanding the Warrior Spirit Exercises / Timing / Comments
Intro / 5 min / What is Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, and what to expect (breath, movement, mudra, mantra, eye focus)
Keeping the Body Beautiful / 9 min / Warm Up – Kundalini Yoga Manual, p. 4 (1/2 time)
Developing the Command Reflexes & Alertness / 11 min / Core Exercise – Seeds of Change for the Aquarian Age Transformation, p. 152.
Eight-stroke Breath for Energy and Stress Release / 5 min / Ending Meditation – Praana, Praanee, Praanayam, p. 165
Relaxation / 10 min / Quiet Relaxation
Closing / 5 min / Long Time Sunshine
Week 2 – Strength / Timing / Comments
Intro / 5 min / What is Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, and what to expect (breath, movement, mudra, mantra, eye focus)
Warming Up / 5 min / Warm Up – Mastering Tattvas & Balancing Chakras p. 46 (our yoga manual)
Archer Pose / 10 min / Core Exercise – The Aquarian Teacher, p. 311
Relaxation / 5 min / Quiet Relaxation
Accessing the Source of Strength in You / 15 min / Ending Meditation- Self-Knowledge, p. 1-2
Closing / 5 min / Long Time Sunshine
Week 3 – Challenge / Timing / Comments
Intro / 5 min / What is Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, and what to expect (breath, movement, mudra, mantra, eye focus)
Basic Postures: Sufi Grind, Spinal Flex and Spinal Twist / 3 min / Warm Up – The Aquarian Teacher, p.320
Complete Workout for the Total Self / 22 min / Core Exercise – Owners Manual, p. 6
Relaxation / 10 min / Quiet Relaxation
Closing / 5 min / Long Time Sunshine
Week 4 – Energize / Timing / Comments
Intro / 5 min / What is Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, and what to expect (breath, movement, mudra, mantra, eye focus)
Basic Postures: Sufi Grind, Spinal Flex and Spinal Twist / 5 min / Warm Up – The Aquarian Teacher, p.320
Balance of Prana and Apana / 20 min / Core Exercise – Physical Wisdom, p. 29
Relaxation / 10 min / Quiet Relaxation
Closing / 5 min / Long Time Sunshine
Week 5 – Vitality / Timing / Comments
Intro / 5 min / What is Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, and what to expect (breath, movement, mudra, mantra, eye focus)
Eliminate Gastric and Heart Problems / 34 min / Has warm-up and relaxation included (Infinity and Me p. 31)
Closing / 5 min / Long Time Sunshine
Week 6 – Wisdom / Timing / Comments
Intro / 5 min / What is Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, and what to expect (breath, movement, mudra, mantra, eye focus)
Basic Postures: Sufi Grind, Spinal Flex and Spinal Twist / 5 min / Warm Up – The Aquarian Teacher, p.320
Creating Internal Balance / 15 min / Core Exercise – Self-Experience, p. 7
Warrior’s Exercise / 5 min / Ending Meditation – The Master’s Touch, p. 142
Relaxation / 10 min / Quiet Relaxation
Closing / 5 min / Long Time Sunshine

Warrior’s Workout

Evaluation Form

Thank you for taking a few minutes to fill out the following survey. Your feedback will help me enhance future classes and ensure that it is meeting of [organization’s name].

Question / Yes / No
Before starting this class, have you practiced yoga? /  / 
During class, how did you feel about the following: /  / 
Was the class well paced? /  / 
Did the class keep your attention? /  / 
Was the class presented in a professional manner? /  / 
Would you recommend this class to a friend? /  / 

What would you like to do more of in class?

What would you like to less of in class?

Thanks again for taking the time to let me know what you thought of class!

Calling all Yogis to

Reflect, Renew and Revitalize!

Mercury comes into retrograde on December 10 through December 29th which means it is a time to shed old belief systems and patterns that aren’t working for you and embrace a new way of being. So, don’t miss a moment of this fabulous time and join others in a day of reflection that will leave you renewed and revitalized!

Timing: Eight Hour Workshop (8 AM – 4 PM)

Target Audience: Local Yogis of all levels

Ideal Class Size: 12-16

Donation: Class proceeds will offset food costs and the rest will go to the yoga educational development fund for the studio.

Materials: Kriyas and Meditations to practice during the Mercury in retrograde timeframe; extra paper/pens for silent reflection

Snack Food Provided: Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Yogi Tea and Water

Lunch: Lots of local choices available!

Workshop Schedule / Timing / Comments
Morning Welcome and Introductions / 8:00 – 8:30 / What is Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, and what to expect (breath, movement, mudra, mantra, eye focus)
Settling In - Taking Advantage of Mercury in Retrograde / 8:30-9:00 / What is Mercury in Retrograde; how we’re affected and how to take advantage of this time.
Journal Entry
Contemplation of change takes courage and trust in your deepest instincts of what is right for you. Without thinking, flash journal what comes to mind when answering this question: What areas of my life (physical, mental or spiritual) could use a change?
What is my intention of this class?
Removing Body Blocks / 9:00-9:30 / Warm Up (Self Knowledge, p 23)
A Basic Set / 9:30-10:45 / Core Morning Set (Infinity and Me, p. 1-5)
Guidance of the Soul / 10:45-11:00 / Morning Meditation (The Masters Touch, p. 38)
Gong Relaxation / 11:00–11:20 / Quiet Relaxation
Silent Reflection / 11:20 –11:45 / Journal entry with these questions (reflect):
1. What do I want to do more of in my life?
2. What do I want to do less of in my life?
3. What is the source of my power to make a change?
Sharing with a Partner / 11:45 –12:00 / Time to share their silent reflections, if they so wish
Getting Ready for the Afternoon / 12:00 - 12:15 / Talk about local lunch spots and the upcoming afternoon – eat light!!
Light Lunch / 12:15 –1:15 / Off Site
Removing Fear of the Future / 1:15-2:00 / Afternoon Meditation (Self Knowledge, p. 26)
Bhangra / 2:00-2:45 / Bhangra (mini-lesson, dancing and cool down)
Relaxation & Journal / 2:45-3:15 / Journal entry with the question (revitalize)
As the end of Mercury retrograde comes to a close, what areas of my life make me feel like dancing and that I want to do more of?
What areas do I want to do less of?
  1. What steps will bring me towards my goal(s)?
  2. What type of support can I use during this time of transition?
  3. Who can help support me in this transition?
  4. How shall I celebrate reaching my goal?

Closing / 3:15-4:00 / Sharing w/ Partners, Long Time Sunshine, Survey

Reflect, Renew and Revitalize

Yoga Evaluation Form

Thank you for taking a few minutes to fill out the following survey. Your feedback will help me enhance future workshops!

Question / Yes / No
Before starting this class, have you practiced yoga? /  / 
During class, how did you feel about the following: /  / 
Was the class well paced? /  / 
Did the class keep your attention? /  / 
Was the class presented in a professional manner? /  / 
Would you recommend this class to a friend? /  / 

Other comments welcomed below –thank you!