KIN 355
Electronic Portfolio
Caitlin Karram
Table of Contents
-Lesson Plans
-Research Papers
-Playground Assignments
-Extra Physical Activities
Lesson Plans
SPARTANS VS. WOLVERINESDate: 2-7-13 / Teacher: Caitlin Karram
Class: KIN 355
Grade Level: 2-5
Time: 10:20 / Equipment Used:4 hula-hoops
20 beanbags
20 tennis balls
Targeted NASPE Standard(s): 1-6
Specific Objective:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to demonstrate teamwork (in 2 ways) and good sportsmanship (in 2 ways)
Concomitant Objective: Students will stay physically active while listening for directions and staying aware of others around them.
Time / Procedures Followed / Materials
Seconds / Warm Up: High knees
/ Transition: Students will line up on the green line and count off by fours to decide teams
Seconds / Set Induction: Our U of M rivals have invaded our campus! We need to get them out of our neighborhood and get our fellow Spartans back in!
Minutes / Learnable Piece: -Students will learn to be a good teammate (cheering, strategy, high-fives)
-Students will learn how to practice good sportsmanship with other teams (telling them that they did a good job, not getting mad that another team won or not gloating that their team won)
-Students will learn how to play this game safely
/ Presentation of New Material/Directions:
-The hoops are different neighborhoods around campus
-The beanbags are U of M Wolverines and the tennis balls are MSU Spartans
-Each team will steal tennis balls and get rid of beanbags until time is up and the team with the most Spartans wins
-The game will begin with the students walking and then when I give them the go-ahead to run, the remainder of the game they will be running to the other neighborhoods
Safety Protocols:
1)No blocking the other teams from dropping beanbags in your neighborhood
2)Be cautious of others running near you
3)No one can steal tennis balls from someone’s hands
/ Transition:
-When I say “go” teams will go one at a time to their area and begin strategizing / 4 hula-hoops
20 beanbags
20 tennis balls
Minutes / Activity: When I say “go” students will begin the game and walk/run until I say “freeze” to signal the end of the game. Then I will count the tennis balls to see which team is the winner
Minutes / Possible Modifications:
-Use different ways to go between neighborhoods (hopping, slow-motion, etc.)
-Spread the hoops out farther
-add more beanbags and tennis balls
Minutes / Lesson Review/Checking for Understanding:
-Ask students what they did to demonstrate teamwork and sportsmanship and what strageies they used
Date: 3-21-13 / Teacher: Caitlin Karram
School: MSU
Class: KIN 355
Grade Level: 2-6
Time: 8.5 minutes / Equipment Used:
*2 hula hoops
*8-10 dodge ball-sized balls
Targeted NASPE Standard(s):
Specific Objective:The purpose of this lab is to teach students how easily viruses can spread from one person to another and the role antibodies play in the body when viruses are present.
Concomitant Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe the basics of what antibodies are and what they do in the body as well as throw a ball and bounce it to another person.
Time / Procedures Followed / Materials
Seconds / Warm Up:
*Ten jumping jacks
*Arm circles
/ Transition: Everyone put their toes on the green line in “5, 4, 3, 2, 1”
Minutes / Set Induction: Start by asking: “How many of you have been sick this winter?” “What are some different sicknesses or things that can make us sick” (Answer: Bacteria or viruses)
“And how many of you liked being sick?”
“Does anyone know ways that our bodies fight being sick?”
For today’s activity, some of you will be sick, some of you won’t be sick, and some of you will be what are called antibodies which is one way our bodies fight the things that make us sick.
Seconds / Learnable Piece: Students will learn how to properly throw a ball and bounce it to another person. They will also communicate with the students they are throwing/bouncing to and the students close to them. Students will also learn how to safely throw a ball when others may be standing very close to them.
/ Presentation of New Material/Directions: Today we will get to see how antibodies work in our bodies to block viruses and help us to feel better.
*Antibodies are “Y-shaped.” *Have students make a Y with their bodies like they would if they were dancing to the YMCA* They are part of our immune system and they attach to viruses and block them from spreading.
*Viruses always want to spread from one person to another
*In this game, the students that are viruses will be throwing the viruses (or the balls) to the students on the other side that are not “sick”
*Once the students become sick, they will throw the ball back to the students on the other side and the “spread of the virus will continue
*The students that are the antibodies will be standing between the other two groups of students and their job is to catch the balls before they can reach the students on the other side. Once they catch the ball, they put it in one of the hula hoops which will mean that virus can no longer spread.
*Students will switch who is in the middle as the antibodies after about a minute or a little less of play
-Students cannot throw the ball above the antibodies heads
-Students cannot bounce the ball so hard that it goes over the antibodies heads either
-Everyone should be aware of not only those in their group, but the students on the other side.
-If a person on the opposite side is not looking at you, you should not throw the ball at them because they could get hurt.
-If anyone throws or bounces the ball higher than the antibodies heads, they will be taken out of the game until the next round the first time, and then taken out of the game entirely the second time. / 8-10 balls
2 hula hoops
/ Transition:Students will count off by twos and ask for 5-6 students to be the antibodies. I will dismiss students to their sections one group at a time starting with group one, then group two, and then last the antibodies.
Minutes / Activity:
*The game will begin when I say “go”
*We will be using the middle of the gym
-One group will be inside the far basketball court
-One group will be in the other basketball court
-The antibodies will be in the space between the two courts
*The first game will stop when I say “freeze” and I will have the antibodies pick their replacements and the next game will begin when I say “go” again
*The game will end when I say “freeze”
Minutes / Possible Modifications:
*Starting with fewer balls and then adding them during the game
*Taking antibodies away during the game to change the “strength” of the viruses / 2 balls
Minutes / Lesson Review/Checking for Understanding:
*Everyone go to the white circle in the middle of the gym
*Did everyone have fun?
*What are antibodies?/”What do they do?
*Those of you who were antibodies, how hard was it to block the viruses?
Four Corners Geography Style!!
Date: 4/9/13 / Teacher: Caitlin Karram
School: MSU
Class: KIN 355 – 3rd Grade
Time: 9:10am
Term: Spring / Equipment:Fact Sheets, pictures of the four states that share a corner (Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico)
Targeted NASPE Standard(s): NASPE Standards 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Specific Objective: By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to identify the four states that share a corner (Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico). Students will be able to correctly give and identify facts about these states as well.
Concomitant Objective: The students will stay physically active and practice reading aloud.
Time / Procedures Followed / Materials
Minutes / Warm Up: NONE NEEDED
/ Transition:
-Students sitting at their seats to begin.
Seconds / Set Induction:
-How many of you have ever traveled out of Michigan to another state? Which states have you traveled to?
-(If no one says one of the four states we’ll be learning about…) Has anyone traveled to any of the four states that share a corner or can anyone tell me one of the states that share a corner?
2 Minutes / Learnable Piece:
-Today you are going to learn a little bit about Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico using the classroom. Each corner will be one of the states and will have facts about each state.
-This version of four corners will be a little different; no one will be “out” and I will be the caller so that everyone has a chance to participate.
-Once I call out a state, someone standing in that corner will read one of the facts and there will be an action with it. There shouldn’t be anybody reading facts more than one time!
-In order to go to a different state, you have to do the action.
-You ladies can go to any corner that you want, there is no order, but after ten seconds, everyone should be in a corner and you start moving when I say go.
- There should be no running even though you may need to walk fast.
- There may be things on the floor, be careful and walk around those items
- If your arms are up or anywhere away from your body, you cannot hit anyone else with them
/ Transition:
-When I say go, I need this half (my right) side of the room to stand up and pick a corner. And when I say go, I need this half (my left) side of the room to find a corner.
-As soon as you find your corner give me a thumbs up.
- What happens when I call out a state? (someone reads a fact and action)
- After I say go what should you do? (move to a different state)
/ Guided Activity Time with Corrective Feedback:
- I call out a state and someone will read a fact.
- Once I say go, students will move using the given action (hiking, skiing, acting like an animal, etc.)
- This will continue until time runs out.
- In order for students to go back to their seats, I will give the final actions that all states have in common, addressing two corners at a time.
Minutes / Diagram:
Minutes / Possible Modifications:
-Let students decide what action is appropriate for the fact
-Use different states
Minutes / Lesson Review/Checking for Understanding:
- What are the four states that share a corner?
- What is one fact about Colorado? Arizona? Utah? New Mexico?
- What are two things that all four states have in common?
- AWESOME!!! Great job ladies!
Sharks and Lifeguards
Date: January 31, 2013 / Teacher: Helen Attar
School: Hill Elementary
Class: KIN 355
Grade Level: K-5
Time: 12:00 / Equipment Used: Parachute
Targeted NASPE Standard(s): 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
Specific Objective: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize what it means to be a good teammate, as well as strengthen listening skills. Example: listening when someone yells lifeguard and being a good teammate and helping them get saved from the sharks.
Concomitant Objective: The lifeguards and sharks are staying active while paying attention to who needs help from the lifeguards.
Time / Procedures Followed / Materials
Minutes / Warm Up:
-Not needed, minimal stressed movement.
/ Transition:
-“When I say go, have students stand with their toes on the green line.”
Minutes / Set Induction:
-“Have any of you played with a parachute before? How many of you like playing with a parachute?”
-Today we are going to be playing a game called sharks and lifeguards.
Seconds / Learnable Piece:
-Today you will be working on being a strong teammate, and work on your listening skills.
-In order to do this, you have to listen to your teammates when they ask for help, and save them from the sharks under the parachute.
-Your focus today is being a good teammate, listening, and being a good sport about getting taken by a shark.
/ Transition:
-When I say go, everyone that is wearing MSU apparel can stand up and sit at a spot around the parachute. GO.
-When I say go, the rest of you can go have a seat as well. Go. / -
/ Presentation of New Material/Directions:
-Sharks and lifeguards is a game where the sharks will be underneath the parachute, capturing the people at the beach, and the lifeguards help save the people from getting eaten by the sharks.
-We are going to begin my all sitting with our legs straightened underneath the parachute.
-Now I need two people to volunteer to be sharks, and two to be lifeguards. Ask for volunteers, if no one, choose 4.
-The lifeguards will be standing roaming around the parachute. The sharks will be underneath, pulling under the people at the beach.
-If you are a shark, your job is the grab someone’s legs and pulls them underneath the parachute, which turns them in to a shark as well.
-When getting pulled under, you can yell “lifeguard, lifeguard!” and the lifeguard can come pull you back out and save you.
-The last beach person is the winner.
-There may be a lot of sharks underneath the parachute, so be careful not to bump in to each other.
-Be gentle when pulling the people underneath to become a shark.
-Be gentle when saving someone from a shark.
Check for understanding
-What do you have to yell to have someone save you?
-What happens if you get pulled underneath?
Minutes / Activity:
The parachute will be set up in the middle of the gym. Everyone will sit at a spot around the parachute, where I will explain how the game works. Transition students to green line when game is over, with the same procedure as before.
Minutes / Possible Modifications:
Add or subtract lifeguards if needed
If played again, choose new lifeguards.
Minutes / Lesson Review/Checking for Understanding:
Do you think the lifeguards did a good job being teammates?
Were sharks being good teammates as well by helping each other out?
Did the lifeguards listen when you needed help?
Dental Health Tag
Date: 3-14-13 / Teacher: Melissa Vader
School: MSU Elementary
Class: KIN 355
Grade Level: 2-3
Time: 8 minutes / Equipment Used:2 scarfs, 2 yellow pinnies
Targeted NASPE Standard(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Specific Objective:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to answer the questions “What is plaque?” (Answer: yellow residue that grows on your teeth) and “What are two ways to keep plaque from building up on your teeth?” (Answer: Brush teeth at least twice a day and visit the dentist regularly) This will be assessed by asking these questions after the lesson.
Concomitant Objective: The students will stay physically active while working on skills such as chasing, fleeing, and dodging.
Time / Procedures Followed / Materials
Minutes / Warm Up: Not Needed. The physical activity required by this activity is not vigorous enough to require a warm up. / None
Seconds / Transition: When I say go, students put toes on green line. / None
Minute / Set Induction: With toes on the green line, ask
-How many of you have ever lost a tooth before?
-How did you lose your tooth?
-Has anyone had to have a tooth pulled? What did your face look like? Everyone show me their swollen cheeks.
-Well, today we are learning about dental health
-How many of you brushed your teeth this morning?
-If you don’t brush your teeth, something grows on your teeth. Does anyone know what that is? (Answer: plaque) What color is plaque? How does it feel?
-There are two ways to prevent plaque from building up on your teeth. Does anyone know them? (Answers: going to the dentist regularly and brushing your teeth twice a day) / None
Seconds / Learnable Piece: With toes on green line,
-Today, we will play Dental Health Tag. By the end of the game, you will need to be able to tell me what plaque is and the two ways that you can prevent it from building up on your teeth. / None
/ Presentation of New Material/Directions:With toes on green line,
-This game is a lot like freeze tag. We will have two people be the “plaque.” The people who are plaque will wear the yellow pinnies, because plaque is yellow. The people who are the plaque will run around and try to tag people. When someone is tagged, plaque builds up on their teeth, so they freeze in place.