In Year 7, Humanities and Social Sciences consists of Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography and History.
In Geography, the concepts ofplace,space, environment,interconnection, sustainability andchangecontinue to be developed as a way of thinking and provide students with the opportunity to inquire into the nature of water as a natural resource. The concept ofplaceis expanded through students' investigation of theliveabilityof their ownplace. They apply this understanding to a wide range of places and environments at the full range of scales, fromlocalto global, and in a range of locations.
WEEK / WA CURRICULUM CONTENT DESCRIPTION / LESSON TOPICS / ASSESSMENT TASKS1 / The factors that influence the decisions people make about where to live and their perceptions of theliveabilityof places (ACHGK043) / Identification of continents, oceans and countries of the world.
Identifying features that make places liveable and influence people’s decisions about where to live.
Definition of Liveability
Identification and understanding of factors affecting liveability.
2 / The influence of accessibility toservicesand facilities on theliveabilityof places (ACHGK044) / Using Google Maps, students to identify services and facilities in their area.
Students to evaluate liveability of the street they live in
3 / The influence of accessibility toservicesand facilities on theliveabilityof places (ACHGK044)
The influence ofenvironmental qualityon theliveabilityof places (ACHGK045)
The strategies used to enhance theliveabilityof places, especially for young people, including examples from Australia and Europe (ACHGK047) / Identify World’s Most Liveable Cities
Identify why Australian cities feature on this list.
Students to investigate Melbourne, Sydney and Perth and compare and contrast liveability factors in these cities.
Identify what strategies are being implemented to enhance liveability.
4 / The influence of accessibility toservicesand facilities on theliveabilityof places (ACHGK044)
The influence ofenvironmental qualityon theliveabilityof places (ACHGK045)
The strategies used to enhance theliveabilityof places, especially for young people, including examples from Australia and Europe (ACHGK047) / Students to look at North American and European cities that are in the World’s Most Liveable Cities ranking.
Compare and contrast liveability factors in these cities.
Identify strategies being implemented to enhance liveability in these cities.
5 / The influence of accessibility toservicesand facilities on theliveabilityof places (ACHGK044)
The influence ofenvironmental qualityon theliveabilityof places (ACHGK045) / Identifications of cities in Asia, Africa and South America that are lowest in the World’s Most Liveable Cities ranking.
Compare and contrast liveability factors in these cities. / ASSESSMENT:
6 / The classification ofenvironmental resources(renewable and non-renewable) (ACHGK037)
The ways that flows of water connect places as it moves through the environment and the way this affects places (ACHGK038) / Definition and examples of resources used by people. Able to identify why water is the most important of these resources
Understanding of sources of water in the world
7 / The quantity and variability of Australia's water resources compared with those in other continents (ACHGK039) / Identifies the quantity, sources and variability of Australia’s water sources.
Comparison with water availability in other continents.
8 / Waterscarcityand what causes it, why it is a problem and ways of overcoming waterscarcity(e.g. recycling, stormwater harvesting and reuse, desalination,inter-regional transfer of water, reducing water consumption) including studies drawn from Australia, andonefrom West Asia or North Africa (ACHGK040) / Definition of water scarcity and why it is a problem.
Identifies a water scarcity example (Niger) and addresses how Niger provides water.
Identifies the issue of water scarcity in Australia and how it is addressed in Perth through desalination and recycling. / ASSESSMENT:
9 / The causes, impacts and responses to an atmospheric or hydrological hazard(ACHGK042) / Identifies the cause of floods
Case Study of Queensland floods
10 / The causes, impacts and responses to an atmospheric or hydrological hazard(ACHGK042) / Disaster Management
Strategies to reduce impacts of floods