A Civil Action Movie Project
This project is an Independent Summative grade and will be comprised of 4 significance tests, a report (typed ), and a presentation (with an electronic visual: PPT, Prezi, etc). Based on the data I will be providing, you will run 4 significance tests to answer the given questions. The tests can be hand written, typed, or a combination of both, but should be neat and organized. Sloppy work will receive a loss of points or returned to be redone with late penalty.
Once you have completed the tests you will complete a formal report. Report expectations are as follows:
· Typed, double spaced, size 12 font.
· Summary of A Civil Action movie in your own words
o be sure to include the final outcome of the trial and background for the town
· Summary of your significance tests. Each should include…
o What question is being asked
o Your significance level (this does not have to be 5%. Use your best judgement and tell me why you chose that level)
o your outcome and interpretation of that outcome in regards to the trial
· Based on all 4 tests do you think, as a jury member, I should declare the company responsible for the damages incurred by the families in the town? In other words, do you think it is plausible that the contamination of the water wells caused the illnesses and deaths incurred by the families? If not explain.
· Were there tests that did not support your answer? Was the evidence not as strong for some tests? Did you feel that some tests were not as important as others? Was there anything I should consider about the data you are presenting, as a jury member, when making my decisions?
Your presentation visual should have a brief overview of all the information you gave in your report. DO NOT just copy and paste your entire report!!
******You must dress professionally for your presentation to receive full credit*******
Length of the report is not specified. However, it should be long enough to completely describe all of the above bullet points in detail.
Data for tests
Test 1:
Diagnosis of Leukemia- Town: 12/40,000 USA: 54270/318.9M (average)
Is there sufficient evidence to claim that the town had a higher Leukemia diagnosis rate during the time of the contaminated wells than the average diagnosis rate for the USA?
Test 2:
Birth defects during time of contamination: 16/414 Birth defects during time of no contamination: 3/228
Is there sufficient evidence to claim that the town had a higher birth defect rate during the time of the contaminated wells than when the wells were not contaminated?
Test 3:
Deaths from Leukemia- Town: 18/40,000 USA: 24,450/318.9M (average)
Is there sufficient evidence to claim that the town had a higher Leukemia death rate during the time of the contaminated wells than the average Leukemia death rate for the USA?
Test 4:
Diagnosis of cancer (any form)- Neighborhood near the wells: 67/250 USA: 309,500/318.9M (average)
Is there sufficient evidence to claim that the neighborhood had a higher cancer diagnosis rate during the time of the contaminated wells than the average diagnosis rate for the USA?
Order your project in this way:
1. Report
2. Significance Test 1
3. Significance Test 2
4. Significance Test 3
5. Significance Test 4