Lone Working


There is no legislation that dictates how employers should implement a policy with regard to lone working, however, there is a requirement under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 that employers are under an obligation to look after, as far as is reasonably practical, the health, safety and welfare of their employees whilst at work. This duty obviously applies to lone workers.

The Company complies with all health and safety legislation and implements Health & Safety policies and procedures; these are published as a separate document, which is referred to herein.


To ensure that the health and safety of lone workers is preserved as far as is practical.


The Branch Manager shall:

Inform employees of any safety requirements applicable when dealing with Service Users

Procedure OP 4.1.3 Health & Safety

Health & Safety Policies and Procedures

Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999

Continually monitor –

  • The safety of the Carer
  • The service provided
  • The Service User/employee relationships
  • The conditions under which an employee is expected to operate.

Procedure OP 4.1.3 Health & Safety

Health & Safety Policies and Procedures

The Supervisor in association with the Carer shall:

Lone Working

ΟIdentify the hazards of the work involved and the risks arising from them

Procedure OP 4.1.3 Health & Safety

Health & Safety Policies and Procedures

Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999

Service User’s Care Plan F/103

  • Decide whether any existing precautions are adequate

Procedure OP 4.1.3 Health & Safety

Health & Safety at Work 1974

Service User’s Care Plan F/103

  • Ensure that these risks are either eliminated or minimized

Procedure OP 4.1.3 Health & Safety

Health & Safety Policies and Procedures

Health & Safety at Work 1974

Service User’s Care Plan F/103

  • Devise safe working arrangements and ensure they are carried out correctly

Procedure OP 4.1.3 Health & Safety

Health & Safety Policies and Procedures

Health & Safety at Work 1974

Service User’s Care Plan F/103

  • Implement lone worker work programmes (rotas)

Care’s Attendance Rota F/83

ΟContact Carers at regular intervals throughout their shifts

  • Be advised if Carer fails to attend an appointment
  • Monitor the safety of the Carer whilst at the home of a Service User

Procedure OP 4.1.3 Health & Safety

Health & Safety Policies and Procedures

  • Operate a system to re-contact in the event of the above

Service User’s Care Plan F/103

.F/53 Personal Alarms have been offered at Staff Meetings free of charge

The Carer shall:

ΟComply with the Service User’sCare Plan F/103

ΟContact the Supervisor at regular agreed intervals throughout their shift.

Carers SHOULD:-

1Carry a Mobile

2Carry a Personal Alarm

3Try to keep to rota times for the visit to the Service User

4Park as near as possible to SU’s homes or near any lighted area.

5Discuss any problem points with Manager

6When possible, let someone know the times when you should be home

i e, give them the first name and tel: number of the Service User you are due to visit last.


8If ‘ON CALL PERSON’ receives a call from a Service User about a MISSED call late at night, the On Call Person should contact the Carer concerned immediately and follow up as necessary.

Lone Working

ΟRecord all incidents of violence, threats and abuse etc

Procedure OP 4.1.3 Health & Safety

Health & Safety Policies and Procedures

Service User’sCare Plan F/103

4.0Persons Responsible:

Business Manager

Branch Manager


Domiciliary Carer

The Business Manager shall be responsible for authorising this procedure

The Business Manager shall be responsible for the implementation of this procedure

The Branch Manager shall be responsible for the safety of both the Carer and the Service User

The Supervisor shall be responsible to the Branch Manager regarding the safety of the Carer

The Carer shall be responsible for the day-to-day safety of themselves and Service Users under their care.

4.0Associated Documentation and References:


QM 4.2.4Lone Working

OP 4.1.3Health & Safety

Health & Safety Manual - Policies and Procedures


Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1992


F/83Carer’s Attendance Rota

F/103Service User’s Care Plan

F/53Personal Alarms

Lone Working

6.0Document History:

This section shows the approval and revisions of this document since its first issue. A vertical line in the left margin opposite the change will usually indicate changes from the previous version.

Version / Comments / Approved by / Date approved / Date of next review
01 / First issue of document / Q M / 08.07.05 / July 2006
01 / First Amendment ( Personal Alarms) / Q M / 05.09.05 / September ‘06
02 / Amended / Q M / 02.04.07 / April,07
03 / Amended / Q M / 02.05.07 / May ‘08

7.0Applicable Requirements and Regulations

Care Standards Act-20000 / ISO 9001:2000
11,12,15,18 / 6.1,6.2.1. 6.2.2, 6.4, 7.2.3

Text, graphics and pictures published in this document are the intellectual property of Briarcare Ltd. They may not be passed to other parties, either wholly or in part, except with the express permission of Briarcare Ltd

Br-SM/OP 4.2.4 Issue 03 Authorised By K Stokeld Printed on 09/24/2018 Page 1 of 5