Michigan History Course Syllabus
Mrs. Elkins
Room 404
Course Description:This course will examine the fascinating history of the state of Michigan ranging from pre-history to present day. Many topics will be covered including: Michigan at war, wilderness and farming, economics, the automobile industry, railroading, present government, logging and technology. In addition to the text, numerous supplementary materials will be used in this survey course.
History classes at Owosso High School enable students to develop the attributes of the International Baccalaureate’s Learner Profile. Students will have the opportunity to develop their natural curiosity through inquiry and research. Students will become thinkers as they examine primary and secondary documents critically to recognize universal themes. Students will become effective communicators able to understand and express ideas correctly, confidently and creatively. Through class discussions, students will be encouraged to be caring, empathetic and respectful toward the needs and feelings of others. Overall students will grow as reflective and balanced individuals who understand the importance of personal well-being for themselves and others and able to assess their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.
Grades: Grades will be based on a total point system with points coming from tests, quizzes, homework, projects, reports, exams, and participation.
Homework: This may not be assigned every night but when it is assigned, it will be collected and graded.
Tests: Some will be harder than others but all will count. Tests may consist of any combination of multiple choice, matching, short answer, identify and essay. There are no retakes.*
Quizzes: Will be weekly over any material covered. Weekly quizzes will become the test so you will have already encountered all the test questions ahead of time in smaller chunks. Weekly quizzes will have a large impact on your grade!
*If you get an A on a test, it will change all quiz grades pertaining to that test to A’s as you will have shown mastery of that material. Therefore if you don’t do so well on a quiz, ask for help, study it more and you will have a chance to change it again on the test. This policy only applies to A’s
Participation: This class uses partner and group work often. There will also be presentations and projects.
Extra Credit: I give it at various times throughout the year, you don’t ask for it. Extra credit is for the hardworking student to boost their grade, not to save you from a failing grade.
Late Work: Any late work is worth ½ credit until the end of the marking period in which it was assigned, after that, it is no longer valid
Help: Sometimes you may not get it, so don’t hesitate to ask for help or clarification!
Behavior: If you follow the basic concept of Respect, we will have no problems and have a great year. I do not like lazy or disrespectful behavior. If you choose to waste class time and/or interfere with another student’s right to learn, you will be removed from class. Frustration on your part does not give you the right to ruin another’s chance to learn. Your job is to try your hardest and learn, my job is to teach you history and help you. It is all of our jobs to have fun.
Remember, we are ALL (students and teachers alike) expected to follow the four rules in this class! They are:
At all times, everyone and everything will be SAFE.
We are to be PRODUCTIVE.
All work produced will be QUALITY and the result of BEST EFFORT
All interactions will be RESPECTFUL
Field Trips : It is a distinct possibility that we will take a field trip or two in this course, however, trips will be determined by the conduct and performance of the class. If the class is largely disruptive, immature, disrespectful or failing, we will not take field trips.
Service Learning: From time to time, opportunities for us to work with the community and with the elementary schools will arise. Students in this class should be open to the possibility of projects and assignments that take us outside the normal classroom work.
Michigan History Magazine: Michigan has a wonderful publication that covers a wide range of topics in Michigan History. A large part of your grade will be the research conducted using these articles. Every 2 weeks you will read and critique an article and compile your research at the end of the year in a portfolio.