Husky Athletics

Contact Information:

Principal: Greg Hook

Athletic Director: Benjamin Marinis

Phone Number: (919) 563-5303

Mission Statement

It is the goal of our athletic programs to teach the fundamentals of the sport to prepare our athletes to be successful at the high school level of competition. We strive to offer a fair environment which encourages sportsmanship and class. It is expected that our athletes play fundamentally sound and are good students inside the classroom. We also wish to raise leaders who other students can look up to and take pride in.

Coaches (Head coaches listed first)

1.  Football = Ben Marinis, Brent Philipson, Drew Cheap, Stan Davis, Billy Edwards

2.  Softball = John Gillis, Tommy Shelton

3.  Cross Country = Daniel Gibbs, Peter Higgins

4.  Boys Basketball = Patrick Whitington

5.  Girls Basketball = John Gillis

6.  Baseball = Drew Cheap, Phil Cheap

7.  Volleyball = Rebeca Wood, Natasha Watson

8.  Boys Soccer = Daniel Gross

9.  Girls Soccer = Chris Doi

10.  Track = Daniel Gibbs, Peter Higgins

11.  Spirit Team = Lauren VanFleet, Kierra Watson

Athletic Department Responsibilities

1.  Provide proper equipment and uniforms to allow our athletes to compete on an equal basis with the other schools

2.  Provide game balls and other basic equipment required to play the sport

3.  Provide medical boxes fully stocked with items that are needed

4.  Make sure that on game days concession stands are stocked, money boxes are in place and employees are there to work the different game duties

5.  Provide water bottles and coolers

6.  Run up to three fundraisers a year to raise money for the athletic budget

7.  Provide a universal discipline contract for all athletes to adhere to

  1. Additional rules can be added by a coach as they see fit
  2. Make sure that you are not adding rules that you are not enforcing

Coach’s Responsibilities

1.  Provide a minimum of two days of tryouts, if a student is sick or in ISS they may only get one day. You must make sure the tryout days are well publicized so players can get them on their calendar early.

  1. Try outs cannot take place during another sports season

2.  Provide challenging practice plans that teach the fundamentals and encourage growth in the athletes

3.  Fundraise for any extra items that they see their sport needing outside of uniforms, game balls and basic needs (this included Gatorade if you would like that for games instead of water)

4.  Enforce the athletic discipline for all athletes

5.  Take care of your equipment and uniforms making sure things are locked up and in secure places, after the season lock your items up so they are not messed with

6.  During the season painting the fields and have them ready for games, Coach Edwards will help just ask him kindly and offer to help him paint. The paint machine is delicate so anyone can’t just use it, for indoor coaches this means keeping the floor swept

7.  Outdoor coaches have water coolers ready for practice

8.  Have a bus license or fundraise to pay for a bus driver to away games

9.  Make sure any lights are turned off, gates are locked and materials are put in their correct location after practice

10.  Work two athletic dances a year to help raise money for athletics

11.  Open up lines of communication if a player is not playing due to attitude or behavior.

12.  Teams are limited to one fundraiser per season

Game Day Responsibilities of Coaches


1.  Make sure all gates are locked except the one being used before the game and then all gates are locked once game is over

2.  Make sure all score boards are turned off and put away

3.  Pull all trash bags out of cans and throw them into the dumpster

4.  Take any trash from the concession stands to the dumpster

5.  Have forms ready for officials to sign and get them placed in the ticket box

6.  Turn all trash can over incase of rain


1.  Set up chairs and tables needed for the game

2.  Have forms ready for officials to sign and get them placed in the ticket box

3.  After game make sure chairs are put up

4.  Take down any tables and make sure scoreboard is turned off and put away

5.  Sweep the floor and the lobby outside the concession stand

Role of the Athlete

1.  Show up with a positive attitude and give your coaches 100%

2.  Once you make a commitment to a team stick by that commitment until the season is over

  1. If you quit a sport that makes cuts then you will not be allowed to try out for another sport that year, you are a taking a spot from another student and therefore need to stick by your commitment
  2. For football since we do not cut there will be a date at which point if a player remains on the team they will not be able to quit and try out for another sport

3.  Athletes are expected to place the school team first and recreational and other leagues second

4.  Remain in good academic standing throughout the athletic season

5.  Maintain good behavior during the school day and set a good example for other students to follow

6.  Participate in all practices and show up everyday unless you have communicated with the coach

Eligibility Requirements

1.  Eligibility will be determined on the basis of academic performance each individual grading period. Any student/athlete declared eligible at the beginning of the grading period will be eligible throughout that term. Any student/athlete declared ineligible will not practice, play, nor be associated (managing, etc.) with any athletic team until he/she regains eligibility in succeeding grading period.

2.  Athletes must pass a minimum of 5 of the 6 classes in which they are enrolled during each grading period.

3.  Student/Athletes must be promoted from one grade to the next in order to be eligible at the beginning of the year.

4.  Student/Athletes must be in attendance 85% of the previous grading period and the present grading period (missing no more than 7 school days) in order to be eligible for the following grading period. The only exceptions to this requirement would involve hospitalization, or extenuating circumstances deemed exceptional by agreement of the principal and athletic director. Attendance will begin on the day of official enrollment.

5.  Eligibility will be determined on the basis of academic performance each individual grading period. Any student/athlete declared eligible at the beginning of the grading period will be eligible throughout that term. Any student/athlete declared ineligible will not practice, play, nor be associated (managing, etc.) with any athletic team until he/she regains eligibility in succeeding grading period.

6.  Athletes must pass at least one less course than the number of required core courses each semester and meet promotion standards established by ABSS

7.  If an athlete is “academically eligible” or “academically ineligible” at the beginning of any semester, that status is retained throughout the full semester. It’s the responsibility of the school principal to check the academic status of each student/athlete enrolled in school at the beginning and close of a semester. Note: An athlete becomes eligible or ineligible on the first day of the new semester.

8.  A student shall not participate on a seventh or eighth grade team if the student becomes 15 years of age on or before October 16 of that school year

9.  The student must receive a medical examination each year (365) by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant.

10.  The student may participate only at the school to which the student is assigned by the ABSS. Transfers within the same administrative unit may be governed by the local Board of Education policy. A student transferred from one administrative unity to another by mutual agreement is immediately eligible for athletic participation in the receiving unit.

11.  No student may be eligible to participate at the middle school level for a period lasting longer than four (4) consecutive semesters beginning with the student’s entry into seventh grade. The principal shall have evidence of the date of each player’s entry into the seventh grade and monitor the four (4) consecutive semesters.

12.  Eligibility lists shall be certified with signature of the principal and filed with the District Athletic Director prior to the first game or contest in that sport. One copy shall be kept on file in the office of the principal. All eligible students shall be included and all information must be complete and accurate when certified by the principal. It is recommended to keep these on file for at least three years

Parental Expectations

1.  To support and encourage your student/athlete and his/her teammates in a positive way through victories and defeats, successes and disappointments.

2.  To attend all events in which your son/daughter is participating.

3.  To attend all events at the middle school that offer opportunities for you to meet your son/daughter’s teachers and open lines of communication with them for both positive interaction as well as problem solving sessions.

4.  To speak positively about your student/athletes’ teammates, coaches, and the athletic program in his/her presence and in our community. If you have concerns, to express them directly to the supervisors of that particular activity.

5.  To approach the coach on any day other than the day of the game about any concerns that you may have. (NOT before, during, or after games) Call and schedule a conference at a convenient time for you and the coach away from other distractions.

6.  To please follow the designated chain of command on concerns about athletic issues: Coach- Athletic Director- Principal- Superintendent- Board of Education

7.  To attend the state association required preseason meeting before each season in which your son/daughter is participating.

8.  To display sportsmanship before, during, and after athletic contests that would be worthy of emulation by any of our students attending the same event.

9.  To report to the athletic trainer and/or the coach any injury that you feel that your student/athlete has not reported immediately

10.  To join the Athletic Boosters of your respective schools in the support of our total athletic program. Give your time and support and very little will be asked of you financially.

Game Duty Responsibilities

1.  Tickets

a.  Get money box from Ruby or person she left it with, she will let you know

b.  Show up immediately after school, for outside duty pick up students who are waiting in the gym

c.  Charge $4 to everyone except children under 8

d.  Sell tickets until designated time

e.  Count money and hand cash box to administrator

2.  Crowd Control

a.  Sit in designated area

b.  Monitor students and stop any behavior that is against school policy

c.  Stay until the end of the contest and help clean up the area

d.  Report to station directly after school and help assist in any areas that there is a need

3.  Concessions

a.  Get money box from Ruby or person she left it with, she will let you know

b.  Show up to concession stand by 3:40

c.  Sell until designated time

d.  Count money and hand cash box to administrator

e.  When finished clean up area, turn off lights, make sure doors are locked

i.  Outside – put away the flags

Athletic Awards Banquet

1.  A player must be on the team for the complete season to receive recognition

a.  This includes their name being read

b.  A pin for participation

c.  Chance at a team award

2.  Individual sport awards

a.  Each sport will be given three awards by the athletic department to hand out

i.  You may title the awards whatever you want (coaches award or MVP0

ii. Any extra awards above the three must be provided by the coach and be gotten on their own

iii.  Football receives five do to the number of players

b.  Any athlete who participated in three sports will receive an award

c.  Any scholar athlete will receive a certificate

i.  This means they maintained an A or B average for the entire year and participated in at least one sport

3.  School Awards

a.  Coaches will vote for the awards

b.  Husky Awards – given to an athlete who participated in at least two sports, showed leadership and were respectful on and off the field

i.  Goes to one male and one female athlete

c.  Kristy Edwards Award, Dez Piccini and Michael Donahue – given in honor of Kristy Edwards, Michael Donahue and Dez Peccini goes to one who demonstrated courage, played hard and gave great effort at all times

d.  Billy Edwards Service Award – goes to one or two adults who were instrumental in helping with the athletic programs throughout the year

e.  Coach of the Year – given to coach chosen by their peers

4.  Banquet will be held the last week of school where dinner will be provided first, all coaches are expected to attend