The attached pages outline a series of fashion-related activity centers for grade 8 students working on clothing vocabulary. I developed it in conjunction with a fabulous co-op student named Kerry Butts, whose two great loves in life were French and fashion, and I owe her my thanks for her contributions.

I will not lie: students need to be fairly independent to handle such varying activities, and there is a LOT of marking involved (some group, some individual) but they really enjoy the projects. If activity centers and small group work is not possible for you, you may wish to choose one or two of the projects for all students to complete.

In order to complete this project as developed, you will require access to a video camera, digital camera and computers. I was able to use my teacher-librarian to assist with the magazine page layout (Microsoft Publisher) component of the project, while my co-op student helped supervise students as they filmed the videos.

The magazine layout page assumes that your students already know how to use Microsoft Publisher (or a similar program) to insert a photo and text. In preparation, I had all students wear their magazine layout outfit before rotations began, and my co-op student took their pictures with a digital camera. These photos were then uploaded onto a shared student drive on the computer network so that the students could access them.

Students were provided with the attached assignments, rubrics, vocabulary sheets as well as song lyrics (not attached).

At the end of the “rotations” students presented a fashion show for another grade. Each student modelled the outfit from his/her magazine layout picture, and another student in their group read the info on the magazine layout page as runway commentary.

Fashion Unit Activity Centres

Four students per group:

A / B / C / D
4. / 1.
4. / 1.
4. / 1.
E / F / G
4. / 1.
4. / 1.


Period / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Video 1 (plan) / A / G / F / E / D / C / B*
Video 2 (film) / B* / A / G / F / E / D / C
Company 1 (plan) / C / B / A / G / F / E / D
Company 2 (complete) / D / C / B / A / G / F / E
Poster (complete) / E / D / C / B / A / G / F
Magazine 1 (plan) / F / E / D / C / B / A / G
Magazine 2 (complete) / G / F / E / D / C / B / A

*Please note that team B will be unable to film the video on day 1, so should plan that day, and film during period 7, likewise, team G will plan their magazine layout on day one, and complete it on day 7.

The Projects

We will be working on a «fashion» unit for the next 2 weeks.

You will be provided with ONE activity package, including instructions, questions, vocabulary, and rubrics. There will be no replacements, so hang on to it tightly.

You will be in a group of 4. There will be 7 periods of activities, and you will rotate to a new activity each day. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up the missed activity.

The teacher will assign your group, and your group’s schedule.

The activities include:

-  creating a magazine layout using Microsoft Publisher (2 periods)

-  filming a rock video for the song «Mon T-Shirt» or «À la Mode» (2 periods)

-  creating posters for a fashion show (1 period)

-  developing the slogan, logo and a radio jingle for your own fashion design company, jingle to be recorded on cassette tape (2 periods)

You must work quickly and efficiently to complete each activity in the specified time.

What do I need to do right now?

You must decide on the outfit you would like to appear in for your magazine layout. You will be required to describe that outfit on the page. Wear this outfit to French class on ______, so that you can have your photograph taken with the digital camera.

1.  Rock et Roll! (2 periods)

Create a rock video!

~ Listen to the song “My T-Shirt” by Gregg LeRock OR À la Mode by Étienne

~ Read the lyrics for their songs and develop a theme or storyline for the video

~ Film your presentation

Don’t forget: work together as a group. Everyone must participate. Use gestures and actions to show that you understand the song.

2.  Vogue! (2 periods)

Create a page for a fashion magazine.

~ Describe the outfit in your photo (Four sentences)

~ Proofread!

~ Add your photo to the description

~ Print a copy and save the work!

Don’t Forget: the first day your group works on this project, you will be writing your copy. The second day is your day to go to the computers in the library.

3.  A La Mode! (2 periods)

Design a clothing company!

~ Decide on an original company name (ie. Nike, Fubu, etc.)

~ Create a logo

~ Choose a slogan that describes your company

~ Invent a catchy jingle so your classmates will remember your company

~ Record your jingle on a cassette tape

Don’t Forget: the first day your group works on this project, you will be writing your copy. The second day is your day to record.

  1. Un Défile de Mode! (1 period)

Design a poster for our fashion show

~ Include details (what, when, where etc.)

~ Add illustrations

~ Proofread!

Don’t Forget: You only have one day to complete this project
A La Mode: Rubric for Cassette Recording

Task : Design a Fashion Company logo and jingle Grade: Eight Strand: Oral/Writing


Ø  Students will give an oral presentation.

Ø  Students will use some conventions of oral language (e. g., pronunciation, intonation) to speak and to understand in familiar contexts.


/ Level 1: each category worth 1 / Level 2: each category worth 2 / Level 3: each category worth 3 / Level 4: each category worth 4


/ -incorporates little of the basic vocabulary
-uses little of the required information
-requires constant teacher support in order to complete the
task (e. g. prompting)
- less than 2 sentences / -incorporates some of the basic vocabulary
-uses some of the required information
-requires frequent teacher support in order to complete the
task (e. g. prompting)
- at least 2 sentences / -incorporates most of the basic vocabulary
-uses most of the required information
-requires occasional teacher support in order to complete the
task (e. g. prompting)
- at least 3 sentences / -incorporates all of the basic vocabulary and/ or additional details
-uses all of the required information, with additional
details provided
-requires little or no teacher support in order to complete the
task (e. g. prompting)
-at least 4 sentences

Organization of Ideas

/ -rarely presents information in a
logical manner
-relies extensively on a model / -sometimes presents information in a logical manner
-relies frequently on a model, making minor changes / -presents information in a logical manner
-relies occasionally on a model to create new text / -consistently presents
information in a logical manner
-creates new text, with little reliance on a model
Application of
Language Knowledge / -speaks with constant major errors in pronunciation and
-rarely uses correct grammatical structures and appropriate
vocabulary / -speaks with frequent errors in
pronunciation and intonation
-occasionally uses correct grammatical structures and
appropriate vocabulary / -speaks with minimal errors in pronunciation and intonation
-regularly uses correct grammatical structures and
appropriate vocabulary / -speaks with few or no errors in
pronunciation and intonation
-consistently uses correct grammatical structures and
appropriate and/ or extended vocabulary

Presentation (oral)

/ -little attempt to enhance the
meaning of text and to capture the audience’s attention (e. g., no expression, no music or sound effects) / -some attempt to enhance the
meaning of text and to capture the audience’s attention (e. g., some expression, limited music or sound effects) / -uses some techniques to
enhance the meaning of text and to capture the audience’s
attention (e. g., expression, music or sound effects) / -uses a variety of techniques to
enhance the meaning of text and to capture the audience’s
attention (e. g., expression, music or sound effects)
Presentation (logo) / -print is difficult to read -work lacks illustrations to
support written language / -print is occasionally difficult to read
-work contains some illustrations to support written language / -print is legible
-work contains appropriate use
of illustrations to support written
language / -print is legible; techniques enhance work (i. e., colour,)
-work contains effective and
extensive use of detailed
illustrations to support and-
enhance written language

Vogue: Rubric for Magazine Layout

Task : Design a Magazine Page Grade: Eight Strand: Writing


Ø  Students will write phrases and short sentences, using learned vocabulary and language structures.

Ø  Students will write, using a model, a first draft and corrected version in guided and cooperative writing tasks.

Ø  Students will use and spell the vocabulary appropriate for this grade level.


/ Level 1: each category worth 1 / Level 2: each category worth 2 / Level 3: each category worth 3 / Level 4: each category worth 4


/ -includes little of the required information, with limited
vocabulary / -includes some of the required information, with some basic
vocabulary / -includes most of the required information, regularly using
appropriate vocabulary / -includes all of the required information, consistently using
appropriate vocabulary
Writing Process / -requires constant teacher support
-rarely uses appropriate
resources to edit/ revise work (i. e., peer conferencing, dictionary)
-copies from a model / -requires frequent teacher support
-occasionally uses appropriate resources to edit/ revise work
(i. e., peer conferencing, dictionary)
-copies from a model making minor changes / -requires occasional teacher support
-frequently uses appropriate resources to edit/ revise work
(i. e., peer conferencing, dictionary)
-creates new written text, making changes/ additions to a model / -requires little or no teacher support
-consistently uses appropriate resources to edit/ revise work
(i. e., peer conferencing,
-creates new written text, making significant changes/ additions to a model
Application of
Language Knowledge / -makes extensive spelling and/ or
punctuation errors
-rarely uses correct sentence and grammatical structures / -makes frequent spelling and/ or
punctuation errors
-occasionally uses correct sentence and grammatical
structures / -makes occasional spelling and/ or punctuation errors
-regularly uses correct sentence and grammatical structures / -makes few or no spelling and/ or
punctuation errors
-consistently uses correct sentence and grammatical
Presentation / -print is difficult to read -work lacks illustrations to support written language / -print is occasionally difficult to read -work contains some illustrations to support written language / -print is legible
-work contains appropriate use
of illustrations to support written
language / -print is legible; effective use of
different techniques to enhance work (i. e., calligraphy, colour,
computer, etc.)
-work contains effective and extensive use of detailed illustrations to support and-
enhance written language

Rock et Roll: Rubric for Mon T-Shirt Video

Task : Create a video for the song “Mon T-Shirt” by Gregg LeRock Grade: Eight Strand: Oral/Writing


Ø  Students will respond to oral text (e.g. role play) and express personal preferences or reactions to a text (e.g. in a dramatization)

Ø  Students will produce a variety of simple responses, in structured and open-ended situations, to convey understanding of written text in a different form


/ Level 1: each category worth 1 / Level 2: each category worth 2 / Level 3: each category worth 3 / Level 4: each category worth 4


*note this category is
double-weighted / -little attempt to enhance the meaning of text and to capture the audience’s attention (e.g., no expression, no props) / -some attempt to enhance the meaning of text and to capture
the audience’s attention (e.g., some expression, limited props) / -uses some techniques to
enhance the meaning of text and to capture the audience’s attention (e.g., expression, props) / -uses a variety of techniques to enhance the meaning of text and to capture the audience’s
attention (e.g., epression,
gestures, props)

Group collaboration

/ - little evidence of collaboration/cooperation / - some evidence of collaboration/cooperation / - adequate evidence of collaboration/cooperation / - extensive evidence of collaboration/cooperation

Un Défile de Model: Rubric for Fashion Show Poster

Task : Design a Poster for the upcoming Grade 8 Fashion Show Grade: Eight Strand: Writing


Ø  Students will write phrases and short sentences, using learned vocabulary and language structures.

Ø  Students will use and spell the vocabulary appropriate for this grade level.


/ Level 1: each category worth 1 / Level 2: each category worth 2 / Level 3: each category worth 3 / Level 4: each category worth 4


/ -includes little of the required information, with limited vocabulary / -includes some of the required information, with some basic
vocabulary / -includes most of the required information, regularly using
appropriate vocabulary / -includes all of the required information, consistently using
appropriate vocabulary
Writing Process / -requires constant teacher support
-rarely uses appropriate
resources to edit/ revise work (i. e., peer conferencing,
-copies from a model / -requires frequent teacher support
-occasionally uses appropriate
resources to edit/ revise work (i. e., peer conferencing,
-copies from a model making minor changes / -requires occasional teacher support
-frequently uses appropriate
resources to edit/ revise work
(i. e., peer conferencing, dictionary)
-creates new written text, making changes/ additions to a model / -requires little or no teacher support
-consistently uses appropriate
resources to edit/ revise work (i. e., peer conferencing, dictionary)
-creates new written text, making significant changes/ additions to a model
Application of
Language Knowledge / -makes extensive spelling and/ or punctuation errors
-rarely uses correct sentence and grammatical structures / -makes frequent spelling and/ or punctuation errors
-occasionally uses correct sentence and grammatical
structures / -makes occasional spelling and/ or punctuation errors
-regularly uses correct sentence and grammatical structures / -makes few or no spelling and/ or punctuation errors
-consistently uses correct sentence and grammatical
Presentation / -print is difficult to read
-work lacks illustrations to
support written language / -print is occasionally difficult to read
-work contains some illustrations to support written language / -print is legible
-work contains appropriate use
of illustrations to support written language / -print is legible; effective use of
different techniques to enhance work (i. e., calligraphy, colour,
computer, etc.)
-work contains effective and
extensive use of detailed
illustrations to support and-
enhance written language

Clothing - Vêtements