Current Position Chair, Department Chemistry / Physics, University of Central Missouri

Phone Number (660) 543-8727 (Office)

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Northwestern University Ph.D. Organic Chemistry 1969 Director Herman Pines

University of Oregon B.A. Chemistry 1964 Thesis LeRoy H. Klemm



Professor/Chair University of Central Missouri 2004-

Professor George Mason University 19872004

Associate Professor George Mason University 197687

Assistant Professor George Mason University 197276

Lecturer Ohio State University 197172

Visiting Assistant Professor San Jose State University 196970


Faculty Study Leave (Sabbatical) George Mason University 9/859/86

Taken at the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC

University Postdoctoral Fellow Ohio State University 9/708/72(with Melvin S. Newman)

Ethyl Corporation Fellow Northwestern University 9/668/67

Monsanto Fellow Northwestern University 9/658/66

Chemistry Department Fellow Northwestern University 9/648/65 & 9/67-8/69

NSFURP Fellow University of Oregon 6/638/64

Oregon State Scholarship University of Oregon 9/606/61

Crown Zellerbach Scholarship University of Oregon 9/606/64


Agency Status/Grant No.(Amount) Year

CMSU CAS Equip Grant ($34,425) 2004-05

CMSU STF Grants ($48, 855) 2004-05

CMSU PEC Grants ($1,200) 2004-05

CMSU CTL Tech Grant ($14,927) 2004

Jeffress Trust 5-36223 ($50,000) 2000-03

TAC Grants Awarded ($15,096) 2001-03

VAS 5-36018 ($2,500) 1999

GMU/GRA Awarded ($8,794) 1999

NSF/UFE 5-35664 ($293,368) DUE 9752787 1998-99 (multi univ. grant)

GMU/GRA Awarded ($7,904) 1997

NSF/UFE 5-35605 ($84,500) DUE 9653389 1997 (multi university grant)

GMU/GRA Awarded ($7,696) 1996

PWI Multi-Media Awarded ($375) 1995

NSF/UFE 5-35542 ($335,275) DUE 9455063 1995-96 (multi univ. grant)

PWI Multi-Media Awarded ($425) 1994

ASEE/Navy Awarded ($14,000) 1994

NSF/ILI Awarded ($100,000) 1993

ASEE/Navy Awarded ($12,500) 1991

GMU/GRA Awarded ($5,850) 1990

GMU/SS Awarded ($4,000) 1988

ASEE/Navy Awarded ($10,000) 1987

NSF/RUI Awarded ($61,151) 1987

ASEE/Navy Awarded ($8,500) 1986

GMU 210161 ($1,000) 1986

NRL/IPA 522431 ($52,360) 1985

Commonwealth Research 526125 ($400) 1984

VAS 524441 ($250) 1983

GMU 210113 ($1,000) 1982

GMU 210040 ($1,150) 1980

Sigma Xi 526011 ($850) 1980

GMU 525007 ($1,150) 1978

GMU 71108007 ($800) 1974 Total = $1,067,574


My major interests involve synthetic techniques in organic chemistry and the synthesis of nitrogen heterocyclic compounds. Additional areas of study include the chemistry of petroleum products: catalytic reactions of hydrocarbons, pyrolysis of long chain alkylaromatic compounds and organometallic chemistry.


A. Books:

“Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual,” Suzanne W. Slayden and Wayne M. Stalick, 1st Ed., Pearson Custom Publishing, 2004, 126pp.

“Chemistry for a Modern Society, CHEM 103/104 Laboratory Manual,” Wayne M. Stalick, 1st Ed., Pearson Custom Publishing, 2003, 182pp.

“Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual, Chemistry 315, 318,” Suzanne Slayden, Wayne M. Stalick and Marsha Goodell, 1st Ed., 2002, 36pp.

"Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual experiments - Chemistry 315," R. Roth, S. Slayden, W. M. Stalick, and M. L. Goodell, 2nd Ed., Kendall/Hunt, 1996, 69 pp.

"Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual Experiments Chemistry 315," R. Roth, S. Slayden, and W. M. Stalick, Kendall/Hunt, 1991, 86 pp.

"BaseCatalyzed Reactions of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds," H. Pines and W. M. Stalick, Academic Press, 1977, XIV + 587 pp.

B. Book Chapters:

“Novel Synthetic Approaches to 1,4-Disubstituted Pyrido{4,3-b]indoles,” James H. Wynne, Samuel D. Jensen, Christopher T. Lloyd, Wayne M. Stalick and Arthur W. Snow in 19th International Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry,” Pergamon Press, New York, NY, 2003, p. 363.

"Pyrolysis of Model Alkyl Pyridine Compounds," G. W. Mushrush W. M. Stalick, J. V. Cooney, and R. N. Hazlett, in "18th Oil Shale Symposium Proceedings," J. H. Gary, Ed., Colorado School of Mines Press, Golden, Colorado, 1985, pp. 123132.

"Terbium (III) and Europium (III) Ions as Sensitive Probes in Organic Photochemistry," G. W. Mushrush, W. M. Stalick, J. M. Watkins, Jr., and M. L. Deanhardt, in "Rare Earths 1986," Vol I, H. B. Silber, L. R. Morss, and L. E. DeLong, Eds., Elsevier Sequoia S.A., Lausanne, The Netherlands, pp. 363371.

C. Patents:

Compositions and Methods of Treating Iron Excess, P. Royt, R. Honeychuck and W. M. Stalick, US Preliminary Patent 2003/0109548, Published June 12, 2003

Synthesized g-Carbolines, James H. Wynne and Wayne M. Stalick, Patent # US 6,872,830 B1, Date March 29, 2005.

Synthesized g-Carbolines, James H. Wynne and Wayne M. Stalick, Patent # US 7,060,830 B2, Date June 13, 2006.

Synthesis of S-Alkyl Thiocarbamates, One-Pot Two-Step General Synthesis, James H. Wynne, Arthur W. Snow and Wayne M. Stalick, US Preliminary patent application NRL docket number NRL-442 September 17, 2003.

D. Papers Published in Refereed Journals:

“3-Acylindoles via a One-pot, Regioselective Friedel-Crafts Reaction,” James H. Wynne, Christopher T. Lloyd, Samuel D. Jensen, Sean Boson and Wayne M. Stalick, SYNTHESIS, 2277 (2004).

“Syntheses of Functionalized 1,4-Disubstituted γ-Carbolines." James H. Wynne and Wayne M. Stalick, Journal of Organic Chemistry, 68, 4845-4849 (2003).

“Environmentally Friendly Production of Thiobenzcarb (Bolero),” James H. Wynne and Wayne M. Stalick, J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B, B38, 275-279 (2003).

“Synthesis of Novel Functionalized N-Tosylaldimines,” James H. Wynne, Stacy E. Price, Jeffrey R. Rorer and Wayne M. Stalick, Synthetic Commun., 33, 341-352 (2003).

“Synthesis of 3-[(1-Aryl)aminomethyl]indoles,” James H. Wynne and Wayne M. Stalick, Journal of Organic Chemistry, 67, 5850-5853 (2002).

“Facile Preparation of trans-2,3-bis(-tert-Butylaminomethyl) Norbornene,” James. H. Wynne and Wayne M. Stalick, Org. Prep & Proced, Inc., 34, 655-657 (2002).

“4-Hydroxy-2-nonylquinoline: A Novel Iron Chelator Isolated from a Bacterial Cell Membrane,” P. W. Royt, R. V. Honeychuck, V. Ravich, P. Ponnaluri, L. K. Pannell, J. S. Buyer, V. Chandhoke, W. M. Stalick, L. C. DeSesso, S. Donohue, R. Ghei, J. D. Relyea and R. Ruiz, Bioorganic Chemistry, 29, 387-397 (2001).

“Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Alcohols Using Hydrogen Peroxide,” J. H. Wynne, C. T. Lloyd, D. R. Witsil, G. W. Mushrush and W. M. Stalick, Org. Prep. and Procedures, Intn’l., 32, 588-92 (2000).

"Fuel Instability Studies: The Reaction of 3-Methyl Indole with Aryl Sulfonic Acids," W. M. Stalick, S. Faour, R. V. Honeychuck and G. W. Mushrush, Petroleum Sci and Tech., 18, 287 (2000).

"Fuel Instability Studies: The Synthesis of Long-Chain Alkyl Substituted Indoles," J. H. Wynne, W. M. Stalick and G. W. Mushrush, Petroleum Sci and Tech., 18, 221 (2000).

"Preparation of 3-Tetradecylindole," J. H. Wynne, G. W. Mushrush and W. M Stalick, Org. Prep. and Proced, Intl., 31, 447 (1999).

"Fuel System Icing Inhibitors: The Synthesis of Esters of Oxaacids," J. H. Chang, E. J. Beal, W. M. Stalick and G. W. Mushrush, Petroleum Sci and Tech., 16, 979 (1998).

"Jet Fuel System Icing Inhibitors: Synthesis and Stability," G. W. Mushrush, E. J. Beal, D. R. Hardy, W. M. Stalick, S. Basu, D. Grosjean and J. Cummings, Preprints, Am. Chem. Soc., Petro Chem., 43(1), 60 (1998).

"Computational Study of the Environmental Fate of Selected Aircraft Fuel System Deicing Compounds," G. W. Mushrush, S. K. Basak, J. E. Sloane, E. J. Beal, S. Basu, W. M. Stalick and D. Hardy, J. Environ.Sci and Health, Part A, 32, 2201 (1997)

"The Synthesis of Acetals and Ketals of the Reduced Sugar Mannose as Fuel Sustem Icing Inhibitors," G. W. Mushrush, W. M. Stalick, E. J. Beal, S.C. Basu, J. E. Sloan, and J. Cummings, Petroleum Sci and Tech., 15, 237 (1997).

"The Synthesis of Acetals and Ketals of the Reduced Sugar Mannose as Fuel System Icing Inhibitors," G. W. Mushrush, W. M. Stalick, E. J. Beal, S.C. Basu and J. E. Sloan, Preprints, Am. Chem. Soc., Petro Chem., 41(2), 542 (1996).

"The Reaction of 3-Methyl Indole with p-Ethylbenzene Sulfonic Acid: Fuel Instability Reactions," G. W. Mushrush, R. V. Honeychuck, W. M. Stalick, J. E. Slone, E. J. Beal and D. R. Hardy, Fuel Sci. & Tech. Internat., 13, 793 (1995).

"A High-Yield Synthesis of 3-Pentadecylpyridine," W. M. Stalick and J. H. Murray, Org. Prep. and Proced., Intl., 26, 677 (1994).

"Pyrolysis Free Radical Reactions of Substituted Long Chain Alkyl Pyridines and Quinolines,"W. M. Stalick, G. W. Mushrush, J. H. Murray, and N. Zahadat, Preprints, Am. Chem. Soc., Petro. Chem., 39(3), 317 (1994).

"Field Ionization Mass Spectrometric Analysis of the Phenalenone-Indole Coupling Product: The Nature of Insolubles Formed in Diesel Oils," R. Malhotra, D. S. Tse, D. R. Hardy, G. W. Mushrush, W. M. Stalick, and R. N. Hazlett, Preprints, Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., 39(3), 908 (1994).

"Partitioning of Alkylpyridines Between ShaleDerived Middle Distillate Fuel and Water," G. D. Foster, J. M. Harris, L. McCausland, W. M. Stalick, and G. W. Mushrush, Fuel Sci. & Tech. Internat., 11, 349 (1993).

"Fuel Instability Studies: Reaction of Polar Nitrogen Heterocycles Derived from a Stable Shale Fuel," G. D. Lacy, W, M. Stalick, E. J. Beal, R. Malhotra, D. R. Hardy, and G. W. Mushrush, Fuel Sci. & Tech. Internat., 10, 199 (1992).

"Distillate Fuel Insolubles Formation Conditions and Characterization," R. N. Hazlett, J. A. Schreifels, W. M. Stalick, R. E. Morris, and G. W. Mushrush, Energy & Fuel, 5, 269 (1991).

"Electrochemical Studies of Quinone Oxygen," M. L. Deanhardt, G. W. Mushrush, W. M. Stalick, and J. M. Watkins, Jr., Fuel Sci. & Tech. Internat., 8, 135 (1990).

"1Ethoxy1butyne," M. S. Newman and W. M. Stalick, Org. Syn., Col. Vol. VI, 564, 1989.

"Pyrolysis of Tetralin at 450°," G. W. Mushrush, W. M. Stalick, G. D. Lacy, and R. Yaghoubi, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 14, 17 (1988).

"A Simple OnePot Synthesis of 1Alkoxy1alkynes and 1Alkoxy1alkyn3ols," W. M. Stalick, R. N. Hazlett, and R. E. Morris, SYNTHESIS, 287 (1988).

"A Simple Preparation of 1Alkoxy1alkyn3ols," W. M. Stalick, Org. Prep. and Proced. Intl., 20, 275 (1988).

"Mass Spectral Characterization of nPentadecylpyridine Isomers," D. R. Hardy, G. W. Mushrush, W. M. Stalick, E. J. Beal, and R. N. Hazlett, Rapid Commun. in Mass Spec., 2, 16 (1988).

"Pyrolysis of 2Pentadecylpyridine: Effects of Quartz and Stainless Steel Surfaces," W. M. Stalick, G. W. Mushrush, J. V. Cooney, and J. Hohman, J. Chem. Res. (M), 215 (1987).

"Pyrolysis of 2Pentadecylpyridine: Effects of Quartz and Stainless Steel Surfaces," W. M. Stalick, G. W. Mushrush, J. V. Cooney, and J. Hohman, J. Chem. Res. (S), 6 (1987).

"Terbium (III) and Europium (III) Ions as Sensitive Probes in Organic Photochemistry," W. M. Stalick, G. W. Mushrush, J. W. Watkins, Jr., and M. L. Deanhardt, J. LessCommon Metals, 126, 363 (1986).

"The Dehydrobromination of 1,2Dibromoethoxyethane Using Various Amine Bases," W. M. Stalick, A. Khorrami, and K. S. Hatton, J. Org. Chem., 51, 3577 (1986).

"Terbic Ion as a Sensitive Probe: The Dimerization of Norbornene," G. W. Mushrush and W. M. Stalick, J. Luminescence, 33, 447 (1985).

"A Clean Convenient Synthesis of 1Bromo2ethoxyethene," W. M. Stalick and A. Khorrami, Org. Prep. and Proced. Intl., 17, 410 (1985).

"Pyrolysis Reactions of Long Chain Alkylpyridines," G. W. Mushrush, W. M. Stalick, J. V. Cooney, and R. N. Hazlett, Liq. Fuels Tech., 3, 171 (1985).

"Synthesis and Antitumor Activity of Platinum Complexes Containing Neutral and Protonated Aminoolefin Ligands," D. B. Brown, A. R. Khokhar, M. P. Hacker, J. J. McCormack, and W. M. Stalick, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 67, 45 (1982).

"1Ethoxy1Butyne," M. S. Newman and W. M. Stalick, Organic Syntheses, 57, 65 (1977).

"A Novel Synthesis of Disubstituted Maleic Anhydrides by the Pyrolysis of 1Ethoxy1alkenyl Esters of αKeto Acids," M. S. Newman and W. M. Stalick, J. Org. Chem., 38, 3386 (1973).

"Improved Syntheses of 1Ethoxyalkynes," M. S. Newman, J. R. Geib, and W. M. Stalick, Org. Prep. and Proced. Intl., 4, 89 (1972).

"Kinetic Studies of Homogeneous BaseCatalyzed Addition Reactions of Alkylaromatics to Conjugated Hydrocarbons," H. Pines, W. M. Stalick, T. G. Holford, J. Golab, H. Lazar, and J. Simonik, J. Org. Chem., 36, 2299 (1971).

"Novel Intramolecular Nucleophilic Cyclizations of Alkenylpyridines," H. Pines, S. V. Kannan, and W. M. Stalick, J. Org. Chem., 36, 2308 (1971).

"Selected LithiumCatalyzed Reactions of 4Alkylpyridines with Olefins," W. M. Stalick and H. Pines, J. Org. Chem., 35, 1712 (1970).

"Relative Rates of SideChain Alkenylation of 4Substituted Pyridines with Isoprene. Effects of the SideChain Double Bond on Reaction Rates," W. M. Stalick and H. Pines, J. Org. Chem., 35, 422 (1970).

"Sodium and PotassiumCatalyzed Reactions of Selected 4Alkylpyridines with Isoprene," W. M. Stalick and H. Pines, J. Org. Chem., 35, 415 (1970).

"Synthetic Applications of Homogeneous BaseCatalyzed Additions of Aromatic Alkylheterocyclics to Conjugated Hydrocarbons," H. Pines and W. M. Stalick, Tetrahedron Lett., 3723 (1968).

"Transformations of 2(Isopropylideneaminoöxy)propionic acid," L. H. Klemm, W. Stalick and D. Bradway, Tetrahedron, 20, 1667 (1964).

E. Videos:

"The Deep-Fried World of Organic Chemistry, Part 1," J. Halifant, M. King, W. Stalick, R. Weiss, Standard Deviants Video Course Review, Cerebellum Corp., 2Hr 20 Min, 1997.

"The Deep-Fried World of Organic Chemistry, Part 2," J. Halifant, M. King, W. Stalick, R. Weiss, Standard Deviants Video Course Review, Cerebellum Corp., 1 Hr 46 Min, 1997.

"The Deep-Fried World of Organic Chemistry, Part 3," J. Halifant, M. King, W. Stalick, R. Weiss, Standard Deviants Video Course Review, Cerebellum Corp., 2Hr, 1997.

F. Published Abstracts:

Syntheses of Functionalized 1,4-Disubstituted γ-Carbolines, Wayne M. Stalick and James H. Wynne, Va. J. Sci., 55, 39 (2004).

Environmentally Friendly Production of S-Alkyl Thiocarbamates, James H. Wynne, Art W. Snow and Wayne M. Stalick, Va. J. Sci., 54, 83 (2003).

The Search for a Reliable High Yielding Synthesis of Pseudans, Ramesh Pant, Robert V. Honeychuck, Sean R. Donohue and Wayne M. Stalick, Va. J. Sci., 54, 82 (2003)

“Synthesis of 3-Acylindoles,” S. Esmaeilian and Wayne M. Stalick, Va. J. Sci., 53, 82 (2002)

“A Synthetic Approach to 1-Substituted g-Carbolines,”Wayne M. Stalick, C. A. Roberts, J. H.Wynne and S. Basu, , Va. J. Sci., 52, 86 (2002)

Synthesis of Siderophores: 8-Hydroxy-2-alkylquinolines, Habib Ziayee and Wayne M. Stalick, Va. J. Sci., 52, 101 (2001)

Synthesis of Siderophores: 4-Hydroxy-2-alkylquinolines, Sean Donohue and Wayne M. Stalick, Va. J. Sci., 52, 100 (2001)

Methods for Synthesizing Alkyl Pyridines and Quinolines for Pyrolysis, W. M. Stalick, Va. J. Sci., 51, 102 (2000).

Synthesis of Long Chain Functionalized Alkyl Quinolines, L. C. DeSesso and W. M. Stalick, Va. J. Sci., 51, 105 (2000).

Synthesis of Functionalized 3-Aminomethylindoles, J. H. Wynne and W. M. Stalick, Va. J. Sci., 51, 103 (2000).

Long Chain Alkylquinoline Syntheses, C. P. Hencken and W. M. Stalick, Va. J. Sci., 50, 118 (1999).

Synthesis of 3-Substituted Indoles, J. H. Wynne and W. M. Stalick, Va. J. Sci., 50, 129 (1999).