Herne Hill Forum Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 15 May 2017

The Lupino Room, The Florence


George Hornby, Mike Colvin, Ruth Colvin, Garrett Mears, Robert Holden, Mary Burguieres, Giles Gibson, Colin Wight, Hazel Watson, Maude Estwick & Tricia Keracher-Summerfield


Yan Hawkins, Rachel Griffiths, Pat Richardson, Beth Taylor, Carolina Fox, Nick Edwards, John Frankland, Sian Dragonetti

*Minutes approved on 20 June 2017

Item / Action/decision / Responsible
April minutes
·  April minutes approved and ok to go on the website as is
Southwark New Plan/BFE
·  Meeting was well attended with approximately 80 attendees; key points based on the comments and discussions: keep things light industrial, less than 3 storeys if residential, cycle/pedestrian would be ok
·  What does everyone think of a cycle/walkway through the BFE? If adopted it would have to be adopted by Southwark and become a public route. This would help to deal with the rubbish and it would remove the ability to build a highrise
·  What is the overall benefit? One trader at the meeting was opposed
·  We could start with a gradual informal approach
·  Need to meet with Dulwich Estate to find out their intentions for the space; Giles met with them a few years ago to suggest uses – music venue, workspace, public space
·  Next step – George to commence initial conversations with Southwark; Colin could speak on behalf of the HHS;
Comms & Website
·  Kick off meeting of the group later this month
·  Giles has met with Folkslab and some improvements suggested – geolocating (pins and comments in maps) and directory services enhancement
·  3 minute elevator pitch
·  questions – in advance, from floor, from twitter feed, each person gets 2 minutes for each question; sum up at the end
·  Need someone to time answers
·  Twitterfall – candidates can follow it on their mobiles; filter out the retweets; shut it down if it becomes out of hand
·  Advertise to the local schools / Tricia
EventLambeth bid for Children’s Halloween Party
·  Bid submitted; results expected end of May
Cycling led event
•  Lambeth suggested a cylcing led event at the Market Steering group meeting
•  Is cycling something that we want to be involved in and promote? There would be external money coming from Lambeth; we could ask Southwark to contribute
•  Event could be used to link up the main commercial streets in Herne Hill
•  Event could hlep identify Herne Hill a cycle area – Milkwood Road quietway, cycle routes, bike racks in the underpass
•  Rusty bike show, bmx in the park could do an exhibition, Herne Hill Youth Cycling, Wheels for Wellbeing, SusTran, quietways happening in Southwark/Lambeth, Safer Routes to School, Lambeth Cycling
•  George to go back to Lambeth and say yes we’re keen, make it Herne Hill wide and involve Southwark, get an idea of budget for a proposal (£1.5 for feasibility, £5k for event? with match funding); / Geroge
•  Next step: get a larger group of interested people together to talk about ideas
·  Lunch meeting as requested by the traders with Jamie Akinola (Head of Markets), Jim Dickson, Katya (Myla & Davies, Llewelyns and Station Square resident), Elaine (The Flower Lady), Nikki (Herne Hill Books), Julia (Station Square resident), George and Charlotte; quite constructive and positive
•  At May steering group meeting Lambeth told CCFM they need to trial the market down the middle of the road; the trial will be in the next 6 weeks for two Sundays
•  Accounting steering group – Mike, Kenton, Yan, Giles, George, Pat & Tricia have been meeting and working behind the scenes
•  Will it function for our purposes? It will be a big improvment from what we have – everyone will be able to get at it; generate standard reports;
•  About 70 standard reports available that can be tailored at the level we are suggesting committing to; bespoke reports are not available at this cost level
•  It would be useful if the freelance team can input their own transactions but we would require the ability to attach an invoice
•  Is everyone happy with the approach that is being taken? No objections. Giles suggests doing a dummy run for a month to see what the reports look like before putting everything in
Dulwich Events funding
·  They have some money for Events which in the past we’ve applied to (ie Christmas Fair)
·  Should we submit a holding statement sayng we’re putting together a proposal? No, without the market income we do not have sufficient funding or resource to hold a Christmas Fair
Waste collective, BinGO, Brockwell Passage, Green Patches, Piano
·  Nothing to report
Bundle of Joy
·  £3k left in budget; wanted a regular swap shop in the market; could keep part of it going
Committee meeting project updates
·  Can reports be sent in advance?
·  Final amends are being made to the qualifying statment and boundary; once complete this will be emailed for approval to the NP Working Group then to the HHF Committee
History Hear
·  Currently have 50 recordings; aiming for 100
Underpass redevelopment
·  Meeting with Leo (an architect) later this month; Lambeth require a quotes to proceed quote from Victor for mural received
Thames Water Compensation fund projects
·  Art project: 3 artists have been shortlisted and will present their proposals to the steering group at next meeting
·  Shop front improvements: 3 traders are awaiting their quotes; the traders are awaiting reimbursement from Southwark so they can commence their works
·  Streetscape: question in regards to who should be the applicant for the planning application of the green bus stop. The traders come and go; HHF could be the applicant on on behalf of the community; ask Southwark?
Community Tent
·  Mary is happy to take on the development issue of the tent while Pat is stepping back
Piano Academy
·  Proposal and request to meet sent to The Charter School via Mary to Head of Music
Community Fridge
·  This is a huge project that requires a lot of volunteer time; as an alternative we could help publicise the Brixton fridge
·  George and Carolina to have a chat with Rebecca who set it up in Brixton and report back to the Committee / George & Carolina
·  Cinema theatre association visit
·  Robert’s history walks
·  Brockwell Boy book re-published and being sold by the HHS, Herne Hill Books

Next committee meeting – Tuesday 20 June 2017 at 7:00pm at The Lupino Room, The Florence