
Greater Geelong City Council Waterfront Geelong Activities/Attractions


1. Introduction 3

2. Licence to operate 3

3. Information to be Provided 4

4. Selection Criteria 4

4.1 Risk Management & Insurance 4

4.2 Compatibility with Waterfront Image 4

4.3 Environmental Impact 4

4.4 Compatibility with Other Businesses 5

4.5 Disruption to Traffic 5

4.6 Permits & Approvals 5

4.7 Past History 5

4.8 Industry Accreditation & Membership 5

4.9 Hours of Operation 5

5. Activities 6

6. Business Planning 6

7. Area of Possible Operations 6

8. Notification of Applications. 6

9. confidentiality 7

10. Submissions 7


Application Form 9

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Greater Geelong City Council Waterfront Geelong Activities/Attractions

1. Introduction

Waterfront Geelong is a vibrant recreational and tourism precinct located on Corio Bay. Its unique north facing aspect, range of restaurants and cafes and public art has seen Waterfront Geelong become an icon for Geelong being enjoyed by tourists and the Geelong community alike.

Council’s objectives for the Central Geelong and Waterfront precinct include:

Ø  To provide a range of high quality and unique visitor experiences that will establish the precinct as a major tourism attraction and position Geelong as a significant destination.

Ø  To provide employment opportunities.

Ø  To increase visitation and length of stay in Geelong.

Ø  To provide appealing recreational opportunities for City of Greater Geelong’s residents including sports, leisure, culture and arts.

Ø  To ensure an attractive, active and safe pedestrian environment that strengthens the visual and function linkages from Central Geelong to the Waterfront.

The City of Greater Geelong seeks applications from suitable operators to provide activities. Examples of activities that Council has approved in the past at are detailed in Section 5.

Council wishes to continue and expand on existing activities to provide visitors with various quality leisure options that are consistent with the above objectives.

This document contains preliminary details relating to the provision of leisure activities. The application process has been prepared to assist prospective operators to determine whether they should apply for registration to provide a service on the Geelong Waterfront.

Should applications be received for multiples of similar or like businesses, applications will be registered, with an invitation to tender being extended at the sole discretion of the Council.

Council will only consider applications from individuals/organisations who can demonstrate through their submission that they have the necessary capacity and experience to undertake a quality service.

Council reserves the right not to proceed with any application for all or any part of the Services.

2. Licence to Operate

All agreements to operate a business activity are issued as a Licence under the under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978.

Licences will only be considered for itinerant activities to operate for up to three years for outstanding proposals. Activities that require a permanent or fixed structure to operate are not generally supported under this application.

The tenure and fees will be negotiated with successful applicants and subject to commercial rates.

The potential sale of the business does not necessarily mean the licence will be automatically transferred to the new business owner. A new owner will be required to demonstrate to Council they have the capacity, ability and commitment to meet the requirements within the existing agreement.

Transfers to a new owner may be subject to a 3-month trial period.

Council’s objective will always be to ensure the provision of a quality and consistent service meeting the customer’s expectations.

3. Information to be Provided

Applications should contain the following:

Ø  A completed Application form.

Ø  A brief outline of the proposal together with any drawings/photos which may assist with illustrating the proposal.

Ø  How the business proposes to meet the selection criteria (Section 4).

Ø  Information such as proposed operating hours, location and cost to users of the service.

Ø  Any other information that the operator deems appropriate.

Ø  The application must be typed and presented in A4 format.

4. Selection Criteria

All applications must clearly address each of the selection criteria. Council will review applications against the applicant’s response and ability to meet the follow selection criteria.

4.1 Risk Management & Insurance

The operator must be able to demonstrate a commitment to and if possible an excellent safety record / history. Successful applicants will be required to provide a suitable safety plan that detail:

Ø  A Safety Management Plan.

Ø  Risk Assessment for potential risks and how they are addressed in the delivery of the service.

Ø  Minimum $20 million public liability - indemnifying the City of Greater Geelong. A Council risk assessment of the activity may require a higher cover.

Ø  Public Liability Insurance policy must be held with an approved insurance underwriter. A list is available on the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) website for details of insurers authorised to conduct new or renewable insurance business in Australia: www.apra.gov.au

Ø  Vehicle / vessel insurance (if applicable).

4.2 Compatibility with Waterfront Image

Waterfront Geelong has a strong image of high quality, accessible, safe and ethical community leisure and commercial choices. Operators must be able to demonstrate reliability of service and accessible facilities / equipment (both physically and financially). Any prospective operation will be assessed on its compatibility with the mix of facilities and activities either in existence or planned.

The image and marketing of the applicant will be assessed on the value it adds to the total image and experience of Waterfront Geelong.

4.3 Environmental Impact

The operator will need to demonstrate how it proposes to minimise levels of noise, water, air and land pollution and damage to Council assets. Levels of damage to both the natural and built environment will be assessed.

4.4 Compatibility with Other Businesses

The existence of identical and similar businesses/activities to the proposed application will be determined before granting approval.

Council will provide permits to multiples of similar businesses if it is deemed to provide a range of visitor chooses and that the facility can cope.

4.5 Disruption to Traffic

The proposed business / activity will be assessed on its impact on:

Ø  Water traffic;

Ø  Vehicle traffic / parking;

Ø  Pedestrian traffic.

Potential inconvenience and public risk must be minimal or nil effect.

Council will not provide vehicle parking. All operators must adhere to parking restrictions.

4.6 Permits & Approvals

Successful operators will be required to provide all current regulatory permit/s and approval documents relevant to the safe operation of the business / activity. These may include, but are not limited to:

Ø  Marine Survey for vessels

Ø  License to drive vehicles

Ø  Registration of vehicles

Ø  Worksafe permits

4.7 Past History

Operators will be assessed on:

Ø  Previous relationships with Council.

Ø  Demonstrated reliable history of the operation.

Ø  Quality of business and personal references.

4.8 Industry Accreditation & Membership

Council supports businesses that have relevant business accreditation and have achieved quality assurance standards. Membership with industry bodies such as Tourism Greater Geelong & The Bellarine, Victorian Tourism Operators Association (VTOA), Australian Amusement Leisure and Recreation Association, etc are preferable.

4.9 Hours of Operation

Council is committed to the provision of services to visitors on a consistent basis. Successful applicants will be required to operate for an agreed minimum amount of hours during the peak season (October to May inclusive).

It should be noted that Waterfront Geelong is a high profile location that attracts events of state, national and international significance. Council reserves the right to request that an operator does not operate within the Waterfront precinct during an event or special activity.

5. Activities

Licences have been previously approved by Council for the following activities.

Ø  Waterfront Train Rides.

Ø  Local Sight Seeing & Function Bay Cruises.

Ø  Fishing Boat Hire.

Ø  Horse & cart rides

Ø  Bungy trampolines

Ø  Animal rides

Ø  Jet Boat rides

Ø  Helicopter & seaplane joy flights

Ø  Ice cream & drinks

Ø  Fresh Mussel sales

Ø  Bike hire

Ø  Harley rides

Retail activities such as markets and take away food and drink services are not generally supported under this application. These types of activities will only be considered should Council wish to activate a particular precinct or area. Generally, in those circumstances Council will identify the location and seek application through a separate advertised process.

The Central Geelong Waterfront Masterplan 2011 supports the addition of small facilities such as newspaper or flowers kiosks.

The Masterplan also recommends that Fisherman’s Basin be used for small scale marine and fishing businesses including seafood retailing. These types of activities would be supported and encouraged to operate from suitable floating facilities like former fishing trawlers etc.

Carnival rides and Jet Ski hire activities are not supported.

6. Business Planning

If the application is deemed suitable, the successful applicant will need to supply a business and marketing plan for the proposed activity. This plan should clearly outline how the business will operate now and into the future. The compatibility and suitability of the business plan to Council’s objectives will be assessed.

7. Area of Possible Operations

The area covered in the scope of operations is the Central Geelong & Waterfront which is generally bounded by Corio Bay, Garden Street, Gheringhap Street and Brougham Street.

See attached map for Waterfront area and locations of existing/proposed activities.

8.  Notification of Applications

All applicants will be informed in writing of Council receiving their application.

All applicants will be reviewed against the above selection criteria (section 5) by Council officers.

If the application is deemed suitable the applicant will be informed in writing and negotiations on fees and tenure will take place.

Should multiple submissions be received for similar activities, selected applicants may be invited to tender for the provision of the service.

Final approval of all licences and leases are subject to the approval by the relevant State Government Minister.

Trial periods may be agreed to whilst negotiations are held or to allow both parties the option to further assess the viability of the proposal.

Unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing following completion of negotiations with successful applicants.

9. Confidentiality

The personal information provided to Council will be solely used for the primary purpose or directly related purposes for the application process. All information will be considered confidential. Council may disclose your personal information to third parties such as State Government or agents that are providing services on our behalf. The applicant may apply to Council for access, deletion and/or amendment of the information. You can contact Council’s Privacy Officer on 5272 5272 for further information on the City’s privacy policy.

10. Submissions

Applications must be received by the following means:

a)  Applications lodged electronically should be emailed to

b)  Applications lodged in person or by courier should be enclosed and sealed in an envelope clearly marked:

Waterfront Activities Expression of Interest

City of Greater Geelong

100 Brougham Street, Geelong, 3220

c)  Applications lodged by mail should be addressed as follows:

City of Greater Geelong

PO Box 104

Geelong 3220

Attention: Mr. Andrew Ross

d)  Should a closing time be specified, Council has no obligation to consider any submission lodged after the closing time.

Telephone enquiries to: Andrew Ross (03) 5272 4835.

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Greater Geelong City Council Waterfront Geelong Activities/Attractions

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Greater Geelong City Council Waterfront Geelong Activities/Attractions

Application Form

For: Waterfront Geelong Leisure Activities

I/We the undersigned do hereby apply to undertake the following leisure activities operations on Waterfront Geelong.

Description of business ......

My/Our application containing the information required by the Application Requirement document is enclosed/attached:

Dated this ...... day of ......

Full Name of Applicant/s business: ......

Australian Business Number (ABN): ......

Registered Office/Business Address: ......

...... Telephone No: ...... Mobile ...... Facsimile No:......

Email ......

Primary Contact Person: ......

If a registered business/company, the names and addresses of the proprietors/directors:

(1) ......

(2) ......

(3) ......

Signature of person submitting application: ......

Name printed ...... Position......

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