Duration / 3.36
[Music plays and NDIS logo and text appears: Provider Toolkit, Section Three, How do I register?]
[Text moves to the top right-hand side of the screen and an animation image of a NDIS worker gesturing towards the text appears]
Narrator: So, you’ve decided to register as a National Disability Insurance Scheme, or NDIS, provider. Congratulations! You’re on your way to helping deliver better outcomes for people with disability through the NDIS.
[Animation image changes to show a group of support workers and disabled people]
Once your registration is approved, you’ll be able to support NDIS participants achieve their goals and have greater choice and control over their lives.
[Animation image changes to show the sections on the webpage and then the camera zooms in on the Section 3 Introduction page and the text heading: How do I register?]
This overview of Section 3 of the Provider Toolkit shows you how to use this section to register, where to find the Registration Checklist and explains roughly how long the whole process will take.
[Animation image changes to show the sections page and then the camera zooms in on the ‘How do I register?’ section on the page and a red box highlights the headings one after the other]
The ‘How do I register?’ section of the Provider Toolkit includes the Registration Checklist, the registration process, expected time frames.
[Animation image changes to show the Section 3 How do I register? page]
The Registration Checklist outlines how to register.
[Animation image changes to show the Provider Registration Checklist]
You can print this Checklist and tick it off as you complete each step. Then you are ready to submit your application.
[Animation image changes to show the myplace provider portal screen]
Your application will be made through the myplace provider portal.
[Animation image changes to show a credit card, a Medicare care and passport]
You will need to provide a number of documents along the way, such as a driver's licence, Medicare card, or passport.
[Animation image changes to show a pile of documents]
The other documents you need will depend on what services and supports you are registering to provide.
[Animation image changes to show a credit card, Medicare card, passport and pile of documents]
You will be informed of which documents you need at each stage.
[Animation image changes to show a NDIS worker gesturing towards text: The more prepared you are the smoother and faster it will be]
The more prepared you are when you start the registration process, the smoother and faster it will be.
[Animation image changes to show the Section 2 Am I ready to provide NDIS services page and the camera scrolls down the page]
Depending on the support categories you’re registering for, you will most likely have to meet your state or territory’s regulatory requirements. These are called the Quality and Safeguards Working Arrangements, as seen in Section 2.7.
[Animation image changes to show a male standing next to a Standards document]
It’s important that all providers meet this set of basic standards and professional qualifications before they work with people with disability.
[Animation image changes to show a female in a wheelchair and then a broken purple circle rotates around the female]
It’s about putting the right protections in place for NDIS participants and showing that you take your responsibilities as a provider seriously.
[Animation image changes to show a map of Australia]
From 2019 there’ll be a single national regulatory process but until then existing state and territory arrangements will remain in place.
[Animation image changes to show a Certificate of Registration and the camera scrolls down the page]
Once you’ve completed your registration you’ll need to wait until your Certificate of Provider Registration arrives before you can start offering your services or supports to participants.
[Animation image changes to show a calendar page counting up from zero to 14 and text appears: Usually take a couple of weeks to process]
Registration applications usually take a couple of weeks to process.
[Animation image shows the calendar counting up to 30 and text appears: Business days]
If there are lots of individuals and organisations registering at once it could take up to 30 business days.
[Animation image changes to show the myplace portal pages]
To ensure your registration progresses quickly, make sure you’ve followed the Registration Checklist and have submitted the required documents and information to myplace.
[Animation image changes to show a Pending State Approval page and then the image shows the cursor clicking on a link and then another Pending State Approval page displays]
A notification that your registration is ‘Pending State Approval’ means that there are specific requirements to be met in the state or territory where you want to operate. The notice includes a link to a web page for you to contact the relevant state or territory authority to progress to the next step.
[Animation image changes to show a female working on a computer and then the camera zooms out to show connection lines from the computer to disabled people and support workers]
The registration process has lots of normal checks and balances in place but after you’re registered a whole new world of opportunities to connect with NDIS participants will open up for you and your organisation.
[Animation image changes to show the Welcome to Provider Toolkit page and the camera scrolls down the page]
Remember that you can refer to the Key Resources and Help and Support sections for more information at any time.
[Animation image changes to show the NDIS logo]
Wherever you are in the provider pathway, we hope this Toolkit helps you understand the NDIS better, and what you have to do to make it a success.
[Music plays]
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