CVTD Meeting Minutes


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Concho Valley Transit District (CVTD)

Minutes of Meeting for July 11, 2012

The Concho Valley Transit District met on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 in the Concho Valley Regional Conference and Training Center, 2801 W. Loop 306, Suite A, San Angelo, TX.

Board members present:

Allen Amos, Concho County Judge, Chairman

Michael D. Brown, Tom Green County Judge, Vice Chairman

Ralph Sides, Sterling County Judge, Secretary

Roy Blair, Coke County Judge

Charlie Bradley, Schleicher County Judge

Richard Cordes, Menard County Judge

Fred Deaton, Crockett County Judge

Andrew Murr, Kimble County Judge

John Nanny, Irion County Commissioner

Danny Neal, McCulloch County Judge

Miguel Villanueva, Sutton County Commissioner

Board members not present:

Fredd B. Adams, City of San Angelo Council Member

Paul Alexander, City of San Angelo Council Member

Larry Isom, Reagan county Judge

Johnny Silvas, City of San Angelo Council Member

Call to Order

Chairman Allen Amos announced the presence of a quorum and called the meeting to order at 2:32 PM.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

Judge Michael Brown gave the invocation and Judge Allen Amos led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes

Upon a motion by Commissioner John Nanny, seconded by Commissioner Miguel Villanueva, the minutes of the April 11, 2012 meeting were unanimously approved.

Approval of checks in excess of $2,000 written since the last meeting

Upon a motion by Judge Roy Blair, seconded by Judge Danny Neal, CVTD checks in excess of $2,000 written since the last meeting were unanimously approved.

Authorization to accept funding from TXDOT for 5311

Sean Scott notified the board that the CVTD was cut almost $7,000. He explained that the rural grant was cut so much because Galveston, Texas was moved down to a rural area. Upon a motion by Judge Michael Brown, seconded by Judge Danny Neal, approval for the CVTD Executive Director to accept funding from TXDOT for 5311 was unanimously approved.

Authorization to accept funding from TXDOT for 5307

Sean Scott notified the board that the CVTD was cut $600. Upon a motion by Judge Michael Brown, seconded by Judge Danny Neal, approval for the CVTD Executive Director to accept funding from TXDOT for 5307 was unanimously approved.

Authorization to accept $8,000 from COSA to operate a pilot route for Goodfellow AFB

Upon a motion by Judge Michael Brown, seconded by Judge Danny Neal, approval for the CVTD to accept $8,000 from COSA to operate pilot route for Goodfellow AFB was unanimously approved.

Authorization to accept $2,000 from San Angelo Chamber of Commerce to operate a pilot route for Goodfellow AFB

Upon a motion by Judge Michael Brown, seconded by Judge Danny Neal, approval for the CVTD to accept $2,000 from San Angelo Chamber of Commerce to operate pilot route for Goodfellow AFB was unanimously approved.

Authorization to accept funding from TXDOT for remodel of the lobby to accommodate ICB carriers

Upon a motion by Judge Michael Brown, seconded by Judge Danny Neal, approval for the CVTD to accept funding from TXDOT for remodel of the lobby to accommodate ICB carriers was unanimously approved.

Authorization for CVTD to extend service area for charter service

Upon a motion by Judge Michael Brown, seconded by Judge Danny Neal, approval for the CVTD to extend service area for charter service was unanimously approved.

Authorization for CVTD to extend service time for charter service

Upon a motion by Judge Michael Brown, seconded by Judge Danny Neal, approval for the CVTD to extend service time for charter service was unanimously approved.

Authorization for CVTD to allow alcohol on the charter service vehicles

Jeffrey Sutton inquired if allowing alcohol on charters would affect the CVTD’s liability insurance. Sean Scott explained that he talked to TML and was told by email that alcohol should not increase it but she needed to check if we are allowed to provide charter service. This service was offered before. The CVTD will bring the issue before the board again if TML finds a problem with the service. Judge Murr asked if the CVTD researched local ordinances. Sean and Judge Michael Brown explained that the charter service is fine. Upon a motion by Judge Michael Brown, seconded by Commissioner Miguel Villanueva, approval for the CVTD to allow alcohol on the charter service vehicles was unanimously approved.

Authorization to simplify the fare structure and increase the hourly rate for charter service

Sean Scott explained that the CVTD currently charges $200 for the first two hours and $60 for every hour after that with a two hour minimum. The CVTD would like to simplify that rate structure by changing it to $100 per hour with a two hour minimum. Upon a motion by Judge Danny Neal, seconded by Judge Charlie Bradley, approval for the CVTD to simplify the fare structre and increase the hourly rate for charter service was unanimously approved.

Discussion on possible selection of budget committee

Sean Scott notified the board that the past two years the board decided to have the CVTD create and present the budget to the board and defer the committee. The board elected to continue with that course of action.

Report on Multi-Modal Terminal Update

Sean Scott notified the board that the CVTD held their Grand Opening this morning and everything went well. There are still a few things that need to be taken care of before the building is completely finished. A few windows need to be replaced. The landscaping was removed from the contract and the CVTD will landscape in the future. Jeffrey Sutton wanted to compliment Sean and his staff for a job well done on the facility. Jeffrey Sutton inquired about the projected date of receiving the building. Sean Scott estimated September 1 because the landscaping was removed. Jeffrey also wanted to know about the other bus companies moving in. Sean notified him that the leases are completed but need to be sent to Keith Davis for review. There is an issue with Kerrville Bus Lines because their parent company is going through bankruptcy proceedings.

Review Financial Reports/Balance Sheet

The CVTD board was provided documentation that shows the monthly balance of the CVTD accounting books for their review. This information is provided monthly on a regular basis and is a good device for tracking grant activity. No action is required on this agenda item. Judge Andrew Murr inquired about the status of the Transit District’s funds. Nancy Pahira notified him that the Transit District was current and paying the Council of Governments back the month after expenses are incurred. She notified the board that Sean was doing a wonderful job understanding the budget and bringing in revenue. He is keeping the Council of Governments paid back and has made up last-year’s deficit and the line of credit.

Other Business

No other business was presented at this time.


The meeting was adjourned at 2:42 p.m. Duly adopted at the meeting of the Concho Valley Transit District of the Concho Valley Council of Governments this 8th day of August 2012.

Allen Amos, Chairman Ralph Sides, Secretary