Dear Members,
General Committee has called an EGM to be held on Monday, 9th May at 20.00.
This has been prompted, as stated in the previously circulated letter, by changes in the regulations for Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC), which ensure us considerable financial benefits. Reviews of Club Rules have led us to request changes which I will summarise further.
The main changes are:
· The addition of a non-discrimination clause (see new rule 6);
· The strengthening of the new membership application process by replacement of the nomination system and approval by General Committee, with a meeting with the reshaped and strong Membership Committee who will interview prospective new members regarding their participation in the sport of sailing, and ensure that they will uphold the ethos of the Club (see new rules 12, 13);
· The change in the annual examination of the Club's accounts. As explained (at length) during the last AGM, a full audit would present very onerous costs, so this will be replaced by a report from a reputable firm of Chartered Accountants (see new rule 43);
· The changes to publishing of the rules so that they do not need reprinting annually in the Club's handbook, but are available elsewhere (new rule 51).
· There will be a proposal to increase subscription fees by £5 for an adult single member, in order to match inflation and enable spending to support the Club's function. So far this year:
· GC approved replacement of 3 outboards for the ribs (approx. £12,000),
· We have purchased a replacement tractor (approx. £10,000), in order to support sailing, and are looking to add to the launch vehicles and replace our aged ‘Ark’ with a better committee boat.
· Plans are being drawn up for the refurbishment of the Macdona Room, which will open it onto the south terrace and make it more adaptable to the Club's needs. The front of the clubhouse has deteriorated badly and will need significant improvement.
6. Adam Whittle has changed his job and will no longer be able to continue in his role as Hon. Secretary, in which he has provided superb support to the Flag Officers, so there will be the necessity to elect a replacement.
The proposed new rules are available on the notice board in the club, and on our website.
All members are invited to an informal meeting on next Monday, 25th April at 20.00, to give an opportunity to discuss the proposed rules changes and CASC benefits with the senior officers. It is important that everyone understands the changes and are comfortable with them. Your support at the EGM to endorse the Club's future plans is also important and will be appreciated.
Philip Shepherd