Working with young people can be very rewarding and satisfying. Youngsters are the most important resource for the future of the game.
With these ideas in mind it is important for Coaches and players to enjoy themselves to the full and to get the most from their time together.
When working with young people most coaching organisations recognise two main aims:
(1) To have “fun” - both coaches and players
(2) To help young people develop
(a) Physically, (b) Psychologically and (c) Socially
whilst recognising that young people are not miniature adults, and generally try to do their best. PLAYERS FIRST, WINNING SECOND
Child Welfare
All volunteers involved, in any capacity, with age grade rugby must read the IRFU Child Welfare Policy Document, sign the Declaration of Intent and hand the signed declaration to the Club Child Welfare Officer for record keeping in the club signifying a commitment to meet the requirements of the policy.
“Competition means any competition organised by, or with the approval of, the Youth Section of the Leinster Branch.
“Cup Competition” means a competition which is organised on the knock out principle.
“League Competition” means any Cup or League Competition which is organised on the principle of points being awarded to a team winning or drawing or competing in a match in the competition.
“Area Competition” means any Cup or League competition confined solely to any of the 5 constituent Youth Areas operated under the relevant Area Youth regulations
A Competition is a Youth Competition unless the name of the Competition is preceded by the words “Schools-Youths”, in which case, the Competition is a School-Youths Competition.
“An Active Youth Section means” meeting at least three of the following minimum requirements:
(i) The coaching and fielding of a least one mini rugby team
(ii) The coaching and fielding of at least one youths team
(iii) Is affiliated to the Leinster Youths Committee
(iv) Is actively involved in mini/youths rugby in the club’s area
“Schoolboy player” means a player who is a bona fide schoolboy within the meaning of the regulations governing Schools Competitions
“Youth player” means a player
(i) who was born between January 1st 1995 & December 31st 2001
(ii) who is a member of a club affiliated to the Leinster Branch that has an active Youths Section and
(iii) who does not attend a Section B or non exempt Section A school
“Schools-Youth player” means a player who is a bona fide youth member of a club or is a non panelled player attending a Section B or non exempt Section A school and who is also a member of a club
The relevant Committee shall mean the Competitions Committee and the Relevant Secretary shall mean the Honorary Secretary of the Leinster Branch, the Honorary Secretary of the School’s Section, the Honorary Secretary of the Youth’s Section or the DGA as appropriate
The Competitions Committee has the power to sanction clubs that fail to comply with these regulations with a variety of penalties that include:
(1) Loss of match
(2) Points deduction
(3) Refixing of match
(4) Loss of home advantage
(5) Monetary fine up to and including €250
Any other sanctions to be referred to the Disciplinary Committee who may impose sanctions that include;
(6) Loss of International tickets
(7) Monetary Fines exceeding €250
Subject to the provision of Regulation 7 of these Regulations, the competitions shall be open annually for competition amongst all clubs affiliated to the Leinster Branch who have an active Youth Section and all Youth Clubs so affiliated.
The Status of any Leinster Club Youth team and or any player competing in Leinster Youth Competition will be governed by the Youth Committee.
(a) No individual shall be eligible to play for more than one club in the Competitions in anyone season.
(b) A player shall be ineligible to play in any competition who:–
(i) is over the age limit prescribed for that Competition;
(ii) does not comply with the requirements of these Regulations regarding registration.
(c) A player is ineligible for youth representative teams if:
(i) he is currently attending an affiliated school who compete in a Branch Senior Schools' Cup, except for those schools which from time to time are exempted on the recommendation of their respective Branches and ratified by the I.R.F.U. Youth Sub-Committee, or
(ii) he has played for his Province at Senior Schools level, A and B, or (iii) he is not a bona fide member of a club Youth Team or
(iv) in relation to his present Club, he had not previously been a registered and playing member in that club's youth teams and his Club had not played in the previous season in U-19 Cup competition.
(d) (i) A boy is eligible for Youth Representative teams if while also meeting the criteria in (1), (2) and (3), he had left school participating in a Senior School's Cup before his 18th birthday.
(e) Age Grade players must have reached their 18th birthday before they can play adult rugby.
(d) A player born on or after 1st Jan 2002 attending either a Section B or C Second Level School is eligible to take part in Mini Festivals.
Date of Eligibility
1st January for all Male Age Grade rugby
Age Groups / Season 2013 - 2014Born in / Season 2014 - 2015
Born in / Season 2015 - 2016
Born in
Under 8 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008
Under 9 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007
Under 10 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006
Under 11 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005
Under 12 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004
Under 13 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003
Under 14 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002
Under 15 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001
Under 16 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000
Under 17 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999
Under 18 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998
Under 19 / 1995 / 1996 / 1997
Players playing at a higher age category
Male Age Grade players can play in two age categories – the year a player is eligible for and one year up e.g. U14 playing also at U15.
Any individual player identified to play 3 age categories e.g. U17 to U19 must provide the written consent of:
1. Parents/ Guardians
2. Club Youth Coordinator
3. Child Welfare Officer
4. IRFU Schools and Youth Committees will agree respective processes for administration in order to accommodate the above.
Procedure for allowing U12 players to play at U13
(Only)In instances where clubs have a concern regarding numbers e.g. not enough U13 players in the club, may a club apply to their Branch Youth Committee with supporting documents explaining the reason(s) to allow U12 players play at U13 level. The Youths secretary will issue a letter advising the club of the decision of the committee. Should the application be successful, this letter or a copy of the letter should be presented to the opposition before the start of any competitive game.
The Branch Youth Committee will ensure that the decision does not affect playing opportunities of the U12 team members. No U11 player playing at U12 will be allowed to play at U13.
Date of Eligibility Age Grade Girls Categories for 2013/14 and 2014/15 season
Age Groups / Season2013/2014 / Season
Under 7 / Date of Birth 2007 / Born in: 2008
Under 8 / 1/7/05à30/6/06 / 2007
Under 9 / 1/7/04à 30/6/05 / 1/7/05à30/6/06
Under 10 / 1/7/03à 30/6/04 / 1/7/04à 30/6/05
Under 11 / 1/7/02à 30/6/03 / 1/7/03à 30/6/04
Under 12 / 1/7/01à30/6/02 / 1/7/02à 30/6/03
Under 13 / 1/7/00 à 30/6/01 / 1/7/01à30/6/02
Under 14 / 1/7/99 à 30/6/00 / 1/7/00 à 30/6/01
Under 15 / 1/7/98à 30/6/99 / 1/7/99 à 30/6/00
Under 16 / 1/7/97à 30/6/98 / 1/7/98à 30/6/99
Under 17 / 1/7/96à 30/6/97 / 1/7/97à 30/6/98
Under 18 / 1/7/95à 30/6/96 / 1/7/96à 30/6/97
Under 19 / 1/7/94à 30/6/95 / 1/7/95à 30/6/96
Under 20 / 1/7/93à 30/6/94 / 1/7/94à 30/6/95
U15 (anybody in the U13 age group must get parental and club consent to play)
U18 (anybody in the U16 age group must get parental and club consent to play)
(a) Where a club is proved to have played an ineligible player in a Cup Competition, the non-offending club shall be awarded the match.
(b) Where a club is proved to have played an ineligible player in a League Competition, any points to which the offending club might be entitled shall be awarded to the non-offending club.
All competitions under the control of the "Youth Committee" shall be governed by a Competition Sub Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the Sub-Committee") nominated by the Youth Committee.
Protests and objections shall be handled in accordance with the regulation set out in the PRE MATCH and POST MATCH REMINDERS FOR LEINSTER YOUTH and SCHOOL/YOUTH COMPETITIONS 13/14 on page ??? and following.
All players must be registered with their club and must have an IRFU Registration Number. Clubs must have an IRFU ID card for any player playing in a competitive match.
(a) (i) every club shall submit, in the form specified on page ? of the Schedule to these Regulations, the names of all NEW Youth players from which its teams to play in the Competition will be selected.
(ii) Clubs shall registrar players attending Section B and non-exempt Section A schools who are eligible to play Schools Youths rugby on the green form proscribed for this purpose and available from the Hon Registrar.
(b) A player whose name has not been registered in the prescribed manner in either (i) or (ii) above shall be ineligible to play in Competitions. Players whose names have been registered as per (ii) above shall be ineligible to play in Youths Competitions at U14 to U17 levels.
(c) Any club which has not, prior to the commencement of the Competitions being played, registered its players in accordance with these Regulations shall be ineligible to play in the Competitions.
(d) Any club which has complied with the provisions of this Regulation may, after the above dates register additional players from whom its team shall be selected, provided that any additional player so registered shall be ineligible to play in the Competitions until his Registration has been accepted by the Registrar of the Youth Committee.
(e) That no team may be allowed to play in any Leinster Branch competition unless it has been fully registered by the lodging of registration forms, birth certificates or equivalent, before the commencement of the said competition.
(a) Every match in the Competition shall be of such duration as may be directed by the Youth Committee, unless the referee decides that the conditions as to the state of the ground, light or otherwise are unfit for further play. In this circumstance, the team leading when the referee stops the match shall be declared the winners if ¾ of more of normal game time has been played,
(b) Extra time shall not be played in any match.
(c) See PRE MATCH and POST MATCH REMINDERS FOR LEINSTER YOUTH and SCHOOL/ YOUTH COMPETITIONS 13/14 on page ?? for regulations dealing with:
(i) KO Time & Venue
(ii) Referees
(iii) IDs Teamsheets
(iv) Submission of Results
All Area Competitions must be approved by the Leinster Youth Section.
(a) Youths Competitions
Only bona fide Youths as defined on page 6 of these regulations and having ID cards may play in Youths competitions.
(b) School-Youths Competitions
Youths and non panelled players attending a Section B or non exempt Section A school and who is also a member of a club and having the appropriate IDs may play in Schools-Youths competitions.
Registration of Youth Players
Registration for all apart from Section B Schoolboys
The following documentation must be submitted when registering a new player:
· The IRFU Youth Player Registration form filled in & signed by the Player, a parent/guardian and the club's Youth Co-ordinator.
· A copy of the player's birth certificate or passport
· Photograph of player (Option 1 is the preferred option)
◦ Option 1: A digital photograph from a digital camera/webcam or scanner.
◦ Option 2: 2 x passport photographs, signed by player on back.
· €3 registration Fee.
Instructions for Club Registrar.
1. Check that the player has not previously been registered on the “IRFU PlayerReg site”.
2. If not previously registered then enter the player's details on the “IRFU PlayerReg site” and make note of the player's unique “Player ID Number”.
3. Verify the IRFU Youth Player Registration Form is correctly completed and enter the “Player ID Number”.
4. Take a copy of the “IRFU Registration Form” and birth certificate or passport and retain as proof of registration.
5. Photograph of player:
◦ Option 1: Using either a scanner or digital camera create a digital photograph.
Use a software editor to crop the picture to a passport-style head-shot and resize it to an approximate resolution of 300(h) x 200(w) pixels saving it in “.jpeg” format.
Upload this picture to the players Registration entry on the “IRFU PlayerReg site”.
◦ Option 2: Ensure the 2 x passport photographs are signed.
6. The Registrar should attach with “IRFU Registration Form” , “copy of birth certificate or passport” and photographs if not already uploaded to “IRFU PlayerReg site” using a paper clip and return with fee to
Hugh Woodhouse, Leinster Rugby, Newstead Building A, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4.
Registration of Section B Schoolboys
1. Section B schoolboys must register by using the Leinster Branch Green Card Registration Form (available from the Leinster Branch).