Board of Managers Report

January 7, 2017

The General William Smallwood Chapter’s regularly scheduled quarterly dinner meeting was held December 1, 2016 at the Knights of Columbus Council 2169, 9707 Rosensteel Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland. A total of 29 members and guests were present, and Chapter President James M. Perry presided.

Highlights of the meeting included the following:

--The chapter presented the SAR EMS Commendation Medal to Fire/Rescue Chief Edward G. “Ned” Sherburne of the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad, recognizing his 38-year career with the organization. Assisting with the Presentation was Compatriot Don Deering, MDSSAR First Vice President and Chairman of the Public Safety and Heroism Committee.

--Mrs. Sally Majewski, Senior President, Maryland Society Children of the American Revolution, spoke in the activities of MDSCAR, including the “Heroes for Heroes” project which raises funds for the training of support dogs for injured and disabled veterans. Ark and Dove Society CAR President Jonathan Klein provided an update on their many activities as well. The General William Smallwood has donated $75 to both the Ark and Dove and the Hungerford Resolves Societies to support their worthwhile efforts.

--Mrs. Cheryl Beauregard, Organizing Secretary of the Maryland Society Daughters of the American Revolution, presented information on an essay contest at Towson University’s History Department to be held this semester. The General William Smallwood Chapter has donated $125 toward this project, which will encourage students to study the American Revolution and the Maryland 400.

--In conjunction with the Janet Montgomery Chapter DAR and the Mayflower Society, the chapter is sponsoring a “Publish Your Family History Workshop” at the Gaithersburg Library on February 4th. Compatriot Jim Battles is the lead for this effort.

--The chapter’s original 1968 charter has been conserved and framed. Planning is underway to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the General William Smallwood Chapter in 2018.

--A Nominations Committee chaired by Mike Saunders also includes Duane Tackitt and Pat Warner. Chapter elections will be held in March and officers installed in June.

--Compatriot Tim Klein reported on the recent funeral for long-time Compatriot Jack Pettijohn. Jack’s service with the chapter and MDSSAR was fondly recalled, as well as his mentoring of many current members.

--President James Perry reported on his attendance at the NSSAR Fall Leadership and Trustee’s Meeting and the work of the Museum Board.

Respectfully Submitted,

James M. Perry, President

General William Smallwood Chapter