CrossBridge Prayer List


Continue to pray for the CrossBridge Couples expecting little ones: Jason and Tina Hebert, John and Katie Woolard, Zack and Brandi Kellis (twins!), Brooks and Amy Greene, Clay and Jennifer Daniel, Morris and Alison Ford, Tim and April Harbison, Lance and Brianne Hendrick, Michael and Melissa Dempsey and Charlie and Lora Vifquain. We praise God for these blessings!

Jeremy Taylor has returned from Haiti! We praise God!

Connie Schultz’ father David Shipman has improved. We praise God and please continue to lift him up in prayer.

Prayer Requests

Andy Long writes, “Mom does have stage 1 cancer in her lungs. She will be having surgery to remove the lung that hasthe cancer on May 5th. Please keep her on the prayer list.”

Tonya Jones stepmother Pat fell and broke her hip. She had surgery and her physical therapy is going well. Please pray for her recovery and for strength and trust in God as the family copes with this situation.

Amy Torbert continues to struggle with health problems. Please pray that doctors can accurately diagnose her condition so she can begin receiving treatment that will bring her relief.

Candace Gregory was admitted to Shelby Baptist over the weekend. She had gone in for a doctor visit and it was found that her blood pressure was seriously elevated. She has been moved to a regular room and it looks like the problem is with one of her kidneys. It could be stenosis which is a narrowing of the artery of the left kidney. The cardiologist will see her today, but the CT scan did not come back normal. Please pray for complete healing for Candace.

We prayed for Blair Gregory’s father on Sunday morning. Blair had just received word that his father who lives in Virginia- had a heart attack. Please pray for healing for Blair’s father.

Donna Allen writes, “Paul andDonna just returned from MD Anderson last Thursday and have been informed there will be no operation in May. Based on his tests, the tumor in the pancreas is active again making this the worst possible time to operate.There are indications that the tumor is growing,even with the radiation treatments. The doctors said operating would be like popping a balloon and allowing the cancer to escape. Therefore, Paul will start on a new round of chemo for the next couple of months in an effort to stabilize it and will then be re-evaluated for surgery later this summer. Please continue your prayers for him and his family.”

Saundra Ivey’s surgery went very well but Janis Wilson called to inform us that there has been some unexpected bleeding that has occurred. If the source of this bleeding can not be found, she may have to have surgery again today. Please pray for Saundra and for all those that are caring for her at Trinity Hospital.

Jett Cullen is having a medical test done and he may need surgery again. Please lift him up to the Lord and remember Laura and the Woolard’s in prayer as well.

Ky Gregory will be having oral surgery on Wednesday. Pray all goes well and for a smooth recovery.

Miranda Brantley returned to school this week- just going for a short time each day. Please continue to pray for her.

Jim Mercer is home from the hospital and is recovering from his broken leg. Please continue to remember him in your prayers.

Phil Meadows, friend of Ron and Barbara Lovell, has congestive heart failure and diabetes. Lack of careful care of his diabetic condition has caused a continual decline in his health. Phil is 64 years old. His kidneys are functioning at 25% capacity which is a slight improvement from previous tests. Please pray.

Rhonda Lewis’ Grandmother Lorene Tidwell had knee replacement surgery and will be in the Nursing Home for several days of recovery and doing physical therapy. Please continue to lift up Lorene in your prayers.

Starla Castle writes, “I wanted to let everyone know of a situation with my doctor. Her name is Melanie Miller and while in the hospital in March giving birth her doctors discovered an inoperable malignant tumor on her back that has apparently already spread. I can only imagine what she is feeling right now with a new baby and another very young child at home. Please pray for her, for healing and for peace.”

Some of you may have heard this tragic news. Pam Coons writes, “We are asking urgent prayers on behalf of a family in our neighborhood. Their little 2 year old girl was just hit by a car backing out of a neighbor's driveway. The dad and their newborn are at the hospital. The mom was not at home. They have two other children who are with a neighbor now. PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS LITTLE GIRL AND HER FAMILY!” As you may have heard the little girl passed away. Please cover this family in prayer. I am sure Pam will let us know if there are more specific ways we can help this family.

Dan Kauper had a heart ablation and is back to work but is experiencing some soreness. Preliminary indications seem to show that the procedure has not helped his condition so we need to pray for healing on his behalf. Please lift him up to the Lord in your prayers.

Please pray for Miles and Ella Christie as they remain in the Brookwood NICU. They are doing very well and please continue to pray that they would grow and remain healthy. Thank you for your prayers for these sweet babies. Cover Wes and Amber in prayer as well while they are away from their little ones.

Gay Cabaniss, Dewayne’s Mom, is being treated for recurrent uterine cancer. Recent PET scans have shown that she is responding to chemotherapy. The two spots on her lungs are gone and the plan is to have three more cycles of chemotherapy.

Chris Coons’ friend and co-worker James Knowles is having major health problems involving his weight with diabetes and has been given 3-5 years to live if he doesn’t get his weight under control. Please pray for his resolve as he seeks to complete his diet and exercise plan.

Please pray for the Mussina family as they grieve the death of their 15 year old son.

Please keep praying for healing for Paul Allen.

Harold Watson writes, “My brother, Keith, called to let me know that the doctor has found a blood clot on his lung. He has had a history of these blood clots. Please place him on the church prayer list, as Keith has requested prayer for healing. Pray that the blood clot will dissolve and the doctors will find the cause of the blood clots. He is resting at home and taking medication to help dissolve the clot. Keith is my youngest brother who lives in Gainesville, Florida.” Let’s lift Keith up to the Lord.

Harold also asks for prayers for his niece, Becky Watson. She is in Colorado being treated for an eating disorder and she has fallen and broken her hip. Surgery is needed to help her but it will be very difficult in her current condition. Please pray for healing for her so surgery can be performed and pray she can receive the help she needs for her eating disorder.

Elizabeth Moulin- Willie’s Mom and Ashley, Cheree’s and Desiree’s Grandmother is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. She lives alone in Miami Beach. Please pray for her.

Bob Gerchow continues to need prayers for health. Mandee writes, “My parents are struggling financially because of their health problems/hospital bills/inability to work. Pray for them to plan their future with this in mind.”

Gayle Smith- Gerri Roberts mom had open heart surgery and has been moved to rehab. Please continue to pray for her.

Jim Kinney- friend of Jay Jamison was in a terrible car accident has been moved to a regular room at UAB and is recovering.

Continue to pray for Jordan Reese and ask the Lord to open up a door of employment for him.

Joey Murray asks that we continue to lift him up in prayer. He said he is making small improvements. Please cover him family in prayer.

Pam Coons writes, “If you could please add Cathy Thornton to our prayer list. She is the mother of a friend of mine. Cathy was diagnosed a few weeks back with uterine cancer. She had a hysterectomy 9 days ago and they said it was a Stage 3c cancer meaning they found cancer cells in her lymph tissue. Luckily, they got out the main cause of the cancer and now she has to heal and when she is done healing she will have to undergo chemo and then probably radiation. She has requested all to pray!”

Please pray for Betty Howard- Dorothy Young’s sister. Hospice has been called. Lift her up to the Lord and cover Dorothy in prayer as well.

Ben Sorenson asked for prayer. Please lift him up to the Lord and let’s surround him with love and support as he walks the road of faith.

Continue to cover the Baxter Family in prayer.

Please pray for Jo-Ann Moulin’s mother, Faye Wilson. Jo-Ann shares that Faye is doing very well and continues chemotherapy.

Mike Warnock (colleague of Kendall Hogan) continues to have health difficulties. Please pray that doctors can accurately diagnose the cause of his health decline. He is going to the Mayo Clinic and could have a biopsy on his spine but that procedure may cause paralysis so we need to lift this up to God. He continues to be in pain but is thankful for your prayers.

Clark Ogle has asked for prayer for macular degeneration. Please lift him and his family up to God this week and ask for healing and help.

Please edit or add to these requests. They will be distributed by e-mail on Monday.