PSM.6.4Level Control of Road Layers

(New Clause)

The Contractor shall submit at the time of requesting acceptance of a road layer a record of the surface levels of that section, taken at metreage intervals to coincide with the level pegs. A sample form is obtainable from the Engineer.


PSM 7.1General

Add:“The random sampling method of TMH 5, for the spotting of positions, for field density testing will not necessarily be applied by the Engineer’s Representative. Density testing shall be carried out where, in his opinion, the density of the compacted layer is suspect. The Contractor shall present the full width of the layer, between the stated linear stake values, for acceptance. Only in exceptional cases will partial widths of layer be accepted for testing.”

PSM 7.3Routine Inspection and Testing

Add to Clause 7.3.2: “The request for acceptance of a layer shall be submitted in writing, specifying the exact location of the section and type of layer. On receipt of all these details the Engineer’s Representative will arrange for the necessary inspections and tests to satisfy himself that the road layer complies. Testing will be carried out as expeditiously as possible, and the results will be available within 48 hours of receipt of test request. The Contractor shall backfill the test holes left in the layer with a similar material to that of the layer tested and compact the material to a similar density. Concrete shall not be used.”


PSM 8.2Inspection and Testing of a Road Layer

(New Clause)

The cost of refilling and compacting the density test holes shall be included in the rate tendered for the construction of that layer.



PSME 3.2.1Subbase Material

With reference to Clause d(ii) and d(iii), the regional factor for the Metropole shall be taken as 0,6.


PSME 5.4.1Placing

The subbase layer shall be 150mm thick unless shown otherwise on the drawings.


PSME 6.1Dimensions, Levels, etc.

PSME 6.1.1General

Add the following to Clause 6.1.1:

“For layers, constructed of subbase quality material, on which the bituminous surface will be placed, the tolerance for dimensions and level shall be as set out in SABS 1200 MF Clauses 6.1.2 to 6.1.6 inclusive.”



PSMF 3.3.2Graded Crushed Stone

Add the following to Clause 3.3.2 after the words SABS 1083 ...... “for 37,5mm stone”.



Delete 98% and replace with 100%.


PSMF 6.1.2Grade

Delete the contents of Clauses (a) and (b) and replace by “The height of the edge of the channel above the top of the completed base is not less than the minimum thickness of asphalt surfacing, i.e. 5mm less than the specified thickness.” (See SABS 1200 MH 6.3.4)

PSMF 6.1.5Cross-section

Delete “25mm” from Clause 6.1.5 and replace by “15mm”.

PSMF 7.3.2Routine Inspection and Testing

Delete Clause 7.3.2 and replace with the following:

“The Density measured at all test holes shall be a minimum of 100% Mod. AASHTO density for the lot to be acceptable”.


There is no yet.



PSMH 3.1(b)Prime

The prime used shall be MC-30.


PSMH 4.2Binder Distributor

Add to Clause 4.2:

“The Engineer’s Representative may in certain instances authorise the application of the prime coat by means of a hand operated sprayer. The Contractor shall submit, in writing, his intended methods to ensure that the temperature and rate of application requirements will be achieved, before authority is given. The continuation of this authority is dependant upon satisfactory results being achieved.”


PSMH 5.1.1Preparation of Surface

Add to Clause :

(b):“Where the previously primed surface has become unsuitable the Engineer’s Representative may order a tack coat to be applied prior to the bituminous surface being applied.”

PSMH and Tack Cost

(New Clause)

Add new Clause

(d):“When the moisture content of the upper 50mm of the base course is greater than 50% of OMC.”

PSMH 5.1.7Rates of Application

The MC-30 prime shall be applied at a rate of 0,7 /m².

PSMH 5.5.1Design of Asphalt

Add the following to Clause 5.5.1:

“A continuously graded medium mix is required. The Type IVa (Asphalt Institute) hot mix produced locally by Much Asphalt Ltd is suitable.”


PSMH 6.3.5Cross-section

Add to Clause 6.3.5 :

“Notwithstanding these allowances, at no place shall the level of the top of the asphalt surface fall below that of the adjacent low side concrete channel”.


PSMH 7.2.4Density Testing

Delete the second sentence, viz.: “Not more ...... density” and replace with: “The density of all cores shall be equal to, or greater than the 95% Marshall Density, for the lot to be acceptable.”


PSMH 8.4.2Computation of Quantities

Add to Clause 8.4.2:

Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause, the unit of measurement for asphalt surfacing shall be the square metre of surface area.”



PSMK 3.2.1General

Delete the contents of Clause 3.2.1 and replace with the following:

“Refer to the Municipal Standard Detail Drawings for kerb and channel details.”

PSMK 3.8Curing Compound

Add to Clause 3.8:

“and be a resin based white pigmented type.”

PSMK 3.9Bedding Material

Delete the contents of Clause 3.9 and replace by the following:

“Either a 1:8 cement sand mix shall be used or if the layer is more than 30mm thick a strength concrete of Grade 20.”


PSMK 5.1Excavation and Bedding

Delete the first paragraph viz. “Trenches for ...... grade.”

PSMK 5.2Precast Concrete Kerbing and Channelling

Add in second line “10mm to” before “50mm”.

Delete in the last paragraph from “the kerbs shall” to “15 MPa and.”

PSMK 5.2.1Precast Concrete Kerbing and Cast-in-situ Concrete Channelling

(New Clause)

After the precast kerbs have been laid the formwork for the channelling shall be set up. Expansion joints shall be allowed for at approximately 8 metres intervals, i.e. opposite the joint between the kerbs. The principles of Clause 5.4 shall apply to the construction of cast-in-situ channelling.

PSMK 5.8Machine-Laid Cast-In-Situ (Extruded) Kerbing and Channelling

Before commencing kerb laying on the site, the first 50m length of kerb and channel to be constructed shall be regarded as trial kerb and channel. The Contractor shall demonstrate in the trial length the methods he proposes to use for the construction of the kerb and channel, including joints, texturing, the achievement of a smooth surface and dense fully compacted concrete. It may be constructed either in the recognised position in a road or elsewhere on the site in which case it shall be demolished, broken out and removed at the Contractor’s expense.

The trial kerb and channel shall be constructed with the plant and equipment to be used on the works and the equipment’s motion forwards and the handwork carried out on the extruded section shall be so controlled and used as to produce a kerb and channel to the shape, lines and levels specified.

The time taken to lay the test strip shall be recorded, which in the event of acceptance, shall be used to calculate a rate of extrusion which shall not be exceeded without the permission of the Engineer.

If the concrete in the trial strip fails to meet the test requirements, the Contractor may, at his own cost, cut further cores from the kerb and or channel up to a maximum of one core per 100m length. The strengths obtained on such cores, together with those tested on the instruction of the Engineer, shall be used to test compliance with the strength requirements.

The Contractor may, unless advised of any deficiencies in the trial kerb and channel, proceed with kerbing as soon as acceptable core test results are obtained.

In the event of deficiencies in the trial kerb and channel, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, demolish the rejected sections and remove to the designated tip site and repeat the 50m long trial strip. This process shall be continued until the Contractor has produced kerb and channel in accordance with this specification. He may then proceed with kerb and channel construction proper. Any unacceptable trial length shall be broken out and removed to spoil, at the Contractor’s expense before any subsequent trial length is permitted to commence.

Core test holes shall be filled with 30 MPa concrete mixed with a suitable adhesive compound.

No other means of testing the concrete will be considered and any kerb or channel not complying with all the requirements of the specification shall be broken out, removed to spoil and replaced at the Contractor’s own expense.

The Contractor shall ensure that no change of circumstances or conditions is made to jeopardise the quality of the kerb and channel under construction. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, this does occur, he may order the construction of a further trial length of 50m of kerb and channel in accordance with the requirements of this specification. Work on the kerb and channel proper shall not proceed until a trial strip has been constructed in accordance with the requirements of this specification. No claims for delays will be considered by the Engineer on account of further trial lengths of kerbing being ordered.

PSMK 5.8.3Subbase Preparation(Extruded Kerbing)

Delete in the first line from:“500mm beyond” to “as relevant” and replace by “150mm beyond the back face of the kerb.” Note this dimension applies to the compaction width required for the road layer.

PSMK 5.13Junction with existing Kerb And Channel

(New Clause)

The Engineer’s Representative shall state in each case the length of existing kerb and channel to be removed. The exposed road layer surface shall be made good before proceeding.


PSMK 6.1Concrete Kerbing and Channelling

Delete in Clause (b)(1) the allowance of “0, - 10” and replace by “± 10” and add to wording “provided the layer thicknesses are not prejudiced.”



Delete in Clause all references to cubes and cube testing.

Add to second line of Clause after “SABS Method 865” the following:“The numerical value of the compressive strength of the core used for adjudication shall be that value determined in accordance with Clause 6.3 of SABS Method 865.”

Delete in fourth line of Clause “22 MPa (i.e. less than 25 - 3 MPa)” and replace by: “20 MPa”.


PSMK 8.1.1Basic Principles

Delete the second sentence of Clause 8.1.1 and replace by: “Deduction from the linear length of the kerbing will be made for transition kerb and channel, catchpit structures and motor-slopes. These items will be measured separately.

PSMK 8.2.3Variation of Tests on Extruded Kerbing

Add:“If the coring and testing is carried out via the Municipal RoadLaboratory the Contractor will be debited with the cost of the test when the measured compressive strength is less than 20 MPa.”


Add to Clause “The unit of measurement of the 2 metre length of kerb and channel transition between mountable and barrier type kerb and channel and between mountable or barrier type and the precast support kerb at the catchpit shall be per number.”

PSMK 8.2.13Junction with Existing Kerb and Channel

(New Clause)

The unit of measurement for tying new kerb and channel into existing shall be per metre and shall include for all labour and materials necessary to comply with Clause PSMK 5.13 and to complete the junction.

PSMK 8.2.15Motor Slopes

(New Clause)

a)Standard Residential Motorslopes, with 3m ramps,as detailed on Drawing No PSMK 7/6 No.

b)Extra-over for additional ramp width...... m

The rate shall cover the cost of supplying subbase quality material from commercial sources, placing to the required levels, watering and compacting to 95% Mod. AASHTO density, supplying and placing the concrete, forming of joints, screeding and finishing to the required levels.

PSMK 8.2.16Pedestrian Ramps

(New Clause)

a)Pedestrian Ramps, with floated concrete finish,as shown
on Drawing No PSMK 7/7...... No

b)Pedestrian Ramps, with “bubble block”,as shown on
Drawing No PSMK 7/7 & 7/8...... No

The rate shall cover the cost of supplying subbase quality material from commercial sources, placing to the required levels, watering and compacting to 95% Mod. AASHTO density, supplying and placing the concrete, forming of joints, screeding and finishing to the required levels.



PSMM 3.2.12Street Name Boards

(New Clause)

Street Name Boards shall be as specified on Municipal Standard Detail Drawings PSMM 53.


PSMM 5.5Street Name Boards

(New Clause)

Poles shall be erected at the positions shown on the drawings and name blades attached as ordered. The correct spelling of the names of the streets, etc. to appear on the blades will be supplied in writing by the Engineer.

M:general:contracts:cidb documents:10. Scope roadworks SR 1Oct 2007