Claybrooke Parva Parish Council
Minutes of the Claybrooke Parva Parish Council Annual General Meeting held in The Old School Hall, on Wednesday 10th May 2017commencing at 6.30pm.
In attendance:
C. Allen, R. Harrop, I. Robertson C. Staton;Also present M. Howell (Clerk).
Apologies were received from S. Milnes
Four members of the publicwere present at this meeting.
17/01 / Following the notification of vacancies on the Notice Board and Web site two nominations had been received by the closing date of 4th May 2017. No request for an election had been received within the statutory period. There being two candidates to fill the two vacancies Mrs C. Allen and Mr I. Robertson were co-opted onto the Claybrooke Parva Parish Council. Attended the meeting and signed their Declaration of Acceptance in the presence of the Clerk. Under section 83 (3) of the LGA 197217/02 / Election of Chairman. It was proposed and seconded that Cllr. R. Harrop be elected as Chairman for the ensuing year.
There being no other nomination Cllr Harrop was elected nem con.
17/03 / Minutes of the last AGM held on 11th May 2016 having been circulated were accepted and signed.
17/04 / Annual Return for the year ending March 2017 was presented to the Council, had been approved by the internal auditors and was signed by the Chairman.
17/05 / Members received and adopted the Financial Risk Assessment document previously circulated.
The pink paper to consider ‘On Line Banking’ had been circulated with the agendas. Members considered the implications and the recommendations and agreed that we should remain with Nat West Bank and for all transactions below £300 would use internet banking. All transaction will be displayed on the agendas and recorded in the minutes.
Sums over £300 will continue to be paid by cheque for which two signatures will be required.
Cllr Staton and Cllr Harrop were authorised to sign cheques.
Being put to the vote this proposal was carried unanimously.
Standing Orders 3 and 4 would be changed to reflect this revised arrangement.
17/06 / Members received and adopted the Risk Assessment previously circulated.
17/07 / Members received and accepted the Code of Conduct and Standing Orders(subject to the agreed amendments)previously circulated.
17/08 / Representation on Outside Bodies: It was agreed that CllrR. Harrop would continue as the Council representative on the Claybrooke Joint Burial Board.
Mr B. Fowler continues as our representative on the Alderman Newton Trust and Mrs. Zoe Ridley the representative on the Marc Smith Charity.
17/09 / Election of Vice Chairman. There being no nomination it was agreed to carry this item over to the next ordinary meeting of the Council.
17/10 / Clerks Remuneration. The Clerk left the meeting while this item was considered. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would receive a remuneration of £1100 per annum from 1st April 2017.
17/11 / Cllr Staton raised the question of a Neighbourhood Watch representative. It was considered this was essential with the increase of crime in the immediate vicinity. Mr N. Jenkins had advised the Council he was prepared to take on this role. The Chairman proposed that this item be included on the July meeting agenda to consider the implications and what the position might involve.
17/12 / The Clerk informed the Council that Magna Park Community Fund had made a grant of £2200 to the Parish Council for the continued maintenance and upkeep of ‘The Green’. The Chairman agreed to attend the Magna Park Offices at the cheque presentation on behalf of The Council.
17/13 / The Chairman thanked the Members and the Clerk for their support and closed the meeting at 6.55p.m.
17/14 / Attendance: Cllr. Milnes had made her apologies. All other councillors were in attendance.
17/15 / Dates of future meetings:2017: 12th July; 6th September; 6th December.