Human Resources

Guidance Notes for Exit Interviewers

This document is intended as a guide to conducting an exit interview. A document with prompt questions is also available at use during the meeting which provides a guide and a suggested structure to the meeting.



When should an exit interview take place

Who should conduct an exit interview

At the beginning of the exit interview

During the exit interview

What to do if a concern is raised during the exit interview

At the end of the interview

After the interview

How will the information be processed?

Further information


An exit interview is conducted with an employee who is shortly going to be leaving the University. The purpose of an exit interview is to discuss with the employee the factors that have led to their decision to leave and to also gain information about an employee’s experience within their team, School/ Institute/Service and the university and about their views on the design of the role they are leaving. This provides useful information which helps to shape replacement posts, find out what works well, identify the need for changes/ improvements, help identify training needs, and can help improve induction processes for new employees.

When should an exit interview take place

An exit interview should be arranged following the receipt of a letter of resignationand can be made available for those whose fixed term contracts/funding are coming to an end, however remember that participation in the interview should be voluntary. On receipt of the resignation or end of contract/funding the Faculty/Service HR contact will email the individual encouraging them to have an exit interview and will identify who the individual would like their meeting to be held with and will notify the relevant member of staff.
A mutually convenient time should then be agreed with the individual preferably earlier in the notice period to help you consider any changes you might make to a replacement role.

Who should conduct an exit interview

The leaver will have a choice of who they would like to meet with as they may prefer to meet with someone outside their own School/Service or team;
  • The Head of School/Service or Deputy Head of School/Service
  • The Line Manager/or manager outside your team
  • HR Manager or HR Officer (from within or outside your Faculty)

At the beginning of the exit interview

  • Explain the purpose of the meeting (see background section above)
  • Explain that the information will be treated sensitively and in confidence, though it will be shared with colleagues in HR and other need- to- know individuals unless you agree that particular points should remain confidential to you and the individual
  • Explain how the information will be used (see how will the information be processed section below)
  • Explain that the interview is an opportunity for the employee to provide open and honest feedback about their experiences at the University and their reasons for leaving

During the exit interview

During the exit interview it is important to keep accurate notes of the discussion. It is important to encourage employees to be as open as possible and provide honest feedback, however we recognise that this can sometimes be difficult to do. We have put together the following tips to help with this:
  • Ask open ended questions (see the Prompt Questions document)
  • Keep the tone of the discussion conversational
  • Listen more than you talk but discuss comments to ensure that you understand them fully
  • Be sensitive to potential differences between people leaving for other employment and those resigning for ‘personal reasons’
  • Please bear in mind that the individual is sharing their views and that these may be different to your own. Resist the urge to challenge or defend
  • If someone is leaving due to their fixed term contract/funding coming to end then you should focus on only the questions relating to the role and experience rather than reasons for leaving

What to do if a concern is raised during the exit interview

There may be some circumstances where it may be necessary to disclose information which is discussed during an exit interview. For example; if the employee identifies unresolved issues such as allegations of bullying in the workplace. In these circumstances the interviewer should ask the employee whether they have previously raised their concerns with Human Resources or made a complaint informally or formally through the appropriate process. If the employee has not taken any previous action the interviewer should make the employee aware that their concerns can be investigated. If this is the course of action the employee wishes to pursue, the interviewer or individualshould contact their Faculty HR Manager or Officer for advice and to discuss the issues that need to be investigated.

At the end of the interview

  • Thank the employee for their time and co-operation
  • Make people aware of the University’s online exit questionnaire which poses additional questions around experiences within the University on a broader scale than the meeting discussion (the employee can find the web link in the letter acknowledging theirresignation)
  • Reassure the individual that participation in the Exit interview process, whether in the form of an exit interview or filling out the on-line exit questionnaire, will not result in any repercussions in terms of future employment with the University or the impact on references.

After the interview

  • Note and progress any actions that you need to take forward as a result of the feedback you have been given, using the tear of sheet from the exit interview prompt questions.
  • Forward your summary document to the Faculty/Service HR Manager or Officer

How will the information be processed?

The notes that are taken during the discussion should be sent to your Faculty/Service HR Manager or Officer so that analysis can take place to identify any common themes from exit interviews across the Faculty/Service which can be used to improve our practices.
You should make a note of any actions that need taking forward as a result of the feedback and progress any actions that need immediate attention as quickly as possible or forward onto the relevant person such as the Line Manager. This information can be recorded on the tear off sheet on the exit interview questionnaire document.
As the aim of the exit interview is to help improve employment practices you should make a note of any feedback that could result in an action that will help with this such as;
  • Updating job descriptions
  • Identifying training and development needs for remaining employees
  • Assessing the effectiveness of recruitment practices
  • Workload issues
  • Issues relating to the physical working environment
Your Faculty/Service HR team will then work with you to help resolve any issues and put in place any mechanisms needed to make improvements.

Further information

Further information about exit interviews can be obtained from your Faculty/Service HR Team.If you require this document in an alternative format (for example braille, large print or e-text) please contact Human Resources at