Village of Makanda

P.O Box 99

Makanda, Illinois 62958

Board Minutes

February 7, 2017


CALL TO ORDER: Regular meeting of the Board ofTrustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Tina Shingleton

ROLL CALL:Clerk called the roll of the Village Board: Trustees Hilliard, Dalton, Wolff, Brouillette, Ross and Allen were present. Treasurer absent.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: President asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Motion made by Trustee Dalton to accept the minutes of the last meeting. It was seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. All members at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

CITIZEN’S HEARING: Two guests present, Alicia Oakley and Joe McFarland. Alicia lives at 55 Parkwood and is having erosion problems, due to drainage work the Township had done. Board confirmed that 55 Parkwood is in the Township, and the Village has no control over that property. President gave Alicia the phone number for Township Supervisor Sara Lipe, so that Alicia could call Sara to see if the Township can be of assistance. Trustee Wolff suggested if she needed legal assistance to call theSIU Law School, to see if they offer pro-bono work. Joe McFarland inquired if the post mark he designed for the Eclipse had been approved. President reported that the Village attorney had not gotten back to her on that. She is planning to have the Board look at the postmark tonight. If they approved it she will sign off on it and return the postmark paper work to Joe. This is the first topic in her comments tonight.

PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS: Joe has applied to the Post Office for a Pictorial Postmark. A Sponsor Release and Indemnification for Pictorial Release form is required by the Village to Sponsor this proposal. President has asked legal counsel to review the release form. President has not yet heard from him. President asked Board if they have any objection of signing off on release. Board approved to sign off on release form.

President received notice from H&R Agri-Power advising the manufacturer warranty for the Farmall tractor will expire 3/31/17. Board does not wish to extend warranty.

Jackson County Board has requested use of B.C. Ross Community Center for the Consolidated General Election on April 4. Facility will be required for use from 5 a.m. to approximately 10 p.m.

President received contact information update from U.S. Census Bureau to verify and return. She also received an email regarding a 2017 BAS Workshop on Monday, March 13 in Springfield, IL from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to provide an overview of the 2020 Census Geographic Partnership Programs, the 2017 BAS, an explanation of geographic concepts and boundaries used by the Census Bureau and demonstrations for creating a digital and paper response for completing the BAS. There is no charge to attend the workshop.

President still needs to contact Wanda at Renascence House as the broken concrete may be on private property. President spoke with Ameren but they could not find record of previous report. They suggested filing a claim. Regarding whether or not it would be Village or private property, the Ameren representative stated it is usually considered city/village property if located beside a public road. We may also want to check to see if 20 ft. from center of road on each side still applies to Baptist Hill due to width of road.

During Eclipse meeting President spoke with Calvin Beckmann from Giant City Park. He will check on blockage of ditch across from Village Hall. Have been advised that ditch is on railroad property. Board suggested calling railroad to see what can be done.

President was contacted by John Phelps from the Stone Creek Homeowner’s Association to meet and discuss Village maintenance of Stone Creek Subdivision roads. Village President, Village Trustee Hilliard, John Phelps, Brian Bird – Stone Creek Homeowner’s Association, and Tim and Jason Chrzan from Stone Creek Golf Course met on January 18. Village President provided information from May 2015 regarding agreements that were drawn up from each group’s attorney. Stone Creek will contact their attorney, Elvis Cameron, as none of them were aware of the agreements that had been drawn up. We will wait to see if this is pursued by Stone Creek.

President received an email from Anna with Select Energy. They have been monitoring the market for months and feel it is a good time to lock in a rate. They executed a contract with Homefield Energy on 1/25/17. The rate is $.06285/kWh for a term of 42 months. Other suppliers were not willing to guarantee rates for more than 24 months. Received a new Aggregation Program Agreement signed effective 1/25/17 for a term of 42 months (June 2017-June 2019/rate .06193 and July 2019 thru December 2020/rate .06187).

CLERK: Clerk recorded Man Hours for January. Clerk presented new Village flow charts, Board approved. Clerk distributed Statements of Economic Interest. Board members completed them and returned them to the Clerk.

TRUSTEES: Trustee Hilliardreported that there is a sink hole in the middle of Wiley Lane that needs to be filled. He has ordered new street signs and handicapped parking signs. They should be here later this month. The Street and Road crew will determined the best type of posts to use, when they put the signs up. Trustee Hilliard stated that at the upcoming Finance meeting, he will bring up the need for new guardrails on sections of Sheppard Lane, Misty Meadows and Church Street. Trustee Hilliard recommended that the Village hire Midwest Fence to install the guard rails, as they had done a good job putting up the guard rail on Baptist Hill. The Village would need to get a bid from Midwest Fence. Trustee Hilliard reported that the Masonic Lodge has not yet determined the amountof the donation they will make towards the new playground. Trustee Dalton reported that there are large chunks of cement that have broken off from an old railroad structure and are laying on the bank of the creek. These need to be removed before they form a damn or other hazard. Trustee Wolff reported there are limbs down on McGuire Road from the recent ice storm that need to be cleaned up. Trustee Wolff recommended that there needs to be a meeting with the Street and Road crew plus Trustee’s Allen, Hilliard, and himself to determine how best to organize and arrange the shop, so that it looks professional. Trustee Brouillette reported that he is still in the process of coordinating a Red Cross training for the Village First Responders, and other Board members. Trustee Ross suggested that the Village create a new ordinance regarding abandoned buildings and property in the Village. Trustee Ross stated that entrance to the Boost Monument is hazardous and needs to be smoothed out. Also, the drainage there is backing up, and needs to be corrected. Trustee Ross stated that due to possible liability issues, her son will not be cleaning out the ditches on Heern Street. The Street and Road crew should take on that project. Trustee Allenrecommended that the Village begin a yearly inventory of tools and equipment. He suggested doing it at the end of each fiscal year. Trustee Allen reported that parts are getting hard to find for the Village Cinder spreader, but it should last a few more years. Trustee Allen recommended that the Village get a dumpster to keep at the equipment building. Board discussed and agreed. Trustee Allen will call Burris and make the necessary arrangements. Trustee Allen inquired if the Village would allow Danny to purchase shelving. President reported that she will write letters to Rural King, and True Value stating who should be allowed to make purchases on the Village’s tax exempt account. She will ask Lowes what is required to set up a tax exempt account with them. President reported that she and the Treasurer have Village debit cards. President stated that a tax exempt account needs to be set up for any business where purchases are made. Trustee Allen will ask Dan to get prices on the shelving. Trustee Allen reported the F450 truck has oil and fuel leaks, plus rust problems. He has ordered $450 worth of parts from Vogler, to get the truck running. Trustee Allen said that this truck will need to be replaced soon. Board discussed options to be considered at a future time. Board discussed ways to dispose of surplus property. President reminded the Board they would need to pass a resolution todispose of any surplusproperty.


A. Treasurer’s Report:President reviewed the monthly report.

B. Bills Payable: Copy provided to Trustees

President asked fora motion to approve Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills.

Trustee Allen made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. Trustee Ross seconded the motion. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.


A. Finance Committee:Board was reminded that meeting is on February18 at 9a.m.

B. Ordinance Committee:

C. Street & Road Committee:

D. Subdivision Committee:

E. Insurance Committee:


A. Emergency Disaster Committee:

B. Special Events Committee:

C. Eclipse Committee: Next meeting will be on February 28 at 6:30 p.m.

D. Playground Committee: Next meeting will be February 28, right after the Eclipse meeting. The Forest Fiesta playground set is priced at $15,229.42 plus installation at $7,142.00. Adding a merry-go-round, will be another $3,000 or $4,000, plus installation. Equipment will be one check and installation will be a second check. The Village has been receiving donations.




NEW BUSINESS: Trustee Ross will price outdoor ash trays for the Community Center.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: February 12 there will a Valentines Party Lunch at the Baptist Church. February 26 from 12:30 to 2 p.m. at the Baptist Church Fellowship Hall there will be a 90th Birthday Celebration for Mrs. Grammar. Trustee Wolff thanked Trustee Allen for all the work that he has been doing with the Street and Road crew.

ADJOURMENT:President asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Ross and seconded by Trustee Dalton. Voice vote. All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.


Leslie Yambert, Village ClerkTina Shingleton, President