Sector Development
Program Specifications
District Contracting and Support
Service System Commissioning
March 2017
Sector Development - Program Specifications – March 20171
2.Legislative framework
3.Policy directions and commitments
4.FACS commissioning approach
5.Program description
5.1.Business strategy
5.2.Key priorities
5.3.Service activities
5.4.Key stakeholders
6.Industry development and one-off funding arrangements
7.Key performance measures
8.Service activities and performance measures
9.Data collection and reporting
These specifications provide stakeholders with an overview of the Sector Development program, and outline forservice providers and the communitywhat is being funded under this program and the expected outcomes of the program.
2.Legislative framework
Family and Community Services (FACS) administers the Sector Development program through the following principle Acts:
- Community Welfare Act 1987; and
- Housing Act 2001.
3.Policy directions and commitments
FACS is the lead cluster for delivery of a number of Premier’s and State Priorities to improve outcomes for the community, particularly those who are disadvantaged.
- decrease the percentage of children and young people re-reported at risk of significant harm by 15 per cent over three years
- increase the proportion of young people who successfully move from specialist homelessness services to long-term accommodation by 10 per cent by 2016-17
- increase the number of households successfully transitioning out of social housing by five per cent over three years
- increasehousing supply across NSW
- successfully implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) by July 2018.
NSW Premier’s and State Priorities can be found at:
FACS policy directions and commitments aimed at delivering these goals are outlined in the FACS Strategic Statement 2014-16:
Objectives contained within the FACS Strategic Statement are:
- Children and young people are protected from abuse and neglect.
- People with disability are supported to realise their potential.
- Social housing assistance is used to break disadvantage.
- People are assisted to participate in social and economic life.
- People at risk of, and experiencing, domestic and family violence are safer.
- Aboriginal people, families and communities have better outcomes.
The FACS Strategic Statement is due to be revised in mid-2017.
4.FACS commissioning approach
Commissioning is a collaborative process to assess individual and community needs and assets, agree on outcomes, and design and evaluate the most efficient response to achieveoutcomes over the short and long term.
FACS is taking the lead in NSWon commissioning the human services service system needed to achieve better outcomes for clients through new forms of internal and external engagement and shared responsibility between the government and non-government sector.
FACS has developed a Commissioning Framework to help embed commissioning as an end to end process. The Sector Development program is aligned with a commissioning approach that harnesses the expertise of the NGO sector in strengthening the service system through peaks’ contribution to planning and implementation of FACS strategic priorities and reform.
5.Program description
Through the Sector Development program, FACS engages peak organisations to deliver a range of core activities that contribute to the development of a capable and sustainable service system which delivers positive outcomes for FACS clients and the broader community.
For the purpose of these Program Specifications the term peaks will be inclusive of peak organisations, industry bodies and consumer representative bodiesthatrepresentthe interests of clients, consumers, citizens, communities and non-government organisations working in the human services sector. They providesystemic advocacy, policy development and sector capacity building for better service delivery and functioning of community organisations[1].
The Sector Development program enables FACS’ diverse range of stakeholders to participate in policy and service delivery planning, and supports FACS partnership approach to providing services in, and developing the child, family, community services, homelessness and housingsectors.
The program is administered via a three year planning cycle to facilitate development of long term strategies for the program with broad directions and priorities aligned with FACS and government priorities.
5.1.Business strategy
The Sector Development program requires funded peaks to have a business strategy that articulates:
- how the organisation will be positioned to deliver for the sector and
- the specific contributions the organisation will make to developing an effective and sustainable sector that delivers client outcomes.
5.2.Key priorities
Agreed priorities for the[2]2017-20 funding cycle are as follows:
- Representation/advocacy & collaboration in planning & implementation of government service delivery reform and strategic initiatives, including:
- OOHC Recommissioning
- TEI Reform
- Future Directions
- Their Futures Matter
- Volunteer Strategy
- Homelessness strategy
- NSW Domestic and Family Violence Blueprint
- Aboriginal Service Delivery
- Permanency Outcomes (restoration, guardianship, adoption)
- Building capacity of sector to measure and report on outcomes
- Working in a commissioning environment.
Service activities and respective key deliverables/outputs proposed by peaks should be aligned to these priorities. It is expected that key priorities be sufficiently addressed across the program as a whole, although each priority may not be specifically addressed in the Service Plan.
5.3.Service activities
See Section 8.
5.4.Key stakeholders
The Sector Development program has a broad range of key stakeholders, including:
- Board members, staff and volunteers of member organisations;
- Sector organisations and client/consumer groups involved in or delivering direct services or policy development and advocacy in the sector;
- Individual clients and stakeholders receiving direct advocacy and/or providing support services; and
- Government agencies.
Peaks funded under the program are expected to have a focus on ensuring that the views of hard-to-reach services (e.g. in rural and remote areas) and communities (e.g. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups) are heard.
6.Industry development and one-off funding arrangements
From time to time, peak organisations may receive industry development or other one-off funding in addition to their core Sector Development funding.
These time-limited funding arrangements are for the delivery of specific projects or activities required to support the planning or implementation of key reform or initiatives, which cannot reasonably be delivered through a peak’s core funding. These arrangements support FACS partnership approach to working with the sector to deliver outcomes for vulnerable people across NSW.
The deliverables/activities funded under these arrangementsshould not duplicate activities that are ordinarily delivered under the peaks core Sector Development funding.
Sector Development - Program Specifications – March 20171
7.Key performance measures
Below are the three standard key performance measures that peaks funded under the Sector Development program will be required to report on annually.
Service result/outcomes / Action / Performance measure / DataADVICE
Key government stakeholders demonstrate awareness of key issues impacting the sector or consumers that can inform development and implementation of sound social policy / Peaks seek input from consumers, the sector and independent stakeholders to advise relevant government stakeholders of key issues to inform sound social policy. / % of members and/or stakeholders reporting:
•peak organisations have sought their views around key issues to inform policy / Annual member/stakeholder survey
% of government stakeholders reporting:
- peak organisations have engaged with them effectively to provide advice regarding key issues that inform development and implementation of sound social policy
Sector organisations and consumers/ demonstrate increased knowledge of relevant reforms and policy / Peaks support sector organisations and consumers to increase knowledge and understanding of reforms and policy. / % of members and/or stakeholders reporting that they are:
- well informed by peak about developments in the sector and related policies.
Sector organisations demonstrate increased capacity to deliver services for clients in a sustainable and effective manner
Consumers/citizens are empowered to engage with government, service providers and participate in their community. / Peaks offer a range of initiatives to support service providers to develop and improve capacity to deliver services sustainably.
Peaks support consumers/citizens to be empowered to engage with government, service providers and participate in their community. / % of members and/or stakeholders reporting that they are:
- supported by peak to develop capacity:
b)to engage with government, service providers and participate in their community (consumer representatives) / Annual member/stakeholder survey
8.Service activities and performancemeasures
The service activities to be delivered under the Sector Development program are listed in the table below.
Key deliverables for the service activities are developed by peaks in consultation with FACS and must be alignedto the 2017-2020 key priorities as outlined in Section 3.2. Performance measures for key deliverables will be identified in negotiation with each peak, using the list of example measures below as a guide, and where relevant may include targets.While some output measures may be relevant to demonstrate progress, there will be a focus on outcome measures where possible.
Peaks will be required to report on progress against the key deliverables quarterly, however it is not expected that data on all performance measures identified in a service plan will be available every quarter.
Activity Type / Description / Example performance measuresPolicy advice, advocacy and collaboration in service design, planning, reform and implementation. / Peaks provide informed social policy advice to government regarding issues impacting the sector, service system and the community.
Peak organisations also collaborate with government in the development and implementation of policy and service priorities, directions, and reform. / # social policy advice or advocacy activities undertaken by peak.
# service design, planning, reform and implementation activities peak participated in.
#% of members/stakeholders reporting their views were sought by peak on social policy issues affecting the sector and/or community.
Develop member organisations (applies to peak organisations and industry bodies) / Peak organisations provide leadership, guidance and support to:
- facilitate the development of the organisational capabilities and performance of their members (including governance, financial management and service delivery) to deliver client outcomes.
- assist members in understanding and working with FACS on reform and strategic initiatives
- promote development of a consistent culture of continuous improvement amongst members and within their own organisation that is supported through data collection, reporting and evaluation.
# of resources or projects developed by peak to support members to develop organisational capacity, improve service delivery and/ or promote continuous improvement using data & evidence based practice
#% of members/stakeholders attending forums and events
#% of members/stakeholders accessing resources or participating in projects
#% of members/stakeholders that who report they were informed about government policy, reform and strategic initiatives.
#% of members/stakeholders that report peak has supported them to develop organisational capacity and improve service delivery
#% of members/stakeholders who report they are using evidence based informed practice in their work
#% of members/stakeholders that report peak has assisted them to develop a culture of continuous improvement
Support for consumers:
a)Systematic advocacy
b)Develop awareness for consumers (applies to consumer representative bodies) / Peak organisations provide leadership and guidance to support clients/consumers/citizens to:
- positively engage with government, service providers and participate in their the community; and
- understand and engage in government policy and service delivery
# activities undertaken or resources developed by peak to facilitate
# activities to increase consumer skills and facilitate participation
% of policy advice/advocacy activities that include consumer voice
#% of consumers report peak has kept them well informed of new directions in government policy and service delivery and other relevant issues
#% of consumers that report they were well supported by peak to participate in policy and service delivery planning forums or workshops
Sector learning and development / Peak organisations deliver projects and partnership building initiatives which facilitate skill/workforce development of the sector. / # of projects and initiatives
% of projects and initiatives delivered in partnership
#% members participating in learning and development projects or initiatives
#% of participants who state they have increased skills and knowledge due to involvement in learning and development projects or initiatives
#% of participants who have implemented new work practices as a result of participation in learning and development initiatives
Sector Development - Program Specifications – March 20171
9.Data collection and reporting
Peaks are required to collect data and report onthethree standard key performance measures (section 7)andon performance measures for specific key deliverables outlined in their Sector Development Service Plan.
Reporting against key deliverables and measures is required quarterly and annually for standard key performance measures. Reporting is via the Sector Development Quarterly Report which peaks must submit to FACS one month after the end of each financial quarter.
It is acknowledged that it may not always be possible for peaks to provide quarterly data on all key deliverable performance measures (particularly outcome/impact measures). Therefore, whererelevant, peaks are able to include brief commentary on progress against key deliverables.
Sector Development - Program Specifications – March 20171
[1] Direct service delivery is not normally within the role of FACS funded peaks, though it is recognised that some peaks provide small amounts of individual advocacy, secondary to the dominant activity of systemic advocacy.
[2]Key priorities may change during the three year cycle. Service Plans may be adjusted to reflect changes as required.