Chemistry: Gases Poster Project
Assignment Description
You and a maximum of two other partners will generate an attractive and informative presentationon a poster based on a topic of your choice having to do with gases. Once completed, you will then present to the class. The following informationmust be contained in your presentation:
A clear and concise description of your selected topic in a language that all of your classmates can understand
A creative and eye catching display that includes graphics relating to your topic, such as diagrams, pictures, graphs, etc…
An explanation ofhow your topic relates to the Gas Laws (Boyle’s Law, Charles’ Law, and/or the Combined Gas Laws)
The poster must explain your topic and help the class better understand how your topic relates to the gas laws.
A complete list of all resources used, including references to photographs obtained from the Internet
Topic List
Research may be done on any of the following topics. No two groups may research the same topic. Students will have access to computers during the class period to further research these topics and their relationship to the gas laws. All students must write their names on a sign-up sheet.
- SCUBA diving
- Hot air balloons
- Anaesthetics & medical applications
- Gas collection and storage
- Airbags
- Salvage divers
- Acetylene welding
- Blimps (airships)
- Propane appliances
- Weather balloons
- Hyperbaric chambers
- Submarines
- Formation of Earth’s atmosphere
- Or a topic of your choice (confirm topic choice with instructor before researching)
- Remote controlled divers
Presentation Rubric
Criteria / Novice (0-1) / Intermediate (2) / Expert (3)
Information is understandable / Information is too complex for the class to understand or is lacking enough information for the topic to be thoroughly understood. / Most information presented is concise and worded in a way that students can understand. / All information is thorough and concise and worded in a language that all students may understand
Poster contains accurate & relevant information / Explanations pertaining to the Gas Laws are missing or contain significant errors / Explanations pertaining to the Gas Laws are all present but contain some errors / Explanations of how the topic relates to all of the Gas Laws is present and correct
Poster contains the mathematical relationship for the relevant gas law / The poster does not contain the mathematical relationship for the gas law. / The poster contains a mathematical relationship for the gas law; however, it is used improperly. / The poster contains the proper mathematical relationship for the gas law.
Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling / Student uses improper grammar, spelling, and punctuation more than 5 times throughout the poster. / Student uses improper grammar, spelling, and punctuation 2-3 times throughout the poster. / Student uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout the poster.
Presentation has aesthetic appeal / Information contained in presentation is presented in a limited number of ways and lacks an aesthetic format / Information is presented is a few different ways, some effort is evident. / Multiple ways of including information are present (pictures, diagrams, colour, graphs, etc…) in a stylish format
References are cited / Three or less references are cited, or references are cited incorrectly. / 4-6 references are cited, and are cited correctly. / More than 6 references used, including pictures, are cited using the proper format.
Participation / Student rarely participated or never participated during the preparation of the poster project. The student did not use class time wisely. / Student participated in a limited way during the preparation of the poster project. The student did not work well with the student group. / Student assisted throughout the preparation of the project and worked well with the student group. The student used class time in an efficient manner.
The Behavior of Gases1Ms. Knick