What is a Pioneer?

What does it take to be a Pioneer?

A Pioneer is:

A person who represents Fort Calhoun High School with class and distinction, performs with excellence over time, and one who will


They are someone who is a leader in life, school, and sports.

It is someone who gives 100% effort and has a positive attitude.

Proud, Tenacious, Resilient.

Welcome to the team!!

Congratulations on earning a spot on Fort Calhoun’s softball team for the 2014 season. This is a great accomplishment; however the hard work has only just begun. We will practice every day we do not play a game.

Success this season will depend on your level of commitment and you individual attitude. It is said that one rotten apple will ruin the entire group. The same can be said about commitment and attitude. One bad attitude will spread to others just as a good attitude will spread.

As a member of the softball team you will be held to a high standard, both on and off the field. Remember it is a privilege to wear Fort Calhoun across your chest.

Good luck this season. Work hard and you will see success. Because everything is awesome when you’re part of a team.

Coach Lefler

Coach / Position / Phone Number
Katie Lefler / Head Coach / (402)616-5083
Ginger Appel / Assistant Coach / (402) 210-6602

“What I love about the game is that the game doesn’t know who is supposed to win.” –Sue Enquist UCLA

Varsity Schedule
Date / Time / Home/Host / Opponent
8/21/14 / 6:30 PM / HOME / Vs Guardian Angels Central Catholic
8/23/14 / 11:00 AM / Away / @ Logan View Junior/Senior
8/28/2014 / 6:30 PM / Away / @ Syracuse
8/30/2014 / 11:30 AM / Home / Vs. Wahoo
9/2/14 / 6:30 PM / HOME / Vs. Raymond Central
9/4/14 / 6:30 PM / Away / @ Bishop Neumann
9/9/ 14 / 4:00 PM / Triangular / @ CCC(x)
9/11/14 / 6:00 PM/ 7:30 / Triangular / @ Conestoga High School
9/13/14 / 9:00 AM / Tournament / @ Gretna High School
9/16/14 / 6:30 PM / Away / @ Mercy
9/20/14 / 9:00 AM / Tournament / @ HOF fields in Bellevue
9/23/14 / 4:00 PM / Triangular / @ Omaha South
9/25/14 / 6:30 PM / HOME / Vs. Arlington
9/27/14 / TBD / TBD / NCC Tournament @ Ashland
10/02/14 / 6:30 PM / Away / @ Ashland
10/04/14 / 10:00 AM / Tournament / @ West Point Beemer
10/06/14 / 6:30 PM / HOME / Vs. Omaha Duchesne
10/09/14 / TBD / Districts / TBD
10/10/14 / TBD / Districts / TBD
10/15/14 / TBD / State / TBD
10/16/14 / TBD / State / TBD
10/17/14 / TBD / State / TBD
Junior Varsity Schedule
Date / Time / Home/Host / Opponent
8/21/14 / 5:00 PM / HOME / Vs Guardian Angels Central Catholic
8/25/14 / 5:00 PM / HOME / Vs. Wahoo
8/28/14 / 5:00 PM / Away / @ Syracuse
9/2/14 / 5:00 PM / HOME / Vs. Raymond Central
9/4/14 / 5:00 PM / Away / @ Bishop Neumann
9/16/14 / 5:00 PM / Away / @ Mercy
9/23/14 / 4:00 PM / Triangular / @ Omaha South
9/25/14 / 5:00 PM / HOME / Vs. Arlington
10/02/14 / 5:00 PM / Away / @ Ashland
10/06/14 / 5:00 PM / HOME / Vs. Omaha Duchesne

Travel Itinerary

Date / Release Time / Departure Time / Host / Location / Return Time
8/23/14 / NA / 9:00 AM / Logan View Jr/Sr / Logan View Jr/Sr / 1:30 PM
8/28/14 / 2:00PM / 2:30 PM / Syracuse High School / Syracuse High School / 9:00 PM
9/04/14 / 2:15 PM / 2:45 PM / Bishop Neumann / Bishop Neumann / 9:00 PM
9/09/14 / 1:45 PM / 2:00 PM / Cass County Central / Cass County Central / TBD
9/11/14 / NA / 3:30 PM / Conestoga Jr/ Sr & DC West / Conestoga Jr/Sr / 10:00 PM
9/13/14 / NA / 7:00 AM / Gretna High School / Gretna High School / TBD
9/16/14 / 2:45 PM / 3:00 PM / Mercy High School / Mercy High School / 8:30 PM
9/20/14 / NA / 7:15 AM / Plattsmouth / HOF fields at Bellevue / TBD
9/23/14 / TBD / TBD / Omaha South, Plattview / TBA / TBD
9/27/14 / NA / TBD / Ashland-Greenwood / Ashland Ball Fields / TBD
10/02/14 / 2:45 PM / 3:00 Pm / Ashland- Greenwood / Ashland Ball Fields / 9:00 PM
10/04/14 / NA / 7:30 PM / West Point Beemer / West Point High School / TBD
10/09/14 / TBD / TBD / Districts / TBD / TBD
10/10/14 / TBD / TBD / Districts / TBD / TBD
10/15/14 / TBD / TBD / State / TBD / TBD
10/16/14 / TBD / TBD / State / TBD / TBD
10/17/14 / TBD / TBD / State / TBD / TBD

What does it mean to be committed?

Committed / Compliant / Which am I?
Attend team gatherings. / Spend time with significant other or other friends
Practices and works hard all the time / Practices and works hard only when coach is watching
Says only positive things about teammates and coaches / Gets caught up into the negative conversations about teammates and coaches
Gets to know all her teammates / Stays with the same clique
Pushes herself to the maximum, even if it is just one sprint / Goes hard as the group does and gives no extra
Gives assistance to a teammate with a class that she is struggling in / Is only concerned with her own grades and eligibility
Earns the trust of her team and coaches / Believes that trust comes with being on the team
Believes that the coaches make decisions based on the overall good of the team / Has a sour attitude when someone else is playing ahead of her
Has an active listening ear for every teammate at any time / Only listens when she has time
Strikes out and hustles back to the dugout / Strikes out and walks back to the dugout
Has spirited personality at all times not related to playing time / Has spirited personality only when things are going her way
Accepts being criticized by her coaches and is able to bounce back / When coaches criticize her she is unable to respond in a positive way
Puts in ‘extra’ work to improve performance / Satisfied with performance

Team Expectations


The amount of playing time each girl receives will be determined by her softball skills, attitude, commitment to the team, participation in team activities, and game/tournament situations.


Team members will show respect for, be considerate of, and display positive attitude towards teammates, coaches, umpires, opposing players and parents. They are also expected to respect the property of their teammates and the program


Players will conduct themselves in a proper and well-behaved manner while in uniform, during all team functions, and while at Fort Calhoun High School. Players will follow the Fort Calhoun Code of Conduct at all times.


The use or possession of illegal drugs, alcohol or cigarettes by any player is prohibited. Use of prescription drugs in a way other than what they have been prescribed for will not be tolerated.


Players must be passing all but 2 of their classes all year long. If a player has a GPA below 2.0 OR is failing 2 or more classes at a progress report or quarter report card, she is REQUIRED to attend study hall a minimum of 2 hours per week.


Always control your emotions and display good sportsmanship. No profanity; no throwing equipment; no arguing with teammates, coaches, opponents or umpires; no negative remarks to teammates, coaches, opponents or umpires.


Participate in all practices, game and team functions unless you have prior approval from the head coach. You are expected to notify the head coach at least two hours before the start of any activity you will miss.


Be on time for all practices, games, and team functions. If you are late to a practice your team will run for every minute you are tardy. You will also be assigned to extra field duties.


Always have your complete uniform and equipment with you for a game. You must wear a belt and your jersey must be tucked in at all times.


All Fort Calhoun softball players are REQUIRED to ride the bus to and from all contests.


All Fort Calhoun softball players are expected to be honest in all situations


Players will dress up in khakis, dress pants, or school appropriate skirts on ALL home game days. Players will wear black and orange, Fort Calhoun gear, or jerseys on away game days.


Players will leave their cell phone in their equipment bag or backpack and on vibrate while at practice. If there is an emergency the parents should call either coach and the coach will tell the player to call home.

14. Defiance

We, as a coaching staff, will not tolerate any insubordination or back talk toward coaches. Players will address each member of the coaching staff as “Coach” or “Coach (last name).” Any player who doesn’t show proper attitude to any member of the program or doesn’t give their best effort will be subject to extra conditioning or being released from the team.

Penalty-Failure to comply with rules 1/13 may result in suspension or removal from the team


Players are expected to fully participate in all aspects of practice. This includes the set-up before, drills, and activities during, and the clean up after practice. It is an expectation that all players will follow directions from any coach the first time they are asked, they will give maximum effort in all activities, and will keep a positive attitude at all times. Behaviors that will not be tolerated at any time will be; failing to perform assigned duties, laziness or slacking off in any way, and negative attitudes with coaches, teammates, opponents, umpires and/or fans. If a player is observed engaging in any of these negative behaviors, they will be subject to a “three strikes” policy.

The first offense will result in being removed from practice and not being able to participate in practice the remainder of the day because they will be running. The player will not start in the contest they are scheduled to participate in. The second offense will result in being removed from the practice and the player will face a suspension from participating in games. The third offense will result in removal from the softball team.

“Unwritten Rules”

Be early to all meetings, practices, vans, and games.

Cheer. Cheer on teammates at practice and at games. At no time will the dugout be quiet. Every meme of the team is expected to be at the fence cheering.

Hustle. Wherever you are going you are moving at a jog or faster.

Dress appropriately at all functions that are associated with Fort Calhoun.

Be a role model for the younger or less experienced players.

Get along with teammates. Break out of ‘comfortable’ cliques.

There are two main things in this world that you CAN control: your EFFORT and ATTITUDE. Setting YOUR priorities and eliminating all other distractions. Come early or stay late when necessary. Be motivated by an inner desire to improve yourself. Give 100% EFFORT and possess a POSITIVE ATTIDUDE.

Be a ‘big picture’ person, willing to put in the hours, willing to overcome the obstacles and the tough days. The ability to never quit, because YOU have perspective will take you far.

If you fall short in a task, a requirement, have courage and admit your error. Carry out your punishment and move on. It IS that simple.

Every environment you experience you have a choice at how you look at it, how you talk about it, how you become successful within it. There are only TWO types of people in this world: Positive and Poisonous. Which one are you?

Expectations of Parents

·  Be aware your daughter’s needs, feelings, and concerns.

·  Support the “team first, individual second” belief.

·  Demonstrate sportsmanship at all games.

·  Allow your daughter to participate on the team in her own way; do not re-live your career through her.

·  Show positive support and encouragement for your daughter, for all members of the team and for the Fort Calhoun softball program

·  Let 24 hours elapse before initiating communication with the 3 step process below. Do not try to resolve a conflict with a coach before or directly after a game. Encourage your daughter to begin the 3 step communication process

o  Athlete meets with the coaches

o  Athlete and parent meet with the coaches

o  Athlete, parent, and coaches meet with the AD

·  Parents may not ask about:

o  Playing time

o  Game strategies

o  Other players on the team.

·  Things parents may want to ask about:

o  Does my child work hard and have a positive attitude?

o  How would you evaluate my daughter in terms of her defense, offense and game skills?

o  In what area(s) does my child need to improve?

o  Is my child a positive addition to the team?

o  What can I do to help?

·  Hold your daughter accountable and give her responsibilities. If there is an issue with playing time she will need to be the one to come talk to the coaches. Parents will be brought in if there is not agreement made between coaches and player.