复 旦 大 学 外 文 学 院

College of Foreign Languages & Literature
Fudan University

Enrichment: Exchange & Exploration

Call for Papers: The11th Doctoral Academic Forum on Foreign Languages and Literature at Fudan University (DAFFLL)

Co-sponsored by Fudan University Graduate School and College of Foreign Languages and Literature, the 11th Doctoral Academic Forum on Foreign Languages and Literature is scheduled to be held on October 22, 2016, at Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

I. Forum Theme: Enrichment: Exchange & Exploration

This forum strives to be a cynosure for innovative academic research which facilitates in-depth and diversified studies on literature, linguistics, and translation and interpreting, and which at the same time enriches academic life for teachers and students alike. One of the greatest dangers for academic research is a parochial complacency, an unwillingness or indifference to share and communicate. To communicate is to exchange, to gain new perspectives and to offer constructive advice to each other based on mutual learning and understanding, thereby enhancing pedagogical and learning practices as well as improving academic competence among peers. The alluring frontiers of academic research beckon us to explore, to break boundaries, and to dare to visit where others fear to tread. The openness of this forum values an exploratory spirit and encourages all explorations within or/and across disciplinary boundaries. We welcome papers concerning aspects of foreign languages and literatures, and relevant areas include but not limited to:


1) Generative Linguistics

2) Functional Linguistics

3) Cognitive Linguistics

4) Linguistic Theories

5) Discourse Analysis

6) Language and Culture

7) Intercultural Communication


1) Contemporary Literary Theories

2) Poetry, Drama, and Novels Criticism

3) American Ethnic Literature

4) Nordic Literature

5) American War Literature


1) History of Translation

2) Translation/Interpretation Theories and Practice

3) English-Chinese and Chinese-English Translation

4) Translation and Teaching

II. Paper Submission and Forum Agenda

Submission Requirements:

(1)  The Forum is open to both Master and Ph.D. graduate students; each participant can only submit one paper which has not been previously published in any other conferences, journals, or workshops;

(2)  Papers written in both English and Chinese are welcomed;

(3)  Please send your abstract (400 words) as an e-mail attachment to before July 31, 2016. The naming of the e-mail subject and the attachment should be as follows:

Field (Linguistics/Literature/Translation/Others)—University—Name—Paper Title;

(4)  Please send your full paper as an e-mail attachment to before August 31, 2016. The naming of the e-mail subject and the attachment should be as follows: Field (Linguistics/Literature/Translation/Others)—University—Name—Paper Title. An automatic e-mail reply will confirm your successful submission;

(5)  No author information (name, university, etc.) should appear in any part of the abstract or full paper, including header, footer, first page, last page, etc.;

(6)  All submission should be in Word (doc) format. Papers of linguistics should adopt the APA format. Other papers should adopt the MLA format.

(7)  All participants must observe the principle of academic integrity. Committee of DAFFLL reserves the right to check plagiarism. Cases of plagiarism will be reported to the academic institution of the author.

Other Issues:

(1) Committee of DAFFLL will invite authors of selected papers to give presentations in English or Chinese (non-English majors); notification of acceptance will be sent before Sept. 25, 2016.

(2) No registration fee is charged for attending this Forum.

(3) The Committee provides meals for all presenters and participants on October 22. For invited presenters from outside Shanghai, 2-nights on-campus accommodation will be offered too. However, please note, all transportation cost (domestic and international travel fare) should be at the participants’ own expense.

Forum Agenda:

Around September 25, 2016 / Notification of acceptance
October 21-22, 2016 / Arrival at Fudan University
(Oct. 21, check-in from 13:00)
October 22, 2016 / 09:00 - 11:30
- Opening Ceremony
- Two keynote speeches by invited scholars
13:30 - 16:00
- Forum 1: On Literature
- Forum 2: On Linguistics
- Forum 3: On Translation/Interpretation Studies
16:30 - 17:00
- Awarding Ceremony
October 23, 2016 / Departure

III. Contact Us

Email: .

Contact Persons: Shan Liyang, +86-152-2106-3685; Xie Yu: +86-131-2262-5135

Mailing Address: Room 422, Wenke Building, No. 220, Handan Road, Fudan

University, Shanghai. Postcode: 200433

Committee of the 11th DAFFLL

College of Foreign Languages and Literature

Fudan University

June, 2016