Authors: [Students/ group proposing]
Sponsors: [Teachers, supporting organizations]
WHEREAS, The NAACP and NAACP Youth and College Division have a long and rich history of advocating for the expansion and protection of voting rights in America; and
WHEREAS, on July 25th, 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Shelby County vs. Holder that Section 4 (b) of the Voting Rights Act, the formula used to determine “covered jurisdictions” that must submit any changes in voting procedure to federal authorities for pre-clearance, is unconstitutional; and
WHEREAS, in striking down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, but leaving Section 5 untouched, there is no longer a mechanism in place to prevent states with a history of voter disenfranchisement based on race or ethnicity from enacting discriminatory laws; and
WHEREAS, in striking down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, but leaving Section 5 untouched, there is no longer a mechanism in place to prevent states from passing discriminatory laws that will unfairly target the youth voter block or racial and ethnic minority voters; and
WHEREAS, over 240 voter suppression laws have been introduced since 2011, all of which aim to disenfranchise and discriminate against voters; and
WHEREAS, until Congress acts to create a new formula, no jurisdictions are required to obtain pre-clearance from the federal government for any changes to election laws or procedures, thereby allowing the voting rights of millions of Americans to be put at risk; and
WHERAS, the United States Congress has the opportunity and responsibility to create a new formula, based on current conditions, to determine which jurisdictions must submit to pre-clearance under Section 5; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the [ SGA of and NAACP Youth and College chapter of x university] call on Congress to amend Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act law to ensure that all Americans can freely exercise their right to cast an unfettered ballot without discrimination and to ensure that their vote is counted; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the [ SGA of and NAACP Youth and College chapter of x university] call for a moratorium on election law changes in states and jurisdictions previously covered under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act until Congress enacts a new formula; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that [ SGA of and NAACP Youth and College chapter of x university] call on the x university student body to organize and join town halls, actions and events to pressure Congress to fix the VRA; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that [ SGA of and NAACP Youth and College chapter of x university] will send a copy of this resolution to campus and local media outlets, Governor x, and the member of the United States Congress and United States Senators who represent the student body of x university ; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that [ SGA of and NAACP Youth and College chapter of x university] call on the x university student body to conduct voter registration drives; organize public education events; and work with partner organizations to expand and protect voting rights.