FALL 2010
Printed 2010
The development of this curriculum package was completed by Special Education Technology - British Columbia (SET-BC), with support from SSEAC. It is part of an educational initiative developed in 2010 by SSEAC and offered to Education Assistants in BC. All materials in this package are the property of SSEAC.
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Assistive Technology in the Classroom (24 hours): Session Outlines
This learning option will explore the use of assistive technology to support students with physical, cognitive, visual, and communication impairments. There will be a focus on the process for effectively implementing assistive technology in the classroom, the range of technologies to support students with special needs, and specific technologies to support learning, participation and communication in the school setting.
This learning option is designed for hybrid delivery over eight sessions (sevensession online and one session face-to-face). Each session can be delivered in 3 hours. There are many opportunities for participants to actively engage in their learning with online synchronous and asynchronous activities as well as hands-on practice during the face-to-face session. This approach is in keeping with Best Practices for Professional Development (see Appendix B in the Handbook for Instructors). Session 6 is 6 hours long, half the session is online and the other half is face-to-face. The face-to-face component is described on pages 34 to 37.
A district may decide to deliver the sessions over a different time frame. In this case, consider the most appropriate way for participants to complete the applied and follow-up activities, so that the principles of quality professional development are maintained.
All learning options in the SSEAC Education and Skills Development for Education Assistants Initiative have been developed using a Backward Planning Design adapted from the work of Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe. Please see the next page for an overview of the curriculum design for Assistive Technology in the Classroom.
Instructor Resources / Supplies Required (Online Sessions)
- Two up-to-date laptops with headset microphone
- Stable high speed Internet connection
- Access to synchronous online meeting space
- Active email account
- Assistive technology software
- Kurzweil 3000
- Clicker 5
- Classroom Suite 4
- Boardmaker Plus
- AAC device emulation software
- Session presentations, notes, and assessment tools
Instructor Resources / Supplies Required (Face-to-Face Session)
- Laptop with LCD projector/screen and/or SmartBoard
- Access to computer lab with Kurzweil 3000, Clicker 5 and Boardmaker Plus installed on stations
- Assistive Technology Toolkit (laptop(s) with assistive technology software, switch interface(s), switches, range of AAC devices, vision technologies)
- Session presentation, notes, and assessment tools
Participant Resources / Supplies Required
- Up-to-date computer with speakers/headset and reliable high speed Internet connection
- Active web-based email account (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail, etc)
- Print copies of session handouts (emailed to participants)
- Binder for session notes and handouts
Participant Pre-Requisites
- Basic computer skills – search Internet, download files from Internet, send and receive email (with attachments), general file management, general window navigation (open, close, minimize, restore)
Assistive Technology in the Classroom 2010Page 1
Assistive Technology in the Classroom (24 hours) This learning option is designed to provide EAs with an overview of the field of assistive technology. Participants will develop an understanding of how to implement various technology solutions, and examine specific technologies when creating technology-enhanced activities.Desired Results for Participants / Acceptable Evidence / Learning Experiences and Instruction
- have a general understanding of the field of assistive technology and be able to describe technologies that support participation, communication and learning in the classroom.
- be able to describe the process for successful assistive technology implementation and the conditions that foster or challenge effective implementation.
- be able to describe the role of the Education Assistant in the implementation of assistive technology with students in the classroom.
- have a general understanding of how assistive technology features can be matched to student need and how to use those features to support participation, communication and learning in the classroom.
- understand how assistive technology can be used to support current classroom teaching and learning trends (e.g. Universal Design for Learning).
- have a basic understanding of several specific technologies commonly implemented with students in the classroom.
- understand how to use a variety of online resources and training opportunities to expand and support their assistive technology knowledge and skills.
- actively participate in synchronous online discussions, responding to questions and discussion topics in a manner that demonstrates an understanding of the course material presented.
- contribute to asynchronous discussion forum topics with specific information obtained from course readings / activities and comments that demonstrate thoughtful reflection on how the concepts presented inform their practice in the classroom.
- complete session summary activities which are problem-based and demonstrate a synthesis of the assistive technology knowledge and skills presented during the course.
- complete, individually or in small groups, an Assistive Technology (AT) Implementation Plan which clearly demonstrates an understanding of the steps involved in successfully implementing assistive technology with students in the classroom and the Education Assistant’s role in that implementation.
- Online meeting (one per session – 1.5 hours).
- Instruction, individual responses, small group discussions, off-meeting activities (e.g. webquests, course reading).
- Discussion Forums (one per session – 0.25 hours).
- In depth discussion around specific session content with personal reflection.
- Session Summary Activities (one per session – 0.75 hours).
- Practical, problem-based activities to complete (e.g. complete the AT implementation chart and describe your role in the process, design a 15-message communication board for a student eating lunch in the cafeteria).
- AT Implementation Plan (one per course – 0.5 hours per session).
- Individually or in small groups, complete an AT implementation plan based on a student case study.
Summative Assessment: Development of Assistive Technology Implementation Plan.
Assistive Technology in the Classroom 2010 Page 1
Learning Option Description
This Learning Option is intended to be delivered in a blended (or hybrid) format in an online learning environment with one face-to-face meeting. The Learning Option is divided into seven sessions and one hands-on practice session presented over eight – 3 hour sessions:
Session 1 – Course Introduction (Online – 3 hours)
- Introduction to the course format, content, interactivity and assessment tools.
Session 2 – Overview of Assistive Technology (Online – 3 hours)
- General overview including definition of assistive technology, main genres with examples of students using various technologies.
Session 3 – Effective Assistive Technology Implementation (Online – 3 hours)
- Components of an effective AT implementation plan, barriers that prevent implementation, conditions that foster implementation, and the role of the EA in AT implementation.
Session 4 – Assistive Technology to Support Learning (Online – 3 hours)
- Current educational trends that utilize general and assistive technologies, examples of technology that support cognitive access to the curriculum (e.g. literacy and numeracy development).
Session 5 – Assistive Technology to Support Participation (Online – 3 hours)
- Issues supporting students with physical access or sensory (visual) impairments and examples of technologies that support physical and sensory access to the curriculum.
Session 6 – Assistive Technology to Support Communication (Online – 3 hours)
- Considerations when supporting students with communication disorders, examples of technologies that support students with communication disorders in the classroom.
Session 7 – Hands-On Practice(Face-to-Face – 3 hours)
- Hands-on practice session exploring examples of common technologies presented in Sessions 4, 5 and 6 that EAs would encounter in schools.
Session8 – Assistive Technology in Action (Online – 3 hours)
- Discussion of student case studies, technology to feature matching, assistive technology implementation considerations, presentation of individual or group AT implementation Plans, and course wrap-up.
Learning Option Objectives
Upon successful completion of this Learning Option, participants will:
- have a general understanding of the field of assistive technology and be able to describe technologies that support participation, communication and learning in the classroom.
- be able to describe the process for successful assistive technology implementation and the conditions that foster or challenge effective implementation.
- be able to describe the role of the Education Assistant in the implementation of assistive technology with students in the classroom.
- have a general understanding of how assistive technology features can be matched to student need and how to use those features to support participation, communication and learning in the classroom.
- understand how assistive technology can be used to support current classroom teaching and learning trends (e.g. Universal Design for Learning).
- have a basic understanding of several specific technologies commonly implemented with students in the classroom.
- understand how to use a variety of online resources and training opportunities to expand and support their assistive technology knowledge and skills.
Learning Option Participant Outcomes
During the Learning Option, participants will:
- actively participate in synchronous online discussions, responding to questions and discussion topics in a manner that demonstrates an understanding of the course material presented.
- contribute to synchronous discussion forum topics with specific information obtained from course readings / activities and comments that demonstrate thoughtful reflection on how the concepts presented inform their practice in the classroom.
- complete session summary activities which are problem-based and demonstrate a synthesis of the assistive technology knowledge and skills presented during the course.
- complete, in small groups, an Assistive Technology Implementation Plan which clearly demonstrates an understanding of the steps involved in successfully implementing assistive technology with students in the classroom and the Education Assistant’s role in that implementation.
Learning Option Activities
Each Learning Option session will provide the following activities:
- Online meeting (2 hours)
- Instruction, individual responses, small group discussions, off-meeting activities (e.g. webquests, course readings).
- Discussion Forums (0.25 hours)
- In depth discussion around specific session content with personal reflection.
- AT Implementation Plan (0.5 hours)
- Individually or in small groups, work on an AT implementation plan based on a student case study – to be presented in the final Session 7 online meeting.
- Session Summary Activities (0.75 - 1 hour)
- Practical, problem-based activities to complete as follow-up to the session (e.g. complete the AT implementation chart and describe your role in the process, design a 15-message communication board for a student eating lunch in the cafeteria) – submitted to instructor by beginning of next session.
Learning Option Assessment
Those participating in the Assistive Technology in the Classroom Learning Option will be assessed on a “Complete / Incomplete” basis. Each Learning Option activity will be assessed using a rubric indicating criteria for completion. The criteria, as outlined in the rubrics, are to be presented to the participants during the first session (see Assessment Rubrics).
Assistive Technology in the Classroom:Session1 (Online – 3 hours)
Session Description – Learning Option Introduction
In this session, participants will be introduced to the Learning Option format, content, and expectations (evaluation). As this may be the first time many of the participants will be participating in an online meetings, it is critical that, by the end of the session, everyone understands how to successfully interact and complete activities in the online environment.
Session Objectives
Upon successfully completing this session, participants will be able to:
- Describe the overall structure and components of the Learning Option including the session and summative assessment protocol (learning option assessment and learning option assessment rubrics).
- Log into the online meeting environment.
- Locate and use the available tools and features to interact with the instructor and classmates during the online meetings.
- Locate and view online resources (e.g. videos, articles).
Instructor Resources / Supplies Required
- Two up-to-date laptops with headset microphone
- Stable high speed Internet connection
- Access to synchronous online meeting space
- Active email account
- Session presentations, notes, and assessment tools
Instructor Preparation
- One week prior to the online meeting, email all Learning Option participants welcoming them to the Learning Option and giving them the information needed to log into the first online meeting (e.g. computer/Internet/audio requirements, time of meeting, URL for meeting room, Learning Option syllabus, Session 1 handout).
- Review session presentation – decide how Session Summary will be completed and adjust PowerPoint Slide #24 as needed.
- Prepare online learning environment (e.g. pre-load presentation, prepare information and interactivity tools, prepare Break Out room for Discussion Forum).
- Prepare all participant and aggregate assessment documents.
- Create participant email group (so you can batch email instructions, documents, etc.)
- Have “Lobby” area of online meeting room open
- Welcome everyone to the online learning environment. Check audio to ensure participants can hear you. Explain and demonstrate all interactivity features in the online meeting space (e.g. attendee status indicators, chat pods, etc.) Use several questions so participants can have experience with using the various features. Display and discuss agenda for meeting.
- Provide an introduction to the EA Education and Skill Development initiative. Specifically, review the items in the Overview for Participants. It will be important to emphasize the requirements for a certificate of completion, the requisite knowledge necessary for this course and the rubric for the summative assessment which can be handed in at the last session or within one week after the last session. In addition there is a handout provided by the post-secondary institutions that provides information for those EAs who may be interested in enhancing their credentials through their programs.
Presentation and Activities
- Move to the classroom area of the online room where the Session 1 PowerPoint presentation is displayed. Please see actual slide notes for key points for each.
- Slide one – Title slide only.
- Slide two – Learning Option title slide only.
- Slide three – Introductions (Chat activity) – Instructor pulls up task specific chat pod (Introduce Yourself!) and asks for participants to introduce themselves WHEN ASKED. Ensure everyone doesn’t just start typing into chat pod all at once or it will be difficult to impossible to follow introductions. Call on one or two people at a time (depending on size of group) to chat in their responses to the slide questions. Ask questions for clarification or more information as they contribute. At the end, instructor should introduce him/herself as well (instructor could add a slide after this one that has a photo during his/her introduction).
- Slide four – Why Take This Learning Option – important to set context and discuss how the information gained fits into their role as an EA.
- Slide five –Online vs F2F Learning Options – discuss similarities.
- Slide six - Online vs F2F Learning Options – discuss differences.
- Slide seven – Presentation Agenda – discuss what will be covered in this online session.
- Slide eight – Learning Option Introduction –discuss plan for the introduction.
- Slide nine – Learning Option Description – discuss what the learning option is and what it is not – this is important to do as some may think the learning option is about looking at specific technologies only (e.g. learning how to use Kurzweil 3000).
- Slide ten – Course Objectives – this reinforces the overview or introductory nature of the course.
- Slide eleven – Course Objectives – as above.
- Slide twelve – Break time.
- Slide thirteen – Learning Option Format – discuss “hybrid” format – what that means, seven online sessions (discuss dates) and one face-to-face session (discuss date), explain the standard session components and what each entails, discuss the plan for the face-to-face session, discuss the final learning option activity of submitting their personal AT implementation plan (summative).
- Slide fourteen – Learning Option Requirements – discuss what participants should be able to do to complete learning option successfully and what technology they should have.
- Slide fifteen – Discuss content of the various learning option sessions.
- Slide sixteen – Discuss steps for successful completion of sessions – emphasize that session handout will be emailed prior to each online session, after online session, instructions for session summary completion will be emailed to participants.
- Slide seventeen – Learning Option Completion – Discuss the three components they need to complete to receive Completion Certificate – explain Participation component (rubric).
- Slide eighteen – Learning Option Completion – Discuss Communication component (rubric).
- Slide nineteen – Learning Option Completion – Discuss Learning component and small group AT implementation plan activity that will be part of every online session.
- Slide twenty – Break time.
- Slide twenty-one – Completing Online Activities – important to explain how participants DON’T have to leave the meeting room while completing online activities – explain how to minimize meeting room browser while doing activities and maximize/restore meeting room window to rejoin room when finished.
- Slide twenty-two – Session 1 Activity – Explain activity – participants will click the link on the slide to go to the YouTube site to watch the video (running time 3:43 min) – instructor should run video (muted) on second computer to gauge when participants will be finished – while they are watching instructor pulls up task specific chat pod to ask video reflection questions.
- Slide twenty-three – Session 1 Discussion Forum – Explain discussion task – start break out rooms (they must be prepared before with instructions, general chat area for discussion and topic specific chat area for group decision about five tips – it is this chat area that will be pulled up when groups return to main meeting) – give participants 10 – 15 minutes to discuss tips and generate their top five which they will type into specific chat area. Visit each room during discussion to troubleshoot and prompt. Warn participants a minute before they will be pulled back to main meeting. Return everyone to main meeting and pull up each break out room’s tips for general discussion. Emphasize what is needed to ensure the learning experience is good for everyone.
- Slide twenty-four – Session Summary Activity – Discuss how participants will complete session summary activity and deadline for submission.
- Slide twenty-five – Any Questions? Encourage participants to ask questions so everyone is completely understands expectations and what will happen next (session summary completion, attendance at next online meeting).
- Move to Wrap-up area of online meeting room. Direct participants to complete polls on their meeting experience, level of comfort etc. Ensure participants have instructor contact information and time/date of next meeting.
Session Assessment