Cardinal Newman Catholic School

Minutes of the Full Governing Body

Meeting Date: Wednesday 21 September 2016

Meeting Time: 19.00 hours

Attendees / Initials / Role / Attendees / Initials / Role
Domenica Maxted / DM / Foundation Governor/ outgoing Chair / James Kilmartin / JK / Head teacher
Carolyn Sheehan / CyS / Co-opted Governor / Sandra Murphy / SM / Co-opted Governor
Kerry Clarke / KC / Local Authority Governor / Roger Galvin / GN / Staff Governor
Cathy Hoar / CH / Foundation Governor / Gemma Bond / GB / Parent Governor
Louise Hulton / LH / Foundation Governor / Ian Keating / IK / Foundation Governor/ incoming Chair
Graham O’Sullivan / GOS / Foundation Governor / Tim Williamson / TW / Foundation Governor
Nick Wells / NW / Foundation Governor
In attendance / Initials / Role / In attendance / Initials / Role
Andy Thomas / AT / Clerk to the Governing Body / Annette Kelly / AK / Deputy Headteacher
Katie Forbes / KF / Assistant Headteacher / Simon Boden / SB / Assistant Headteacher
Apologies / Initials / Role / Absent / Initials / Role
Fr Kevin O’Donnell / KOD / Associate Member
Caroline Shinn / CoS / Parent Governor

The quorum is 50% of the current membership of the Full Governing Body, which was 14 at the time of the meeting. The number of Governors attending was 13. The meeting was therefore quorate.

No. / Agenda item, discussion and decisions / Action
1.1 /
  1. Opening prayer
The meeting was opened in prayer by JK. Thanks were expressed in relation to the examination results and best wishes expressed to pupils leaving the school. NW and SB were welcomed and introductions were conducted.
2.1 /
  1. Apologies
No apologies had been received. It was reported that KOD was not well and would be remembered in prayers.
3.1 /
  1. Freedom of Information reminder
Governors were reminded that business should be conducted in an open way which stands up to publicscrutiny, and that all non-confidential minutes would be published on the school's website.
4.1 /
  1. Declarations of pecuniary and other interest
There were no declarations of interest.
5.3 /
  1. Minutes of the 6 July meeting
The Clerk was thanked for the draft minutes of the previous meeting.
  • Accuracy
The following amendments to the draft minutes were agreed:
-Paragraph 8.5: Amend second question to read – “Were a disproportionate number of SEND/ PP students being excluded?”
-Item 12: To be revised in line with a redraft from RG.
-Item 16: paragraph numbering to be corrected.
  • Matters arising
-Action Point:Circulation of Leadership and Management Review report. It was agreed that this should be circulated in advance of the next meeting.
-Action Point:Circulation of PP Review report. Completed.
-Action Point:Introduction of ‘whistleblowing’ re: anti-bullying policy. It was agreed that an anti-bullying ‘whistleblowing’ mechanism should be addressed
-Action Point: Liaise with church community regarding FG vacancies. Completed.
-Action Point: DM to consider ongoing participation in GB. Completed.
-Action Point: Circulate election route map and Diocese advice re: Chair qualifications. Completed.
-Action Point: Provide further detail on NC employer engagement events. Completed. Noted that careers day had been inspirational.
-Action Point: Consider careers advice to Year 9 pupils. Being taken forward by CH.
-Action Point: Ensure Improvement Plan covers Section 48. Ongoing.
-Action Point: Inclusion Unit to be reviewed at September GB meeting. Duly included on the agenda.
-Action Point: SEND Policy to be tabled to Sep GB for approval. Duly included on the agenda.
-Action Point: SEND presentation to be circulated to the GB. Completed.
-Action Point: SEND policy and material to be reviewed by Governors in advance of the September GB meeting. Completed.
-Action Point: SEN link Governor role to be addressed. SEN Link Governor to be agreed. Agreed that GB would be safeguarding Link Governor.
-Action Point:Child protection report to placed on the September GB agenda. Duly included on agenda.
-Action Plan: Resource Committee minutes of 12 July 2016 to be issued to GB. Completed.
-Remaining action points: Completed. / Clerk
6.1 /
  1. Introduction to new Assistant Head – Simon Boden
SB introduced himself and gave some background information about his previous experience and former school. He expressed the view that there was a positive atmosphere at Cardinal Newman and welcomed the positive results achieved by the school. He was looking forward to working at the school and with the Governing Body. SB was thanked and given best wishes.
7.1 /
  1. SLT roles and responsibilities
Deferred to next meeting. / JK/ AT
8.10 /
  1. Examination results
It was noted that prior to the start of the formal meeting a school video showcasing the examination results had been shown to those present.
JK referred to the detailed documentation which had been circulated in advance of the meeting. Results were good and there were many highlights including in English where 90% of expected progress had been achieved. Maths results were excellent. The numbers coming back into sixth form were extremely high. Forecasting had been broadly accurate and further analysis of the data was ongoing.
Meetings of the Achievements and Standards Committee were ongoing and a significant amount of work was ongoing outwith formal meetings of the Governing Body.
The following questions were raised:
-What was the reaction of teachers to the results? Teaching staff were feeling positive and galvanised.
-Were prior attainment levels of primary school pupils improving? It was confirmed that this was the case.
-Was the ‘value added’ measure still in place? DfE were withdrawing this but the school would undertake its own calculation.
-Were KS5 results not as good as expected? This appeared to be the case but the ‘value added’ element had not yet been factored in. DfE data was due in October together with the Ofsted data dashboard.
-Whilst the successful outcome was to be welcomed, what action was being taken to focus on areas for further improvement? Clear and appropriate ‘informed’ targets and development plans were being put in place in each department. It was noted that 75% expected progress was ‘Good’ and 80-85% ‘Outstanding’.
-Could an action plan be produced for the next GB meeting? A clear plan would be established for all years and reflected in the SIP.
Following further discussion the following were agreed:
  • Notes from working parties should be circulated to the Governing Body.
  • Year 11 awards evening should be held.
  • Further analysis of exam results, including link to the SIP, should be undertaken at the next Governing Body meeting.
/ Working Parties
9.19 /
  1. Safeguarding Report
Annette Kelly presented the safeguarding report. The detailed written report circulated in advance of the meeting was noted.
A safeguarding handbook had been produced for staff. This contained a section to be signed and returned to confirm that it has been read. Copies were handed out to those present. Action would be taken to ensure that all staff received the booklet.
The written report covered the main aspects of safeguarding work. Day-to day team responsibilities were outlined and it was confirmed that Annette Kelly was in the lead. She said that she was looking forward to working with GB.
It was reported that eleven pupils were on child protection plans. Each had a key worker to ensure consistency of approach and effective liaison with the family. The number of referrals had spiked in the year before last but become more stable in the previous year. Planning was in place to anticipate an increase in referrals at particular times of the year, including Christmas and exam times.
In the previous year there had been two primary mental health worker posts which had become vacant. One of these had since been filled. Pilot work was ongoing in relation to mental health awareness. A Local Authority transformation plan was underway on mental health provision. Investment was being made in secondary schools and family intervention strategies being developed.
A wellbeing team had been established, to which pastoral leaders fed in evidence. Capacity was being built within the school and this was regarded as an important initiative.
Other aspects of the written report were highlighted and the detail contained therein duly noted by the Governing Body.
The following questions were raised:
-Were the key workers employees? Key workers were either members of the safeguarding team or other school staff members. All were fully trained in their role.
-Were interventions and actions recorded? A comprehensive record was kept at every stage, including highlighting any need to follow up particular children.
-Were the reported fewer numbers of self-harming students reflected throughout the city? This was confirmed. The number and pattern of incidents was linked to transition and the numbers were coming down. Anti-bullying pier mentoring was being launched in the main school which would address this issue.
-What arrangements were in place in relation to the transition from primary school? Year 7 pupils were allocated a core worker, having gone into the primary school to meet them. The aim was to be as prepared as possible. The core worker would be withdrawn after 6 weeks if not required.
-Could Governors see data regarding drug use and bullying? This would be produced for the future and benchmarked against other schools.
-What degree of overlap was there between this subject and SEN and/ or exclusions? There was more of an overlap between CPP and mental health.
-Was best practice being shared between schools? This was confirmed. There were safeguarding network meetings.
-Given that the team had to deal with some serious and upsetting matters, was there a support mechanism is place? It was confirmed that this was the case, including monthly meetings.
-Was there an intervention strategy in place regarding eating disorders? There were relatively low numbers in this area but appropriate mechanisms and network support were in place.
At this point reference was made to a particular case of a teacher who had been suspended following a relationship with a student. Both the school and the police were involved in ongoing events. A letter had gone to parents and it was noted that there had been media coverage. Events were noted.
It was reported that the individual in question, and another member of staff, had made reference to historical issues within the school. However it was confirmed that the school was aware of the incident(s) to which this referred, which was some years ago and had been appropriately addressed.
In response to questions it was confirmed that excellent support was being given by the Local Authority and that it was not yet known how the court case in relation to the individual in question was likely to proceed. / Annette Kelly
10.9 /
  1. Progress report on new Inclusion Unit and other works
The report referred from the Resources Committee was noted and it was agreed that the issue of IT provision should be addressed.
Thanks were expressed to IT manager Tommy Whitmore who was leaving the school to take up an alternative job opportunity. An alternative provision was required and work was ongoing with RivaNet regarding the provision of more continuous and intensive support on a trial basis. The intention was for the Resources Committee to decide on a longer-term solution.
The following questions were raised:
-Was a tendering process being considered? This was confirmed. Also an IT collaboration option was due to be considered at a meeting of Deans Headteachers scheduled for the following day.
-Would the RivaNet option result in a financial saving? This would be cost neutral.
-How long would the contract be for? The intention was for a 9 month contract.
-What was the employment status of the remaining IT staff? The current staff remained as school employees at present and RivaNet would provide additional resources. However there was a possibility of a TUPE transfer in the longer term.
-Were assessment criteria in place for the RivaNet trial? It was confirmed that these were being developed.
-Was resistance to outsourcing likely to manifest? It was acknowledged that this would be a factor and planned for in the process going forward.
Following discussion it was agreed that the Resources Committee should follow the procurement model and establish measures of success regarding the provision of IT services. / Res. Cmte.
11.1 /
  1. Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy
Deferred to next meeting. / Govs./ AT
12.7 /
  1. Election of new Chair and Vice Chair (Clerk to take chair for this item)
The Clerk duly took the chair for this item.
Election of Governing Body Chair
IK had been nominated for the role and there were no further nominations at the meeting. IK was asked to leave the meeting to facilitate a discussion.
Following his return IK was asked about a potential conflict of interests arising from his role as a Governor at another school, including in relation to possible developments on academy status. IK stated that he intended to remain as a Governor at that other school for the remainder of the current academic year only. He believed that he could undertake both roles in any case, but should a conflict arise he would be content to make a choice at that point.
IK outlined that his three priorities would be (i) closing the Pupil Premium gap (ii) aim for an ‘outstanding’ Ofsted assessment rather than ‘Good’ (iii) deepening and expanding partnerships with other Catholic schools and relationships with the Local Authority.
IK was again asked to leave the room and a secret ballot was conducted on the question of endorsing his candidature as Chair. He was elected as Chair and duly notified of this on his return to the meeting. Those present congratulated IK regarding his election to the post and wished him well.
Election of Governing Body Vice Chair(s)
Three nominations had been received in the names of KC, LH and SM. Following discussion it was agreed to endorse all three as joint Vice Chairs and they were confirmed as elected. Those present congratulated KC, LH and SM and wished them well.
The Local Authority would be duly informed of the election of the new Chair and Vice Chairs. / AT
13.1 /
  1. Governing Body vacancies
Deferred to next meeting.
14.2 /
  1. AOB - notified to the Chair in advance of the meeting
Following discussion the following actions were agreed:
  • Review complaints policy at Oct GB
  • Learning Log assessment tool to be developed
  • Admissions policy to be circulated for review
  • Resources Committee to elect chair and refer to GB for endorsement
  • Committees and Working Parties to be reviewed at next GB
  • Link Governors to be reviewed at next GB
  • HT performance review to be done
  • Website content to be reviewed
  • AOB for next meeting to be notified in advance to the Chair
  • Amendments to GB minutes to be notified in advance of meetings.
Finally sincere thanks were expressed to DM for her hard work and commitment as Chair to the Governing Body. / JK/ AT
Res. Cmte./ AT
15.2 /
  1. Date of next meeting – Wednesday 12 October @7.00pm
The next FGB meeting was confirmed for Wednesday 12 October at 7.00pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed.

Signed______Chair of Governors


Documents attached to the minutes:

  1. Draft minutes of 6 July 2016 FGB meeting
  2. SLT roles and responsibilities paper
  3. Leadership and line management designations paper
  4. A Level results booklet
  5. KS4 and KS5 results booklet
  6. GCSE all results booklet
  7. Child protection and safeguarding report
  8. Business Manager’s report to September Resources Committee meeting
  9. Outsourced IT document (Resources Committee paper)
  10. SEND policy
  11. SEND information report
  12. SEND presentation

Action list

Item / Action / Responsibility / Date
5 / Amendment of FGB minutes of 6 July 2016 / AT / Oct GB meeting
5 / Leadership and Management report to be circulated / JK / Oct GB meeting
5 / Anti-bullying ‘whistleblowing’ mechanism to be addressed / JK / n/a
5 / SEN Link Governor to be agreed / Govs. / n/a
7 / SLT roles and responsibilities deferred to next meeting. / JK/ AT / Oct GB meeting
8 / Notes from Working Parties to be circulated to the GB / Working parties / n/a
8 / Year 11 awards evening to be held / JK / n/a
8 / Further analysis of exam results at next GB including link to SIP / JK/ AT / Oct GB meeting
9 / All staff to receive safeguarding booklet / Annette Kelly / n/a
10 / Resources Committee to follow procurement model and establish measures of success re: IT provision / Resources Committee / n/a
11 / SEN policy deferred to next meeting / Govs./ AT / Oct GB meeting
12 / Inform LA re: Chair and Vice Chairs election / AT / n/a
14 / Review complaints policy at Oct GB / JK/ AT / Oct GB meeting
14 / Learning Log assessment tool to be developed / KC / n/a
14 / Admissions policy to be circulated for review / CH / Oct GB meeting
14 / Resources Committee to elect chair and refer to GB for endorsement / Resources Committee/ AT / n/a
14 / Committees and Working Parties to be reviewed at next GB / IK/ AT / Oct GB meeting
14 / Link Governors to be reviewed at next GB / IK/ AT / Oct GB meeting
14 / HT performance review to be done / NW/ SM/ IK / n/a
14 / Website content to be reviewed / JK/ AT / n/a
14 / AOB for next meeting to be notified in advance to the Chair / Govs. / Oct GB meeting
14 / Amendments to GB minutes to be notified in advance of meetings. / Govs. / n/a

Initials...... Page 1 of 10