Choral/Vocal M
usic Department Handbook

CHAMPS Charter High School of the Performing Arts

Welcome to the Choral Program

CHAMPS Charter High School for the Arts

Choral music is for everyone. Being in a choir allows you to…

…learn how to think critically.

…develop control of the vocal apparatus.

…work both the right and left brain.

…learn about the historical, cultural, and stylistic aspects of the repertoire we study.

…learn about the language of music and music literacy.

…learn what it means to be impeccably prepared for performance.

…evaluate performances and learn to listen critically.

…discover team building and community through rehearsals and performances.

…be involved in an empathetic atmosphere cultivated through mutual respect.


Choir is a participation and performance oriented class, and successful performances are a direct result of good rehearsal techniques. Attendance is necessary. You will be given 10 engagement points each rehearsal. If you have an unexcused absence you will lose those points. If you are excused absent for any part of the rehearsal you will only receive 5 of those points. You can do a make up assignment to make up for the engagement points you missed. See Mrs. Rolniak for that assignment.


Students are expected to be in assigned seats at the appointed start time. Students will be considered tardy if not in place with the appropriate materials when class starts. There are important happenings that occur, such as announcements and warm-ups, even in the first minutes of rehearsal.

Unexcused tardies will result in lowered engagement points

Unexcused tardies for more than 30 minutes will result in no engagement points


The Choral/Vocal Music Department is proud of the outstanding accomplishments of the choirs and individual members of the program. The continued success of the ensembles is dependent upon the daily contribution of each member. We anticipate each individual will approach rehearsal with high expectations and a willingness to work toward the fulfillment and realization of those expectations.

Students will be expected to be fully engaged in each rehearsal by doing the following:

•Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of rehearsal time.

•Have a pencil and your music at each rehearsal.

•Focus mentally on the conductor and the literature.

•Stand when your section and full group is rehearsing and no talking during rehearsals.

•Focus physical energy on the correct application of proper singing technique. (Sit Tall; Breathe Deep, Sing with Space.)

•Demonstrate respect for the rehearsal facilities and equipment. (No playing the piano prior to rehearsals. Keep the room and equipment clean and orderly.)

•Leave food, soda, gum, and candy out of the rehearsal room. (Water is fine)


•Students who are too ill to participate in choir rehearsal should not be in school. That being said, if a student does not feel they are well enough to participate in rehearsal they may be excused to the side.

•While not participating students will fill out a choir observation form to receive points.

•Minor illnesses, such as fatigue, are not grounds for non-participation and students are expected to participate the best of their ability.

•Parents will be notified weekly of any non-participation days.


•No food, drink, or gum chewing is permitted in the choir room.

•The director’s desk, filing cabinets, bookcases, and phone are “off limits”.


•Cell phones will be deposited in your numbered slot at the beginning of class and maybe retrieved with instructor permission for class activities or recording opportunities.

•Failure to do so will result in loss of participation points for the day and an email home.


•Make rehearsal marks in your music in pencil only.

•Music that is defaced, lost, or torn beyond repair will be replaced by the student. Every student will have their own number for music and folder.

•Each student will bring a three ring binder and loose leaf paper for theory and sight singing work.


Information about this service can be found in the back of this packet.

Period 3Choir Level 3/4text @choir34 to 81010

Period 4Select Ensembletext @selens to 81010

Period 5Choir Level 1/2text @choir12 to 81010

Period 7Vocal Techniques Level 1text @voctech1 to 81010

Period 8Vocal Techniques Level 2text @voctech2 to 81010


1. Prior Commitment - The director must receive an email from a parent/guardian within the first two weeks of the publication of concert dates. The student will do an alternative 5-7 page concert critique paper. Work is not a prior commitment and will not be excused.

2. Illness/Family Emergency - Parents/Guardians must email the director of the situation as soon as possible and as well as provide a written note with the specific reason for missing the performance. The student will do an alternative 5-7 page concert critique paper.

3. No Advance Warning/Unacceptable Excuse/Failure to do make-up work - Loss of credit for the performance.


Street Fair - Sunday October 16, 2016 (Mandatory for Choir Level 3/4 and Choir Level 1/2)

Winter Concert - Saturday December 3, 2016 (All Groups)

SCVA Festival - March TBA (Mandatory for Choir Level 3/4 and Choir Level 1/2)

Spring Concert - Thursday May 18, 2017 (All Groups)


•10% of your concert grade is based on proper concert attire

•If you have any issues with purchasing the proper attire you must email Mrs. Rolniak two weeks prior to concert

1. CHAMPS Music Academy T-Shirt for field trips and some performances $10.00 Can be purchased at school.

2. Formal Concert Attire

Choice #1:

Black long skirt

Black t-shirt or camisole

Black cardigan buttoned up

Black dress shoes

Examples: Both can be found at

Choice #2

Black long sleeved shirt

Black dress pants

Black dress shoes

Purple bow tie - provided


It is the goal of the director to establish a tradition and standard of leadership within the choirs with the officers and section leaders. Each of the voice sections within each choir will have a section leader chosen by the director from submitted applications. The persons selected for these positions must be willing to put forth the effort demanded by this position. Occasionally time will be needed outside of class.

Each Choir will elect the following positions:


•Assist the director in organizing choral activities

•Assist any substitute teacher with rehearsal and class activities

•Help run officer meetings

•Speak at concerts and events

•Assist director with other duties

Vice President:

•Get choir in proper order for performances

•Maintain choir suggestion box

•Speak at concerts


•Take attendance at all concerts and performances

•Distribute and collect concert attire items

•Proof read program names and check for correct spelling

•In the absence of choral TA will help with filing and distributing music

Section Leaders:

•Assist all members of your section with any problems

•Assist with the vocal techniques classes

•Assist director and all other officers

•Inform director of any issues

•Maintain the morale of the section

•Distribute rehearsal materials

All Officers will:

•Assist with the set up and tear down of all concerts

•Provide strong musical and personal leadership

•Display an attitude of enthusiasm, hard work, support, and loyalty to our program


Students participating in courses offered by the Vocal Music Department at CHAMPS Charter High School of the Arts will study and perform a wide variety of choral literature. Based on the following criteria, the director determine the selection of literature:

•The literature should be of appropriate musical material to aid the physical development and function of the vocal mechanism.

•The literature will include representation from the historical periods of Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and contemporary, including multicultural representation.

•The literature will be written by composers of historical significance or those presenting valid alternative programming opportunities.

•The literature will represent a wide variety of text sources and types.

It is the position of the Choral/Vocal Music Department at CHAMPS Charter High School of the Arts that the inclusion of significant sacred and secular music is imperative to facilitate a total music experience for our youth. From a global perspective, choral music offers a wealth of literature that reflects and supports diverse cultures, traditions and people, as well as compositional styles of all eras. To achieve any educational objective, the quality of repertoire is of paramount importance. While public school teaching objectives and criteria for repertoire selection should not support religious indoctrination, the selection of quality music will invariably include music with a sacred text within its broad scope. Music without sacred text, architecture minus cathedral, or painting without scriptural themes is incomplete, even from a secular point of view. Therefore, to exclude sacred music from the public school curriculum would hamper student, as well as teacher, opportunities in gleaning artistic understanding and aesthetic expression. “Sacred” refers to all manner of religious belief and not only to the Judeo-Christian teachings. The term “study” includes not only classroom instruction but public performances as well. Prior to the 17th century, almost all significant choral music was associated with a sacred text. “Secular” refers to non-religious considerations. Since choral music with a sacred text comprises such a substantial portion of the artistic repertoire from the choral medium and the history of music, it should retain an important place in the music education of CHAMPS students.


Mrs. Amy Rolniak

email -


Mrs. Rolniak’s blog is the main source for assignments and information. Each choir has a tab on the main page that will include the weekly assignments.


The Choral/Vocal Music Department can always use the following items. Please check the It Takes a Village tab on the blog for further donation needs.

pencilscough dropshp printer cartridges #61 gift card

Student and Parent/Guardian Contract

I have read the Choral/Vocal Music Department Handbook and agree to abide by those requirements and guidelines for the 2016-2017 school year. I have made special note of the concert dates and understand and agree to the concert attendance policy.

Printed Student Name______

Student Signature:______

I have also read the Choral/Vocal Music Department Handbook and agree to abide by those requirements and guidelines for the 2015-2016 school year. I have made special note of the concert dates and understand and agree to the concert attendance policy.

Parent/Guardian Signature:______

______(Parents check here) YES! I am interested in being involved in the choir program by helping with events, concerts, field trips etc.

Parent/Family Phone #______

Parent/Family Email______

Please return the following form to Mrs. Rolniak by August 26