Adair County Common Core Science Standards

DOMAIN: Matter COURSE: Chemistry I AGrade: 10-12

(in parentheses the correlating learning target) / Subtitles followed by
Learning Targets
(I Can…statement) / Number
of Days
14 / Assessment for the
Learning Target
(check all that apply)
College Readiness Standards
Understand the methods and tools used in an experiment.
Determine the hypothesis and variables of an experiment.
Students will distinguish between a scientific law, theory, hypothesis, and unsupported supposition/claim.
Students will understand that accurate record keeping, openness, and replication are essential for maintaining credibility with other scientists and society.
CC.9-12.N.Q.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays.*
CC.9-12.N.Q.3 Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities.*
Students will understand that solids, liquids and gases differ in the distances between molecules or atoms and therefore the energy that binds them together. In solids, the structure is nearly rigid; in liquids, molecules or atoms move around each other but do not move apart; and in gases, molecules or atoms move almost independently of each other and are relatively far apart. The behavior of gases and the relationship of the variables influencing them can be described and predicted.
Students will explain the role of intermolecular or intramolecular interactions on the physical properties (solubility, density, polarity, conductivity, boiling/melting points) of compounds.
The physical properties of compounds reflect the nature of the interactions among molecules. These interactions are determined by the structure of the molecule including the constituent atoms.
DOK 02
Students will:
  • explain the importance of chemical reactions in a real-world context;
  • justify conclusions using evidence/data from chemical reactions.
Chemical reactions (e.g., acids and bases, oxidation, combustion of fuels, rusting, tarnishing) occur all around us and in every cell in our bodies. These reactions may release or absorb energy.
Students will:
  • explain the relationships and connections between matter, energy, living systems and the physical environment;
  • give examples of conservation of matter and energy.
As matter and energy flow through different organizational levels (e.g., cells, organs, organisms, communities) and between living systems and the physical environment, chemical elements are recombined in different ways. Each recombination results in storage and dissipation of energy into the environment as heat. Matter and energy are conserved in each change.
DOK 3 / Introductory Unit
Explain and utilize the safety rules.
Explain the scientific method/process.
Identify and explain the uses of laboratory equipment.
Correctly measure using the International System of measurement (SI).
Math Review
Solve problems for “X” being sure to solve for the correct unit
Determine the number of significant digits required in an answer
Classify matter according to its composition.
Distinguish among elements, compounds, homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures, solids, liquids and gasses
Relate the properties of matter to its structure.
Properties and Changes of Matter
Distinguish between physical and chemical properties
Contrast chemical and physical changes
Apply the law of conservation of matter to chemical changes / 4
3 / Type of Assessment:
____Private Conference
_x_ Cooperative activity (laboratory)
Use of the Assessment:
_x__Formative (of learning)
_x__Summative (for learning)
My Purpose for the Assessment:
_x__To analyze and direct lesson planning (content/process)
_x__To identify student needs
_x__To compare with other evidence of learning
_x__To contribute toward final grade
_x__To report to student and/or parents
_x__To help my students set goals
Assessment Source:
_x__Textbook, page # _33, 44, 46______
_x__ Workbook, page # _5-6______
____ KCCT Coach Book
Page # ______
____ Journal, type ______
_x___Teacher-made (must be attached to this page in a separate document)
_x___Another source (Textbook’s lab manual) pg 5
(book, website, etc.-attach source in separate document
Type of feedback to student:
_x__ Evaluative
____ Descriptive

Adair County Common Core Science Standards

DOMAIN: The Atom COURSE: Chemistry I AGrade: 10-12

(in parentheses the correlating learning target) / Subtitles followed by
Learning Targets
(I Can…statement) / Number
of Days
10 / Assessment for the
Learning Target
(check all that apply)
Students will understand that the atom’s nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons that are much more massive than electrons. When an element has atoms that differ in the number of neutrons, these atoms are called different isotopes of the element.
Students will:
  • predict wave behavior and energy transfer;
  • apply knowledge of waves to real life phenomena/investigations.
Waves, including sound and seismic waves, waves on water and electromagnetic waves, can transfer energy when they interact with matter. Apparent changes in frequency can provide information about relative motion.
DOK 3 / Atoms and their Structure
Relate historic experiments to the development of the modern model of the atom.
Illustrate the modern model of the atom.
Interpret the information available in an element block of the periodic table.
Completing the Model of the Atom
Relate emission spectra to electromagnetic radiation and to the electron configurations of atoms.
Relate energy sublevels and orbitals within the atom. / 5
5 / Type of Assessment:
____Private Conference
_x_ Cooperative activity (laboratory)
Use of the Assessment:
_x__Formative (of learning)
_x__Summative (for learning)
My Purpose for the Assessment:
_x__To analyze and direct lesson planning (content/process)
_x__To identify student needs
_x__To compare with other evidence of learning
_x__To contribute toward final grade
_x__To report to student and/or parents
_x__To help my students set goals
Assessment Source:
_x__Textbook, page # _79,80, 242, 251, 252______
_x__ Workbook, page # _11-12_____
____ KCCT Coach Book
Page # ______
____ Journal, type ______
_x___Teacher-made (must be attached to this page in a separate document)
_x___Another source (Textbook’s lab manual) pg 11
(book, website, etc.-attach source in separate document
Type of feedback to student:
_x__ Evaluative
____ Descriptive

Adair County Common Core Science Standards

DOMAIN: Periodic Table COURSE: Chemistry I AGrade: 10-12

(in parentheses the correlating learning target) / Subtitles followed by
Learning Targets
(I Can…statement) / Number
of Days
9 / Assessment for the
Learning Target
(check all that apply)
Students will classify or make generalizations about elements from data of observed patterns in atomic structure and/or position on the periodic table.
The periodic table is a consequence of the repeating pattern of outermost electrons.
Students will understand that in conducting materials, electrons flow easily; whereas, in insulating materials, they can hardly flow at all. Semiconducting materials have intermediate behavior. At low temperatures, some materials become superconductors and offer no resistance to the flow of electrons. / Development of the Periodic Table
Outline the steps in the historical development of the periodic table.
Predict similarities in properties of the elements by using the periodic table.
Using the Periodic Table
Relate an element’s valence electron structure to its position in the period c table.
Use the Periodic table to classify an element as a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid.
Compare the properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.
Main Group Elements
Relate the position of any main group element in the periodic table to its electron configuration.
Predict chemical behavior of the main group elements.
Relate chemical behavior to electron configuration and atomic size. / 2
3 / Type of Assessment:
____Private Conference
_x_ Cooperative activity (laboratory)
Use of the Assessment:
_x__Formative (of learning)
_x__Summative (for learning)
My Purpose for the Assessment:
_x__To analyze and direct lesson planning (content/process)
_x__To identify student needs
_x__To compare with other evidence of learning
_x__To contribute toward final grade
_x__To report to student and/or parents
_x__To help my students set goals
Assessment Source:
_x__Textbook, page # 89, 94, ______
_x__ Workbook, page # _18, 48, 114, 296____
____ KCCT Coach Book
Page # ______
____ Journal, type ______
_x___Teacher-made (must be attached to this page in a separate document)
_x___Another source (Textbook’s lab manual) Chem II Lab Manual lab 4
(book, website, etc.-attach source in separate document
Type of feedback to student:
_x__ Evaluative
____ Descriptive

Adair County Common Core Science Standards

DOMAIN: Compounds COURSE: Chemistry I AGrade: 10-12

(in parentheses the correlating learning target) / Subtitles followed by
Learning Targets
(I Can…statement) / Number
of Days
13 / Assessment for the
Learning Target
(check all that apply)
SC-HS- 1.1.5
Students will explain the role of intermolecular or intramolecular interactions on the physical properties (solubility, density, polarity, conductivity, boiling/melting points) of compounds.
The physical properties of compounds reflect the nature of the interactions among molecules. These interactions are determined by the structure of the molecule including the constituent atoms. DOK 02
Students will:
  • construct diagrams to illustrate ionic or covalent bonding;
  • predict compound formation and bond type as either ionic or covalent (polar, nonpolar) and represent the products formed with simple chemical formulas.
Bonds between atoms are created when outer electrons are paired by being transferred (ionic) or shared (covalent). A compound is formed when two or more kinds of atoms bind together chemically.
DOK 2 / Types of Compounds
Distinguish the properties of compounds from those of the elements of which they are composed.
Compare and contrast the properties of sodium chloride, water, and carbon dioxide.
Analyze evidence to conclude that differences exist in the ways compounds form.
How Elements Form Compounds
Model two types of compound formation: ionic and covalent at the atomic level.
Demonstrate how and why atoms achieve chemical stability by bonding.
Compare, using examples, the effect of covalent and ionic bonding on the physical properties of compounds.
Ionic Compounds
Apply formulas to make ionic/covalent compounds.
Interpret the information in a chemical formula.
Apply formulas to name ionic/covalent compounds. / 2
7 / Type of Assessment:
____Private Conference
_x_ Cooperative activity (laboratory)
Use of the Assessment:
_x__Formative (of learning)
_x__Summative (for learning)
My Purpose for the Assessment:
_x__To analyze and direct lesson planning (content/process)
_x__To identify student needs
_x__To compare with other evidence of learning
_x__To contribute toward final grade
_x__To report to student and/or parents
_x__To help my students set goals
Assessment Source:
_x__Textbook, page # _129, 147, 148, 158, 169, 183, 184 ______
_x__ Workbook, page # 23, 29, 30______
____ KCCT Coach Book
Page # ______
____ Journal, type ______
_x___Teacher-made (must be attached to this page in a separate document)
_x_ Another source (Textbook’s lab manual) pg 41
(book, website, etc.-attach source in separate document
Type of feedback to student:
_x__ Evaluative
_x_ Descriptive

Adair County Common Core Science Standards

DOMAIN: Chemical Reactions COURSE: Chemistry I AGrade: 10-12

(in parentheses the correlating learning target) / Subtitles followed by
Learning Targets
(I Can…statement) / Number
of Days
8 / Assessment for the
Learning Target
(check all that apply)
Students will:
  • explain the importance of chemical reactions in a real-world context;
  • justify conclusions using evidence/data from chemical reactions.
Chemical reactions (e.g., acids and bases, oxidation, combustion of fuels, rusting, tarnishing) occur all around us and in every cell in our bodies. These reactions may release or absorb energy.
Students will:
  • explain the relationships and connections between matter, energy, living systems and the physical environment;
  • give examples of conservation of matter and energy.
As matter and energy flow through different organizational levels (e.g., cells, organs, organisms, communities) and between living systems and the physical environment, chemical elements are recombined in different ways. Each recombination results in storage and dissipation of energy into the environment as heat. Matter and energy are conserved in each change. DOK 3
Students will:
  • identify variables that affect reaction rates;
  • predict effects of changes in variables (concentration, temperature, properties of reactants, surface area and catalysts) based on evidence/data from chemical reactions.
Rates of chemical reactions vary. Reaction rates depend on concentration, temperature and properties of reactants. Catalysts speed up chemical reactions.
DOK 3 / Chemical Equations
Relate chemical changes and macroscopic properties.
Demonstrate how chemical equations describe chemical reactions.
Illustrate how to balance chemical reactions by changing coefficients.
Types of Reactions
Distinguish among the five major types of chemical reactions.
Classify a reaction as belonging to one of five major types.
Nature of Reactions
Discuss factors that influence the direction of a reaction. / 3
2 / Type of Assessment:
____Private Conference
_x_ Cooperative activity (laboratory)
Use of the Assessment:
___Formative (of learning)
___Summative (for learning)
My Purpose for the Assessment:
___To analyze and direct lesson planning (content/process)
___To identify student needs
___To compare with other evidence of learning
___To contribute toward final grade
___To report to student and/or parents
___To help my students set goals
Assessment Source:
_x__Textbook, page # _201, 209, 224______
_x__ Workbook, page # _35, 36 _____
____ KCCT Coach Book
Page # ______
____ Journal, type ______
_x___Teacher-made (must be attached to this page in a separate document)
___Another source (Textbook’s lab manual)
(book, website, etc.-attach source in separate document
Type of feedback to student:
_x_ Evaluative
_x_ Descriptive

Adair County Common Core Science Standards

DOMAIN: Kinetic Theory of Matter/Bonding COURSE: Chemistry I BGrade: 10-12

(in parentheses the correlating learning target) / Subtitles followed by
Learning Targets
(I Can…statement) / Number
of Days
13 / Assessment for the
Learning Target
(check all that apply)
Students will understand that solids, liquids and gases differ in the distances between molecules or atoms and therefore the energy that binds them together. In solids, the structure is nearly rigid; in liquids, molecules or atoms move around each other but do not move apart; and in gases, molecules or atoms move almost independently of each other and are relatively far apart. The behavior of gases and the relationship of the variables influencing them can be described and predicted.
Students will:
  • construct diagrams to illustrate ionic or covalent bonding;
  • predict compound formation and bond type as either ionic or covalent (polar, nonpolar) and represent the products formed with simple chemical formulas.
Bonds between atoms are created when outer electrons are paired by being transferred (ionic) or shared (covalent). A compound is formed when two or more kinds of atoms bind together chemically.
SC-HS 1.1.5
Students will explain the role of intermolecular or intramolecular interactions on the physical properties (solubility, density, polarity, conductivity, boiling/melting points) of compounds.
The physical properties of compounds reflect the nature of the interactions among molecules. These interactions are determined by the structure of the molecule including the constituent atoms.
DOK 02 / Physical Behavior of Matter
Compare characteristic of a solid, liquid, and gas.
Relate the properties of a solid, liquid, and gas to the kinetic theory of matter.
Distinguish among on amorphous material, liquid crystal, and plasma.
Kinetic Energy and Change of State
Interpret changes of temperature and changes of state of a substance in terms of the kinetic theory of matter.
Relate Kelvin-scale and Celsius-scale temperature.
Analyze the effects of temperature and pressure on changes of state.
Chemical Bonding
Predict the types of bonds that form between atoms by using electronegativity values.
Compare and contrast characteristics of ionic, covalent, and polar covalent bonds.
Interpret the sea of electrons model of metallic bonding.
Molecular Shape and PolarityDiagram electron dot structures for molecules.
Formulate three-dimensional geometry of molecules from electron dot structures.
Predict molecular polarity from three-dimensional geometry and bond polarity. / 2
3 / Type of Assessment:
____Private Conference
_x_ Cooperative activity (laboratory)
Use of the Assessment:
_x__Formative (of learning)
_x__Summative (for learning)
My Purpose for the Assessment:
_x_To analyze and direct lesson planning (content/process)
_x_To identify student needs
_x__To compare with other evidence of learning
_x__To contribute toward final grade
_x__To report to student and/or parents
_x__To help my students set goals
Assessment Source:
_x__Textbook, page # __312, 314, 333, 334, 350, 366_____
_x__ Workbook, page # _53, 60____
____ KCCT Coach Book
Page # ______
____ Journal, type ______
__x__Teacher-made (must be attached to this page in a separate document)
___Another source (Textbook’s lab manual)
(book, website, etc.-attach source in separate document
Type of feedback to student:
_x_ Evaluative
__ Descriptive

Adair County Common Core Science Standards

DOMAIN: Chemical Quantities COURSE: Chemistry I BGrade: 10-12

(in parentheses the correlating learning target) / Subtitles followed by
Learning Targets
(I Can…statement) / Number
of Days
13 / Assessment for the
Learning Target
(check all that apply)
Students will:
  • explain the importance of chemical reactions in a real-world context;
  • justify conclusions using evidence/data from chemical reactions.
Chemical reactions (e.g., acids and bases, oxidation, combustion of fuels, rusting, tarnishing) occur all around us and in every cell in our bodies. These reactions may release or absorb energy.
DOK 3 / Counting Particles of Matter
Compare and Contrast the mole as a number and the mole as a mass.
Relate counting particles to weighing samples of substances.
Solve stchiometric problems using molar mass.
Using Moles
Predict quantities of products and reactants in chemical reactions.
Determine mole ratios from formulas for
Identify formulas of compounds by using mass ratios. / 7
6 / Type of Assessment:
____Private Conference
_x_ Cooperative activity (laboratory)
Use of the Assessment:
_x__Formative (of learning)
_x__Summative (for learning)
My Purpose for the Assessment:
_x_To analyze and direct lesson planning (content/process)
_x_To identify student needs
_x__To compare with other evidence of learning
_x__To contribute toward final grade
_x__To report to student and/or parents
_x__To help my students set goals
Assessment Source:
_x__Textbook, page # __416, 418, 420, 429, 430_____
___ Workbook, page # ______
____ KCCT Coach Book
Page # ______
____ Journal, type ______
_x___Teacher-made (must be attached to this page in a separate document)
___Another source (Textbook’s lab manual)
(book, website, etc.-attach source in separate document
Type of feedback to student:
_x_ Evaluative
_x_ Descriptive

Adair County Common Core Science Standards