Illinois ACDA Summer Retreat
Illinois State University
June 25 & 26, 2014
8:00 - 9:00 Board Meeting (CH 212)
8:15 Registration (CH Lobby)
8:45Welcome and Introductions (CH 212)
Karyl Carlson, IL-ACDA President
Stephen Parsons, Director, ISU School of Music
9:15-11:00Directors Chorus Session(CH 212)
Janet Galván, Conductor
, Pianist
11:15 – 12:15DOUBLE DIP (each session offered 11:15, 11;30)
Achieving harmony-Pastor and Music Director: Jay Regenitter(CH 212)
J.W. Pepper: Smart Music (CH 305)
Conducting Master Class: Janet Galván (CH308)
12:30 – 1:15 LUNCH(CPA LOBBY)
New Member welcome
Mentor-Pair Share
*** VISIT Exhibits: 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Cook Hall 305)
1:30 – 2:30 Reading Sessions
*Music in Worship: Mark Hayes and Jeff Hunt (CH 212)
*Middle School/Jr High: Deb Aurelius-Muir(CH305)
*Jr College/Community:Steve Szalaj/Tom Stauch(CH308)
Conducting Masterclass: JanetGalván (CH 124)
2:30 – 3:30Janet Galván
Movement in the Choral Rehearsal to improve vocal technique, musicianship, creativity and build community
3:45—5:00 Mark Hayes
Seeing the Divine in Yourself and Your Singers,
Nurturing the soul of the choral conductor
5:15 – 6:45Banquet Dinner Harold Decker Award
Worship in Music Share: Jeff Hunt
District Share: District Reps
(Bone Student Center – Circus Rm)
7:15 – 8:45Directors Chorus Session/Director Talkback (CPA)
8:45 – 9:45AfterhourInservice(CPA lobby)
7:45 - Registration (CH Lobby)
7:30 – 8:30 Stress busting wellness: Jill Belongia (CH 212)
8:30 – 9:30 Reading Session
*Men’s Choir: Mark Grizzard (CH 308)
*Women’s Choir:Tina Shoemaker(CH 212)
9:00 Exhibits open, Coffee
9:45-11:00Directors Chorus Session: Janet Galván (CH 212)
11:00 – 12:00DOUBLE DIP (Each session offered 2 times - 11:00, 11:30)
Justin Vickers: Expression in the Selfie (CH 308)
Lee Kesselman: IPA Bootcamp (CH 212)
12:15-1:15LUNCH: CPA Lobby
General Membership meeting
Student ACDA share: Michael Zemeck
1:30 – 2:30 Reading Sessions
*College/University (CH 308) Susan Davenport
* Multicultural (CH 212) Keith Hampton
Composer consultations: Mark Hayes, Lee Kesselman (CH 124)
2:30-3:00Exhibitors Showcase Party (CH 305)
3:00 – 4:00Power Pedagogy: Finding the Treasure in each piece
Mark Hayes and Leslie Manfredo (CH 212)
4:00-5:15Directors Chorus Session: Janet Galván
(CPA Concert Hall)
Composition Contest Winner Presentation
Wrap it up!