There are several reasons why a female basketball player has a 50% more likelihood of suffering a non-contact Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury than their male counterpart. Many experts have looked into why and have rationalized several different theories that focus on possible biomechanical difference, hormonal changes, poor neuromuscular integrated strength or possible decreased ligamentous strength.
Along with these theories there are also a few research facts that reflect:

  1. A higher degree of quadriceps dominance which can predispose them to a higher neuromuscular risk of injury
  2. A greater valgus knee angle with lateral movements which in turn places a greater strain on the medial aspect of the knee and the ACL.
  3. Less active knee and hip flexion during ground contact events like jumping and cutting which in turn lessens deceleration control from the lower extremities and hips.

The fact is that 95% of all non-contact ACL injuries are a result of poor deceleration control of momentum and ground reaction forces as it relates to sheer forces which lead to a compromising of the ACL. Sheer is simultaneous application of a vertical, rotational and horizontal force vector to the knee joint. When evaluating strength and conditioning programs, especially in women’s basketball, it is the combination of a rotational and horizontal force vector that is often left untrained.

This is where flat continuously looped resistance bands can play a significant role in training. Resistance bands are essentially independent of gravity and therefore can create a true horizontal-rotational force vector when attached around the hips. Using this set-up to perform multi-directional locomotion drills like shuffling, backpedals or crossovers allows athletes to train as well as strengthen the body to effectively deal with these 2 major force vectors that create sheer on the ACL.

Over the past several years I have implemented a resistance band training program for women’s basketball players that we refer to as “Two Step” Deceleration Drills. These drills utilize the bands to create an “accelerated deceleration” training influence on the body that reflexively trains the body to handle increases momentum that in turn require faster deceleration responses. Using short amplitude movements allows athletes to gradually increase their training velocity and band resistance as they feel more confident.

The following videos demonstrate how to perform Two Step Deceleration Drills as it relates to a lateral, sagital and rotational change of direction. All of these drills require two 41 Inch long continuously looped resistance bands to be linked together using Velcro link strap. This simple set-up provides athletes with 4 yards of total training distance which is more than enough to train two steps.

Lateral (Shuffle) Two Step Deceleration
Backpedal Two Step Deceleration
Crossover Two Step Deceleration