Friday, July 3, 1863, Chapter 1, Chamberlain

* Buford, looking for orders at headquarters, learns that there's a dispute raging about whether Howard or Hancock is in charge.
* Howard is blaming Buford for Howard's break on the right.
* Hancock talks to Buford about his division's involvement, and tells him to ready his troops for battle in the morning.
* Meade arrives.

Friday, July 3, 1863, Chapter 2, Longstreet

* Fremantle observes the generals discussing strategy and listens with interest.
* Lee has sent scouts looking for Stuart.
* Hood and Longstreet disagree with Lee's strategy but Longstreet does not believe they can change Lee's mind.
* Longstreet does not believe Meade will attack.
* Fremantle feels a kinship between the Southerners and the English and hopes the South comes under English rule once more.

Friday, July 3, 1863, Chapter 3, Chamberlain

* Chamberlain's men find an escaped slave, a foreigner who speaks no English and is shot by a white woman when he tries to get directions.
* Chamberlain is shocked to find himself repulsed by the man and remembers a heated conversation he had with a Baptist minister and a University of Virginia professor regarding slavery.
* Kilrain reassures Chamberlain that the war they are fighting is just which allays some of Chamberlain's doubts.
* Chamberlain does not think there will be friendship between North and South if the South wins.

Friday, July 3, 1863, Chapter 4, Armistead

* Lee and Longstreet discuss strategy, with Longstreet once again stating his doubts and Lee refusing to change his mind.
* Hood asks to be allowed to go around to the right but Lee does not want to split the focus of the attack.
* Longstreet is forced to counter march as the planned route will leave them visible to the enemy. Longstreet is again disgusted at Stuart whom he blames for this.
* Union troops are not where the Confederacy expected them to be, and again Hood asks to go to the right where there is an opening. Longstreet knows Lee would not approve and so does not allow Hood to do so. Casualties are extremely heavy.

Friday, July 3, 1863, Chapter 5, Longstreet

* Chamberlain and his men form the left end of the Union line on Little Round Top and Vincent tells Chamberlain that he is not to withdraw his troops under any circumstances or the Union line will fall.
* The Confederates attack, Kilrain is wounded, no support can come from other regiments, and Chamberlain has to use Tom to fill a gap. Vincent is reported killed.
* Chamberlain's men run out of ammunition so he has them fix bayonets and charge. The Rebels turn and run.
* The Confederates surrender and his men have taken 500 prisoners. Chamberlain and his men are sent to Big Round Top.

Friday, July 3, 1863, Chapter 6, Chamberlain

* Hood, badly wounded in the arm, tells Longstreet that they should have gone to the right. The battle is devastating to Confederate troops.
* Hood's men blame Longstreet, not Lee. Lee believes they are victorious but Longstreet disagrees.
* Stuart and Pickett have arrived. Lee refuses to court martial Stuart.
* Longstreet and Fremantle discuss the battle and Lee's tactics. Longstreet can no longer contain himself and blurts out his opinion of Lee's tactics.
* Armistead joins Longstreet and is reminded of home and his friend, Hancock, when the soldiers sing an old Irish ballad.