Chemistry Name :

Worksheet : Ch. 1-3 ; obj. 36 - 46 Date :

A. Read pp. 73-92 and answer the following questions :

1. The ______system is a system of measurement established in France in 1790.

2. The ______( or _____ system) is the system of standards of measurement used by scientists worldwide today.

3. State the basic metric (or SI) units for the following measurements :

______: length

______: volume

______: mass

______: energy (heat)

______: temperature

______: amount of a substance

______: time

4. Match the metric prefix with its meaning and symbol (two letters in blanks)

______mega a. one million (106) i. p

______kilo b. one-thousandth(10-3) k. k

______deci c. one-hundredth(10-2) m. c

______centi d. one-billionth(10-9) n. n

______milli e. one-millionth(10-6) o. d

______micro f. one-tenth(10-1) p. u

______nano g. one thousand(103) r. m

______pico h. one-trillionth (10-12) s. M

5. Distinguish between mass and weight.

6. If an object is moved from the surface of the earth into orbit around the earth in space (assume no force of gravity), does its mass or weight change?

7. ______is the degree of hotness or coldness of an object - a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance.

8. Compare the Kelvin and Celsius temperature scales using the following reference points :

Kelvin Celsius

______absolute zero ______

______freezing point of water ______

______boiling point of water ______

9. Convert the following temperature measurements between the Celsius and Kelvin scales :

a. _____ K = 20.0 ºC c. _____ K = 45.2 ºC

b. _____ ºC = 40 K d. _____ ºC = 12.0 K

10. ______is the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume.

11. A chunk of copper metal has a mass of 46.76 g and a volume of 5.22 cm3. What is its density?

12. What is the mass of a sample of aluminum which has a density of 2.70 g/cm3 and a volume of 33.0 cm3?

13. What is the volume of a sample of lead which has a mass of 44.5 g and a density of 11.4 g/cm3 ?

14. ______is a comparison of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance (usually water) at the same temperature.

15. Use Table 3.6 on p. 90 to determine the specific gravities of the following substances (divide density of the substance by the density of water at 20.0 ºC (= 0.998207 g/ml) ; no units for specific gravity) :

a. aluminum

b. mercury

c. ice

13. ____Hydrometers____ are used to measure the specific gravity of a liquid.

Selected answers : 9b. -233 ºC 12. 89.1 g 15b. 13.6