JRC, Ispra 27-28 January 2015

Questions for the participants to send us by email () the answers regarding his/her country until Thursday 22 January 2015 at 12:00.

Name and country:Surveying and mapping authority of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia

1- According to your knowledge, is the INSPIRE infrastructure being used to support one or more data flows or monitoring programmes for statutory reporting within your country (at National, regional or local level)?

Yes, already used ☐ Yes, planned ☒ No ☐

For which Directive(s)?

Urban waste water treatment directive – Structured Implementation and Information Framework (UWWTD_SIIF)

Which Network Services are being used?View Services and transformation services will be used

Data interoperability (which themes involved)?

Hydrography, Geographical names, Addresses, Cadastral parcels, Buildings, Utility and Government services, Environmental monitoring facilities, Production and industrial facilities, Orthoimagery.

Are any national/thematic registers or the INSPIRE Registry used?

There will be used Register of public sewer, Register of water distribution systems, Data collection on municipalwater treatment plants, Database of devices that discharge industrial wastewater, Data collection on water quality. But we did not used any INSPIRE registry yet.


Metadata descriptions are done in accordance with INSPIRE metadata regulation.

Sharing raw data ☐ Sharing INSPIRE conform data ☒

Which measures were taken to make data and services necessary for statutory reporting discoverable and use by the INSPIRE infrastructure?

Information and awareness raising process is running between Slovenian state authorities and bodies.

Are these implementations reflected in the INSPIRE Monitoring and Reporting? Or in the geoportal?

Yes, in the monitoring and reporting ☒ Yes, in the geoportal ☒ No ☐

If No, please explain the main reason(s) why?

Are additional implementation actions already planned?


2- How is coordinated ensured between the implementation of INSPIRE and the other policies of the environmental acquis?

Project Manager and Assistant Head of the UWWTD project are in regular contact. The project team is to meet with project managers if necessary, depending on the required activities. At the meetings, the report on the progress of the activities is presented and made decisions on further activities.

Is there an overview of which public authority is in charge of implementing measures regarding the environmental acquis?

Environment Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (ARSO)

Is there a tentative matching of roadmaps regarding statutory reporting deadlines and the use of INSPIRE implementation measures?

Which are the main difficulties?

3- Suggestions for the role of MIG and of MIWP-21 on accelerating and improving the coordination of implementing INSPIRE to support other Directives.