(August 2015)

The Spanish IV course is designed for secondary students who have mastered Spanish III. Students will be introduced to the Spanish language and culture through the four modes of communication. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills will be incorporated in an advanced level.

This course supports and is aligned to the success orientations, competencies, and knowledge noted in the QSI Program Outcomes. It also meets the five standards of Foreign Language Education: Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. Spanish IV is also a pre-preparation for AP Spanish.

Secondary Spanish IV consists of ten essential units. The normal pace for this course leads to mastery of the ten essential units during a time appropriate for a non-native Spanish language learner. Some of the units may take more time than the others. Spanish IV should be allotted five hours a week with a period being approximately 45 minutes.

An outline of the ten essential units follows. These units are primarily designed to be taught in order.

ESSENTIAL UNITS (must be assessed for mastery):

E01 – Social Roles

Abriendo Paso Lectura: Chapter 1, 19 (pp. 1-19, pp. 269-279)

Abriendo Paso Gramática: Preterit and Imperfect (pp. 1-15, 30-45, 207-210)

E02 – Old vs. Young

Abriendo Paso Lectura: Chapter 2, 6(pp. 20-39, pp. 97-116)

Abriendo Paso Gramática:Future, Future Perfect, Conditional and Conditional Perfect(pp.175-188, 203-206, 215-227, 233-237)

E03 – Feelings and Emotions

Abriendo Paso Lectura: Chapter 3, 4 (pp. 45-59, pp. 60-73)

Abriendo Paso Gramática: Pluperfect and Indicative (pp. 19-24, 47-48, 116-130)

E04 – FamilyValues

Abriendo Paso Lectura: Chapter 5, 7 (pp. 74-89; 117-134)

Abriendo Paso Gramática: Present Subjunctive and Imperfect Subjunctive (pp.142-153, 166-174, 189-202, 228-233)

E05 – Human Dignity

Abriendo Paso Lectura: Chapter 8, 11 (pp. 135-159; 209-231)

Abriendo Paso Gramática: PresentPerfect(pp.16-19)

E06 – Politics and Woman

Abriendo Paso Lectura: Chapter 10, 22; pp.184-207, 300-312

Abriendo Paso Gramática: Commands (pp. 133-142, 154-173)

E07 – Mayan and Incas

Abriendo Paso Lectura: Chapter 20, 21, 25 (pp. 281-299; 334-345

Abriendo Paso Gramática: ReflexiveVerbs (pp. 130-132)

E08 – Art

Abriendo Paso Lectura: Chapter 23, 24 (pp. 313-333)

Abriendo Paso Gramática: Grammatical Rules for Adjectives and Pronouns (pp. 73-90)

E09 – Traditions and Celebrations in Spain

Abriendo Paso Lectura: Chapter26, 27 (pp. 346-365)

Abriendo Paso Gramática: Por and Para uses, Comparatives and Superlatives (pp. 305-311)

E10 – Federico García Lorca

Abriendo Paso Lectura: Chapter 15, 16 (pp. 247-258)

“Poemas” – Federico Garcia Lorca (Poems)

Abriendo Paso Gramática: Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns and Relative Pronouns (pp. 263-284)

Suggested Materials:(provided by school)

Abriendo Paso LecturaPearson Education 2012

Abriendo Paso GramáticaPearson Education 2012

Abriendo Paso 2012 Home Page


Each essential unit includes a suggested assessment rubric. Teachers do not have to follow the suggested rubric. The statements in the rubric are intended to help the teacher to understand how to determine whether student demonstrated mastery, and/or whether any particular essential outcome is appropriate for evaluation of above mastery. When a TSW allows for demonstration of above mastery skills a suggestion on how to distinguish A from B is given.

Also provided are speaking and writing general rubrics which are included on the following pages.


(Secondary Spanish)


Unit: Evaluation:

To earn an “A” the student should earn 22-24 points

To earn a “B” the student should earn 18-21 points

Exemplary / 3
Strong / 2
Developing / 1
Task Completion / Superior completion of the task; responses
appropriate and with elaboration. / Completion of the task; responses appropriate
and adequately developed. / Partial completion of the task; responses mostly
appropriate yet undeveloped / Minimal completion of the task and/or responses frequently inappropriate.
Comprehensibility / Responses readily comprehensible, requiring no
interpretation on the part of the listener. / Responses comprehensible, requiring minimal
interpretation on the part of the listener. / Responses mostly comprehensible, requiring
interpretation on the part of the listener. / Responses barely comprehensible.
Fluency / Speech continuous with few pauses or stumbling. / Some hesitation but manages to continue and
complete thoughts. / Speech choppy and/or slow with frequent pauses;
few or no incomplete thoughts. / Speech halting and uneven with long pauses
and/or incomplete thoughts.
Pronunciation / Enhances communication. / Does not interfere with communication. / Occasionally interferes with communication. / Frequently interferes with communication.
Vocabulary / Rich use of vocabulary. / Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary. / Somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary. / Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary.
Language Control / Control of basic language structures. / Emerging control of basic language structures. / Emerging use of basic language structures. / Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of basic
language structures.


(Secondary Spanish)


Unit: Evaluation:

To earn an “A” the student should earn 34-36 points

To earn a “B” the student should earn 27-30 points

Exemplary / 5
Strong / 4
Proficient / 3
Developing / 2
Emerging / 1
Ideas & Content
main theme
supporting details / Exceptionally clear, focused, engaging with relevant, strong supporting detail / Clear, focused, interesting ideas with appropriate detail / Evident main idea with some support which may be general or limited / Main idea may be cloudy because supporting detail is too general or even off-topic / Purpose and main idea may be unclear and cluttered by irrelevant detail / Lacks central idea; development is minimal or non-existent
conclusion / Effectively organized in logical and creative manner;
creative and engaging intro and conclusion / Strong order and structure;
inviting intro and satisfying closure / Organization is appropriate, but conventional;
attempt at introduction and conclusion / Attempts at organization; may be a “list” of events;
beginning and ending not developed / Lack of structure; disorganized and hard to follow;
missing or weak intro and conclusion / Lack of coherence, confusing;
no identifiable introduction or conclusion
sense of audience / Expressive, engaging, sincere;
strong sense of audience;
shows emotion: humor, honesty, suspense or life / Appropriate to audience and purpose;
writer behind the words comes through / Evident commitment to topic;
inconsistent or dull personality / Voice may be inappropriate or non-existent;
writing may seem mechanical / Writing tends to be flat or stiff;
little or no hint of writer behind words / Writing is lifeless;
no hint of the writer
Word Choice
imagery / Precise, carefully chosen;
strong, fresh, vivid images / Descriptive, broad range of words;
word choice energizes writing / Language is functional and appropriate;
descriptions may be overdone at times / Words may be correct but mundane;
no attempt at deliberate choice / Monotonous, often repetitious, sometimes inappropriate / Limited range of words;
some vocabulary misused
Sentence Fluency
rhythm, flow
variety / High degree of craftsmanship;
effective variation in sentence patterns / Easy flow and rhythm;
good variety in length and structure / Generally in control;
lack variety in length and structure / Some awkward constructions;
many similar patterns and beginnings / Often choppy;
monotonous sentence patterns;
frequent run-on sentences / Difficult to follow or read aloud;
disjointed, confusing, rambling
age appropriate, spelling, caps, punctuation, grammar / Exceptionally strong control of standard conventions of writing / Strong control of conventions; errors are few and minor / Control of most writing conventions; occasional errors with high risks / Limited control of conventions; frequent errors do not interfere with understanding / Frequent significant errors may impede readability / Numerous errors distract the reader and make the text difficult to read



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