
Minutes of the Meeting of 16th October2017 – start time 9.00am

Present:Alan Forscutt, Paul Wootton, Gerry Morgan,Sean O'neil,David Eynon

Pete Dunford, Alan Frith,Rob Hardy.Keith Bradly, M Stayner


Minutes:The minutes for the Septembermeeting were accepted. They were signed by AFo

Matters .


PW had asked if we would receive any levy this year,the sum of £75 had been paid from Club funds Action Closed

Xmas Lunch / Dinner AFoproposed a 3 man team competition followed by lunch on the 6th December. The cost would be £20 (lunch £16 3 courses) with a shotgun start. An entry form has been introduced to the noticeboard Action AFo

P Revell had resigned his playing membership AF to contact AE about possible life membership.Action is still ongoing Action AF

Handicap request .Pete Wescott reduction application. . Needs to submit supplementaries, AF has advised him of the prodedure Action closed

Buggies and medical exemptions, the committee needed help in clarifying the duration of medical exemptions allowing the use of buggies in competitions. It was suggested that unless explicit on the certificate a maximum of 6 months should be adoptedAFoL to bring to the attention of MCM Action AFo

ActingCaptain's Report

Mike Strode has relinquished the position of new members representative

Purchase requisitions are now needed to authorisation of the use of club funds, duly signed by the Captain and Treasurer, A similar approach has now been adopted by the Seniors committee.

Thecost of Trophies and their annual engraving is no to be borne by each section

The CSI had been checked against competition results and there is to be no change

The Seniors Secretary had submitted the minutes of previous meetings to the club proshop on several occasions without them actually getting onto the new website. However he was pleased to report that action had no taken place and minutes for 2017 were up to date.

There would be no Xmas Party this year.

The food arrangements for the presentation evening have been changed to the provision of plated sandwiches.

The Club are to celebrate the 25th anniversary next year and funding to hold events etc has been requested from the County Union. Action AFo

Each section are to share the costs in providing commemorative medals for their monthly competitions held during the Silver Jubilee year

Vice Captain's Report

The Vice Captain had nothing further to report in his capacity of Vice Captain


A busy last month of the financial year and PW hopes to have the final accounts circulated by 30th October in time for the AGM

The Main Committee forwarded a cheque for £75 to this section.

The August and September Stablefords both produced profits of £42, whilst the September Medal made a loss of £37.

The Rosebowl Scramble, Admiral Thring and Philpott competitions added further to the coffers of £14, £28 and £16 respectively.

David Eynon (on behalf of Peter Dunford) returned the £50 deposit for the AwayDay at Honiton.

The Inter Village competition made a £52 profit, Of this £50 was donated to BHF, the cash being transferred into the Seniors Bank account held under the title of BHF Bank.

His thanks to AF and RH for producing the financial breakdown of all competitions so clearly and promptly so that it made his job so much easier

SEPTEMBER 2017 August 2017 September 2016

Seniors Petty Cash £ 217.23 £ 60.23 £ 37.23

Seniors Bank £ 904.49 £ 829.49 £ 1513.43

Seniors Total £ 1121.72 £ 889.72 £ 1550.66

BHF Cash £ 0 £ 0 £ 0

BHF Bank £ 334.48£ 66.15 £ 69.80

JWB Bank £ 0 £ 0 £ 831.60

Grand Total £ 1456.20 £ 955.87 £ 2452.06

Competition Secretary

The Admiral Thring concluded with Chris Hyldon beating Maurice Maynard in the final. I have put a summary of this competition and the Philpott pairs on the Seniors board so prize winners are aware of their reward.

The Rose Bowl Texas Scramble was played on Wednesday 13th September, full results are on the board with the winners being Sandra Bradshaw, Richard Bargary, Ray Williams and GunnarOvland with a nett score of 56.

The Inter-Village was played on Friday 29th September with Somerton Team consisting of Paul Curzon, Eric Rose, Sue Adams and Paul Russell victorious on 93 points. Again, full results are posted on the board.

The Winter League entry form has been taken down this morning and hewill put the league draws on the board in good time for the start of the competition from November 1st.

It appears impossible to set up the Eclectic on the ClubV1 system despite seeking advice from Mark so he has printed sheets for the file and will put the Advert for this competition on the Seniors board at the end of this month.

The Every One’s a Winner on Friday November 10th still has some spaces but is well supported despite having to replace the second page of the entry sheet which wasremoved by an unknown party!! As his visits to the club are limited he will betaking this down soon and posting the tee draws.Expecting the usual crop of latepleas to enter sowill structure the draw to accommodate this where he can.

Finally, I would like to record his annoyance at the situation regarding engraving. Firstly, it was only after wrongfully chasing people to return trophies that heinadvertently discovered that this process has been taken over by a central group and they hadalready removed trophies form the cabinet. He was doing this workon the day of theInter Village only to discover that the trophy had already been removed for engraving. He has had conversations with Gunnar who has apologised for this lack of communication but it raises some questions. No provision was made for the sourcing of memento trophies so he now has that job to do! If the engraving remains at the new source next year he assumes that all engraving and memento sourcing will be undertaken centrally once he has provided the fullwinners list? He assumes the new source is of at least equal quality and more costeffective? He has no desire to keep the engraving duties for the Seniors but the task must be a complete one not bits that suit!

Handicap Secretary

`1. Handicaps Committee

Handicap changes for 2018 no limits!Action AF

Needs to be discussed at next Handicaps committee in November as to show to move forwards as a club. Action AF

2. September Medal results tabled

51 cards 56 paid but 5 did not go out.

Money shows that 56 went out but, he decided that those that paid could not have a qualifying card as their handicap could and would change, giving them a 0.1 increase.HeI chose to refuse their rounds as it could be interpreted as Handicap manipulation.

3. September Stableford results tabled.

72 scores entered 78 paid, 77 cards supplied. Two did not returned a card and 79 actually paid and 6 cards were not entered on the system

4. October Medal results tabled.

46 scores entered 49 paid two not entered and another paid but not recorded. Finally 50 scores were entered one disqualified for not entering a card, and one originally disqualified the card was found in the MAIL BOX after he had closed the competition!

5. Two Divisions

Proposal to split to 2 divisions with 50 or less entries.

Cut off to be flexible dependant on numbers of entries with differing handicaps. Action ALL

post meeting note, I have suggested Action All as I believe after a torturous 3 months of discussion amongst ourselves and the proshop our decision was to continue with fixed prizes, and simply increase the entry fee by £0-50p, This helped protect ourselves against losses and kept the status quo with the proshop anxious to obtain a percentage for their role in the competition organisation. .. Seniors Secretary

Away Day Organiser

PD informed the last event was again a great success being held at Honiton with C. Johnston winning. DE organised things on the day due to PD's absence.

Avalon League Captain

SO informed that the last match had been held resulting in a draw with Stockwood Vale preventing them progressing to the divisional play offs


A card of condolence had been received from members at Vivary Park as a result of Ivor's tragic death. The Secretary had responded with thanks and AFo had handed the card to Mrs Lewis together with a card from the Seniors Section

A.O.B.:-In light of the absence and unwillingness of the proshop to to help maintain a register of all Senior members it was proposed to ask all Seniors to forward their details by filling in a simple registration form. Details would be name, address, phone numbers and email address, Only the fist requirement ie. name would be mandatory but it is hoped that the members can understand the need for this register in helping with team selection, notification of events, competition spaces as well as a means of informing members of more unfortunate messages regarding deaths, funeral arrangements etc. As a by product of this process a yearly subscription of £2 is proposed to be re-introduced. A proposal to this effect would be presented at the Seniors AGM. Action GM

Winter Rules. KB has pointed out the lack of what constitutes Winter Rules. These need to defined and published. Action AFo

A Memorial seat had been proposed by KB in a memo to all committee members. AFohad knowledge of a manufacturer who used recycled plastic which lasts longer and is less maintenance than the traditional wood. the majority of the committee were in favour of investigating this regarding cost and delivery etc. Action AFo

MS had enquired as to whether the power cleaner was working at full capacity. it's use as a trolley cleaner had been banned due to mis-use and their may be some health and safety issues in why it seems to be under-powered, Action AFo

Eclectic entry fees were discussed after a proposal to charge a one off £5 instead of 10 x 50p was made by SO. Recognising both sides of the arguments for and against the committee opted for no change at the moment.

A proposal to alternate medals and stablefords next year was accepted, AF to contact the diary Secretary so that one month the medal is a Monday and the next a Wednesday.

Action AF

It was agreed that Roll ups should start slightly later in the mid- winter months due to the light. AF to contact the diary Secretary Action AF

Passing away of members and ex-members during 2017. GM asked AF if he could help provide a list to the best oh his ability of the names of people who had died that year in order that the names could be called out during a minutes silence at the forthcoming AGM

Action AF

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10-39am

The date of the next meeting is on Monday November 6th 9.00am in the Jubilee Room