Career MAPS Sessions Facilitation Guide

Table of Contents


What is MAPS? 3

Overarching Program Goals 3

Modular Training Format 3


What is Career MAPS? 4

Key Objectives for the Program 5

Timing and Agenda 5

Session Objectives 6 - 7


Session Prep Checklist 8

Reference Reading and Resources 9

Facilitation Notes by Session 10 – 42

Sample Certificate 43

General Facilitator Information

Welcome to the Career MAPS Facilitator Guide. The goal of this manual is to provide clear and comprehensive standardized material for MAPS Session Trainers. We hope that each facilitator will study and practice the presentation materials for each session well in advance of the training day. Preparation is the key to a smooth session. Remember the five P’s of facilitation “Proper planning produces pleasant performance!”

MAPS was designed to provide participants with a focused professional development opportunity on a variety of Career Planning, Job Seeking, Self-Evaluation, and Soft Skills topics to provide the job seeker with the tools they need to enter or re-enter the job market. This facilitation guide is provided to aid in the implementation of the full four day series or individual module sessions as needed. Participants will be guided on a self-exploration path which culminates in the creation of a personalized plan of action designed by and for the individual job seeker.

Every session facilitated will have a unique group of participants, all with varied experiences and backgrounds. You might have a group that is comprised of mostly laid off workers likely from the same employer layoff, or you may encounter participants that have never been in the workforce and are new to career exploration. Your participants may be self-motivated and driven, or they may be in your class due to mandated requirements. Regardless, keep in mind that as a facilitator you should be prepared and flexible in your presentations. You should practice and be able to complete all the session material in the time allotted. When your participants are able to create their action plan and secure employment, you know your fine work and preparation has paid off!

Session Information

Career MAPS is a program comprised of a series of sessions facilitated over the course of four days. MAPS is an acronym that describes the actions being taken on each of the day’s sessions as illustrated below:

Day One: Measure and Meaning is about participants measuring various aspects related to their personal situation, career skills, and self-exploration of values, interests, and abilities. The activities are rich in Social Emotional Literacy and Learning which taps into the state of the participant and begins to build a positive outlook along with a support group and encouragement through affirmation. This day concludes with registration into the WorkInTexas job matching system.

Day Two: Attitude and Altitude is about exploring communication skills, interpersonal relations, and other areas of the self that tend to get in the way of individual success. These activities include the forgotten skill of good and effective listening which is paramount for success. Other module topics include time management, stress management, and diversity and ethics. Good Customer Service is a facet of every employment situation, and is one of the modules included on day two.

Day Three: Purpose and Patterns are the themes of the day with sessions that cover Labor Market Information, understanding the data and what it means to the participant job seeker as well as workforce trends, career planning, career exploration, and a mock interview to help participants hone their interview skills.

Day Four: Sources and Success top out our final day with modules that focus on creating a personal brand through marketing, modern resume and cover letter, and the very necessary networking skills. By the end of the day, participants will have all the tools needed to secure the career aspirations they have set their intentions forward to attain with an action plan to help them follow through.

Through this program participants will:

1.  Develop an awareness of their own skills, abilities, values, and more in order to better connect with a career outlook suited for their unique profile,

2.  Gain skills that build capacity in the areas that lead to job security such as interpersonal skills, listening, customer service, and good communication,

3.  Develop a plan of action to approaching their job search in a positive and organized manner that incorporates all the skills and activities, tools and resources they acquire in the series.

This guide is designed to provide support to facilitators of this session. Facilitators should feel free to enhance the participant experience with music to set the tone of the day, posters for the walls, and items on the desk that are thought provoking based on the topic of the day.

Timing of each session: 90 minutes with two sessions in the AM and two sessions in the PM.

Full Day Agenda:

a. Morning Sessions A & B Introductions, Warm-Up- 3hours (includes 10 minute break around the 90 minute mark)

b. Lunch (follow site guidelines)

c. Afternoon Sessions C & D Wrapping Things Up - 3 hours (includes a 10 minute break at around the 90 minute mark)

Measure and Meaning
Session Title / Objective
Self-Assessment- Situation / Complete reflection of circumstances, budget, and support service needs that will build an understanding of one’s own situation as well as a system of support for a more successful job search.
Self-Assessment- Skills / Complete a series of online assessments meant to reveal individual skills, values, and abilities. Understand how to view and interpret results.
Self-Assessment- Self / Complete and discuss implications of personality testing and learning styles inventory.
WorkInTexas 101 / Registration into the online job matching system of Texas with tips on how to match the jobs you are best suited to fill.
Attitude and Altitude
Session Title / Objective
Effective Communication and Active Listening / Build awareness and skill in communication, assertiveness, body language, and active listening skills.
Time and Stress Management / Improve use of time to become more productive and decrease stress during difficult times.
Excellent Customer Service / Customer Service is a skill that cuts across all job titles and can help you keep that dream job once you secure it. Employees that best demonstrates excellent customer service characteristics will have a distinct advantage over employees that do not have these skills.
Diversity and Ethics / Increase awareness of a variety of socio-economic and socio-cultural differences including skills for adapting to the changing workplace. The future of our society depends upon our ability to effectively talk with one another, to reach mutual understanding, and to realize that in diversity there is strength.
Purpose and Patterns
Session Title / Objective
Workforce Trends and Understanding LMI / Introducing participants to Labor Market Information. Building an understanding of LMI as well as workforce trends.
Career Planning:
Short and Long Term Goals and Objectives / Developing short term and long term goals require slightly different processes. Session provides guidance on learning the steps to these two types of goals.
Career Exploration
Industry and Company Research / Being able to research an employer is useful in seeking a career as well as in preparing for the job interview. Participants will be able to target their research on to specific details for industry and company.
Mock Interview / The interview is a crucial step in the job search process that can land or lose the job depending on the level of preparedness in certain areas on the part of the job seeker. Participants learn that Perfect Practice makes Perfect Performance when it counts!
Sources and Success
Session Title / Objective
Marketing Tools for a Successful Job Search / Learn how to effectively use a social media profile and activity, head-shot otherwise known as a profile pic, 20 second pitch and professional portfolio as marketing tools to ensure you are seeking and hunting the job you want and not missing the opportunity to apply for any opening that comes your way.
Building Your Personal Brand / Building your brand empowers participants to project a positive professional presence online and in person by highlighting your unique strengths, skills, and talents to help you stand out among other job seekers.
Resume and Cover Letter / Learn how to create a professional resume and polished cover letters that help get your foot in the door and highlight your unique skills, qualifications, education, and ability stand out above the crowd.
Networking and Connecting with Others / Networking is about making quality connections with people and organizations. These connections will help you share information and gain insights on the job market for the field of work you are interested in and to make your job search more effective.

Facilitation Materials

Session Materials: Ensure that all supplies and materials are ready and sufficient numbers of handouts are available.

o  Facilitator Guide

o  Handouts

o  Computer with Internet

o  Projector

o  Sign-in sheet

o  Session Signage pointing way to room

o  PowerPoint

o  Chart paper/markers

o  Sticky notes

Room Set Up and Logistics: Confirm training schedule and location. Validate arrangements have been made.

·  Secure training room availability as soon as possible in advance of training.

·  Check the training room to make sure the chairs and tables are arranged to create a good learning environment.

·  Be familiar with the site, location of break room, water fountains, and restrooms.

·  Check the equipment and technology to make sure all is functioning properly.

·  Set-up directional signage, sign in sheets, name tags or table tents, and other supplies as needed.

·  Ideally there should be a clock in the room or wear a watch to ensure proper pacing and timing of the sessions and breaks.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Acknowledgments and Important Note. Retrieved from

Conway, M., Blair, A., & Helmer, M. (2012).Courses to employment: Partnering to create paths to education and careers. Aspen Institute, Workforce Strategies Initiative. Retrieved from

Covey, F. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, retrieved from

Keiran, J. (n.d.) Career planning for SUCCESS. National College Transition Network Promising Practices Brief. Retrieved from

Mendoza, J. (n.d.).Wrap-around services. National College Transition Network Promising Practices. Retrieved from

National Research Council. (2012).Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century. Committee on Defining Deeper Learning and 21st Century Skills, James W. Pellegrino and Margaret L. Hilton, Editors. Board on Testing and Assessment and Board on Science Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Retrieved from

Oesch, M. & Bower, C. (2009).Integrating career awareness into the ABE and ESOL classroom. National College Transition Network. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Education Office of Vocational and Adult Education (2012).Take charge of your future: Get the education and training you need. Berkeley, CA: MPR Associates. Retrieved from

Women Employed, Chicago Jobs Council and UIC Great Cities Institute. (2008).Strategies for Success in career development: The career coach curriculum guide. Retrieved from

5 | Page

Career MAPS Sessions Facilitation Guide

Measure and Meaning

Session Title





Welcome / Day One Introduction (Slide 1)
Welcome. Hello my name is ______, I am a ____position______here at ____location______.
Thank you for taking the time to be here on time and for wanting to take the first step in your future.
This week we will be discussing MAPS
Day 1- Measure and Meaning (Self-Assessment)
Day 2 - Attitude and Altitude (Communication, Customer Service, etc.)
Day 3 – Purpose and Patterns (Career Planning, Career Exploration, Interviewing, etc.)
Day 4 – Success and Sources (Resume writing, Job Search, Networking, etc.)
The time we spend together today will be focused on a Measure and Meaning
Over the next couple of hours our Ground Rules are simple:
1. no formal break - do what you need to
2. stay off your devices as much as possible and silence them
3. participate, yet don’t dominate
4. use your booklet to record your scores, you will need to share these with your case manager
This isn’t about us – about you. We encourage questions and participation. Please share and ask questions. Let’s have some fun! / 90 Minutes
Self-Assessment- Situation
Self-Assessment: Situation (Slide 2)
The first area we will be talking about today is Self-Assessment Situation.
Measuring and evaluating self in situational aspects (Slide 3)
In the Self-Assessment Situation session we will be measuring and evaluating self, those areas being situational aspects and employment situation, budget and support service needs.
Tell Me About Yourself
Icebreaker activity / Tell Me About Yourself (Slide 4)
Tell us a little about yourself: Take a moment to answer the questions on the worksheet (page 4 of workbook), be ready to share, and have fun with it!
Employment Situation (Scenarios)
The hope is that this exercise will get participants thinking about their feeling about being unemployed and thinking about what some of their concerns might be. / Employment Situation Scenarios (Slide 5)
Under measuring and meaning we will be talking about employment situations.
We will be discussing Jim, Jenna, and Joe’s employment situations.
I am going to read a scenario of each, you will have a moment to think about their situations and respond to questions in your workbook. Then we will have a discussion about your responses to each question.
Three Scenarios. Read one scenario at a time. For each scenario have the participants respond to the questions in the workbook and then aloud:
Scenario 1 (Slide 6)
Scenario 1: Jim is 40 years old, married, father of three children. Jim had been working at his job for over 15 years. Jim lost his job at a home security systems company in May. He has a high school diploma and no other formal training. This line of work is all he knows.
Scenario 2 (Slide 7)
Scenario 2: Jenna: Jenna is 22 years old, single mom, mother of two children. She does not have a high school diploma, and needs to find a job in order to keep from being cut off from her benefits.