**Please note that the numbers listed are for character limits including spaces (NOT word limits)

Project Title (50 characters): .

“Create Income for 100 India Villages in India”

Project summary (200 characters):

This project will promote conservation based enterprises in 100 Indian villages to create jobs and income and also preserve the environment.

Project need and beneficiaries (500 characters)

Many of rural women farmers are willing to take up organic way of producing medicinal and aromatic value added plants so as to enhance their economic condition. This will also directly contribute to conservation of natural resource including bio-diversity of mother earth. Simultaneously, these farmers would also plan to install extraction machine in collaboration with national technical agency called Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP) and venture into production of eco-friendly oil.

Project activities (250 characters)

i-Forming Farmers Interest Groups (FIG).

ii-200 farmers to be trained.

iii-50 demonstration centers on patches of farmers for these products.

iv-Periodic supervision and follow up.

v-Interface with the markets and installation of oil extraction plants.

NEW!!! Donation Options

Please provide a maximum of 8 and a minimum of 3:
Unit Cost (6 characters, numbers only, no commas needed) / Description of unit (100 characters)
Rs. 10000 / 100 rural families will be trained and followed up for uplifting their livelihoods.
Rs. 40000 / 10 extraction plants from organic products will be installed by 10 families.
Rs. 5000 / Market linkages, exposure and basic infra-structures for 100 families.
Rs. 2000 / 100 farmers from 100 families will be trained in entrepreneurship dev. Skill.

NEW!!! Potential Long-Term Impact (250 characters)

Describe the long term anticipated/desired outcomes of the project

Income with ecology, bringing gender with entrepreneurship and technology, public pvt. Partnership, local ownership and control, policy advocacy and lobbying for economic reform.

Quote (200 characters)

As Anil explained it to me, he does not think of a dollar as money. Rather, he thinks of what that dollar can do to improve the lives of women and children, a distinction that makes perfect sense.

Name of person quoted above (40 characters)


Title or role of the person quoted above (50 characters)

Free lance Consultant, New York, USA

Project country (choose one)


Project theme (choose one)

- education

- environment

- health

- gender and equality

- human rights

- technology,

- economic development

- democracy and governance.

Program Designation (100 characters)

The team of 4 persons will be coordinated by an experience Prog. Coordintor

Project Timeline (choose one)

- 3 months

- 6 months

- 9 months

- 1 year

- 2 years

- 3 years

- more than 3 years.

Project Activity Type (choose one)

- Patronage

- Charity

- Development 

Project Continuity (choose one)

- Discrete

- Ongoing

Total Cost, US Dollars (maximum budget $1,000,000)

Project Budget (upload)

Keywords, separated by a space (244)

i-Rs. 10000x100=1000000

ii-Rs. 40000x10=400000

iii-Rs. 5000x100=500000

iv-Rs. 2000x100=200000

Total= 1900000 i.e. $45000

Project Leader Information

NEW!!! GlobalGiving is asking that ONLY the project leader be listed as the contact person.

Contact’s Name (40 characters)

Anil K.Singh, Ashoka Fellow

Contact’s Title (50 characters)

Chief Executive cum Founder

Brief Bio (400 Characters characters)

After working about 15 years in the formal sector, he developed a vision of a network for change. He always wanted to create a 'Big Home' for self-reliance through socio-economic and political upliftment. In 1995, he gave up his secure job as the head of a premier government-training institute to and successfully set up an organization with social entrepreneurial excellence.

Project Staff Awards and Honors (250 Characters)

NEW!!! Please list the awards, honors, credentials, degrees or other recognition that is most relevant to implementing this project or securing a potential donor’s trust.

Ashoka Fellow, Best Citizen of India in social sector, Fellow of Management In Development (MIND), Vijay Shree, The Best Coordinator of the State

Contact address, line 1 (50 characters)

39-Neel Vihar, Near 14-Sector Power House,

Contact’s address, line 2 (50 characters)


City (25 characters) :Lucknow

State or Province (25 characters): UttarPradesh

Postal or zip code (25 characters) :226016


Phone number (20 characters): 0091-522-2712671, 2712673

Email address (50 characters):

Web address (100 characters) (OPTIONAL) :

Key personnel information

Name, Project Personnel #1 (40 characters):Anil K. Singh, Ashoka Fellow

Title, Project Personnel #1 (50 characters)Chief Executive cum Founder

Brief bio, Project Personnel #1 (400 characters):

25 year field based experiences and renowned social entrepreneur in uplifting the socio-economic condition of deprived rural community.

Name, Project Personnel #2 (optional) (40 characters): SurendraKumar

Title, Project Personnel #2 (optional) (50 characters): Dev. Manager (Livelihoods)

Brief bio, Project Personnel #2 (optional) (400 characters):

SurendraKumar is one of the founding Development Managers, having been at NEED since 1995. He possesses Masters Degree in Public Administration. Surendra is deeply involved in the promotion of conservation linked livelihoods, health and education through local people driven self help groups.

Name, Project Personnel #3 (optional) (40 characters): Pushpa

Title, Project Personnel #3 (optional) (50 characters): Dev. Manager (Livelihoods)

Brief bio, Project Personnel #3 (optional) (400 characters)

Pushpa is in-charge of the market exposure aspect of entrepreneurial skill building program. She has her master's degree in Psychology. From an early age, Pushpa was inspired by the social work of her late father and her husband, Anil Singh.Since 1995 Pushpa is a core member of NEED. She is responsible for the overall development of women and children including fair trade promotion.

Web Resources (up to 4)

Name (50 characters):

URL (100 characters)

Other Documentation

Project documentation or business plan (required, less then 1 MB)

Project picture(s) (up to 11)

Caption (optional) (500 characters)

Ph1: Women farmers in a collective meeting

Ph2: Eco-friendly vegetables

Ph3: Medicinal plants

Ph4: The Governor releasing the book “SHE Did It” written by CEO NEED, Lucknow

Ph5: Honey growers in a demonstration

Ph6: Fruits by organic farming

Ph7: Farmers school participant at demonstration center

Ph8: Women growing aromatic plants

Ph9: Organic vegetables

Ph10: Buying the raw materials
Ph11: Women group growing eco-friendly vegetables.

Organization Information

Organization’s name (50 characters)

Network of Entrepreneurship & Economic Dev.

Organization’s mission (500 characters)

A responsive and responsible human development initiative that keeps people at the nucleus of organization, towards empowering the deprived section of community.

Viewing the vision the mission focus are the following:

  • Maximize the human resource potential.
  • Create positive change in their Socio-Economic, Political and Environmental Spheres of life.
  • Upliftment of deprived citizen of society especially Women and Children.

NEW!!! Problems/Challenges (250 characters)

Please identify the problems or challenges to which your organization is responding

The organizational challenges is to mobilize the resources, particularly finance, for executing the above modal project down to the earth.

NEW!!! Success Factors (250 characters)

Please state what your organization is doing that gives you confidence you will be able to bring about real changes, however small, to address these problems

  • Connectivity to community
  • Development driven Collective concern, Commitment and Cooperation (C 3).
  • Trickle-up effect by ensuring the trickle down result of organizational time, energy and resources.
  • “Equity for Equity”.

Organization’s programs (500 characters)

Self-Help Groups among women, youth, farmers and other target groups.

Mainstreaming Gender Issues

High quality driven standards and financially viable Micro-Finance i.e. Equity.

Micro-Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Skills Development

Women’s and Children’s Health, Including Water and Sanitation.

Women’s Rural Asset Management, Including Natural Resources.

Focused CapacityBuilding interventions.

Networking Towards Grassroots Activism and wider Change

NEW!!! Organizational Awards and Honors (250 characters)

Please list the awards, honors, credentials other recognitions that is most relevant to implementing this project or securing a potential donor’s trust.

The current High Commissioner U.K. in India, Ex-Governor of The State and many dignitaries visited NEED and awarded as unique organization. The book “SHE Did It! Stories on How Entrepreneurship Changed Women’s Life” was appreciated by The Governor.

Contact address, line 1 (50 characters)

39-Neel Vihar, Near 14-Sector Power House,

Contact’s address, line 2 (50 characters)


City (25 characters) :Lucknow

State or Province (25 characters): UttarPradesh

Postal or zip code (25 characters) :226016


Phone number (20 characters): 0091-522-2712671, 2712673

Email address (50 characters):

Web address (100 characters) (OPTIONAL) :

Geographical Scope (choose one)

- Local

- National

- Regional

- Global

Number of paid full/part time staff (6 characters) : 134

Number of volunteers (6 characters) : 11

Year organization was founded : 1995

Current Annual Budget in US dollars (000,000,000) : 204650

Maximum Historic Budget in US dollars (000,000,000):Nil

Overhead percentage (2 number):10

Religious Affiliation -- if any (100 characters):No

Other Funding Sources (200 characters)

501c3 status (yes/no)

Ford Foundation, Global Fund for Children, Trickle Up, DFID

Board of Directors (500 characters)



Mrs.UshaMishra, An enterprising entrepreneur & A member of Micro-Credit Group as well.,




Shri Anil K. Singh,


Executive Managers (500 characters)











































Financial Institutions (500 characters)

Union Bank of India, Govt. of India, Munshi Ka Pulia Branch, IndiraNagar, Lucknow-226016, U.P.

Tel: 0091-522-2358562

Organization logo (100x100 px) (optional)