AdCom Candidates for 2014-2016
· Jake Baker
· Didier Belot
· Tzi-Dar Chiueh
· Franz Dielacher
· Hideyuki Kabuo
· Peter Kinget
· Bram Nauta
· Stefan Rusu
· Zhihua Wang
· Hoi-Jun Yoo
Russel Jacob (Jake) Baker (S’83-M’88-SM’97-F'13) was born in Ogden, Utah, on October 5, 1964. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in 1986 and 1988. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Nevada, Reno in 1993.From 1981 to 1987 he served in the United States Marine Corps Reserves. From 1985 to 1993 he worked for E.G. & G. Energy Measurements and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory designing nuclear diagnostic instrumentation for underground nuclear weapons tests at the Nevada test site. During this time he designed over 30 electronic and electro-optic instruments including high-speed fiber-optic receiver/transmitters, PLLs, frame and bit-syncs, data converters, streak-camera sweep circuits, Pockell’s cell drivers, micro-channel plate gating circuits, and analog oscilloscope electronics. From 1993 to 2000 he served on the faculty in the department of electrical engineering at the University of Idaho. In 2000 he joined a new electrical and computer engineering program at Boise State University where he served as department chair from 2004 to 2007. At Boise State he helped establish graduate programs in electrical and computer engineering including, in 2006, the university’s second PhD degree. In 2012 he joined the faculty at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas where his research focuses on integrated electrical/biological circuits and systems, methods to fabricate trusted integrated circuits, and the delivery of online engineering education. Since 1993 he has also consulted for various companies and laboratories including: Aerius Photonics, Amkor, Agere, Arete’ Associates, ASUS, Atmel, Cirque, Contour Semiconductor, Dell, Elm Technology, Elpida, FLIR, Fujitsu, Infineon, InvenSense, ITRAN Communications, Kingston Technology, the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Lockheed-Martin, LSI, Micron, Nascentric, Omnivision, Oracle, Rendition, Samsung, Sun, Tower Semiconductor, and Xilinx.
Professor Baker holds over 200 granted or pending patents in integrated circuit design. Among his inventions is the K-Delta-1-Sigma modulator topology used in the Baker analog-to-digital converter. He is a member of the electrical engineering honor society Eta Kappa Nu, a licensed Professional Engineer, a popular lecturer that has delivered over 50 invited talks around the world, an IEEE Fellow, and the author of the books CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, CMOS Mixed-Signal Circuit Design, and a coauthor of DRAM Circuit Design: Fundamental and High-Speed Topics. He received the 2000 Best Paper Award from the IEEE Power Electronics Society, the 2007 Frederick Emmons Terman Award, and the 2011 IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Education
Award. He also currently serves on the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Administrative Committee (2011-present), as a Distinguished Lecturer for SSCS (2013-present), as a member of the first Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI at the University of Macau, as editor for the Wiley-IEEE Press Book Series on Microelectronic Systems, and as the Technology Editor for the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine.
Didier Belot
1982: D.U.T of Electronic degree from “Institut Universitaire de technologie” of Grenoble France.
1991: M.S degree from “Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Electronique et de Radioelectricite de Grenoble» member of «Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble», France.
1991: M.S degree from «Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Grenoble»
From 2005 to today: – ST Microelectronics TR&D – R&D Partnership, AMS Design senior Expert
In charge of the Avanced Analog-RF & mmW design activity in ST Technology R&D and University collaborations for mmW Consumer, Automotive and Medical applications
The circuit designs include:
RX and TX FE for RF & mmW,
RX and TX Analog Base Band,
TX power amplifiers for RF and mmW,
VCOs and PLLs for RF and mmW,
New architectures for an SDR approach to a cognitive approach,
MEMs and NEMs introduction in mmW, RF and Analog,
Substrate and Magnetic coupling in Mixed mode approach.
Project management and coordination of mmW UWB 79 GHz Automotive Radar with Communication availability: “Projet ANRT VeLo”
Project management of mmW 60GHz Wireless-HDMI: ST Internal Project with Customers and ST Business Units.
European CATRENE Sub-Project Design Management: Qstream SP4
Project Management and Coordination of Multi-Mode mmW WiFi Transceiver: “projet ANRT Wendy”
External R&D:
In charge of
LETI-MINATEC Analog-RF Design Common Team;
Common-Lab ST-IMS (15 MY; mmW, Cognitive Radio, PLL, PA, Bipolar Characterisation and modelling);
UCLA (SDR and Signal Processing);
CalTech: (Optronics);
KUL: (mmW and Analog Design)
Relationship with
BWRC (mmW),
GaTech (mmW),
UoColumbia (ULP-RF),
UoToronto (mmW),
UoMichigan (LP Analog),
IEMN (SDR, mmW, Charac-Model),
ESIEE (Cognitive Radio, MEMS),
ENST( Antenna),
EPFL (Low Power RF)…
From 2000 to 2005: – ST Microelectronics C R&D
In charge of an RF design group (25 people) for Mobile applications (3GPP, Multimode) and WPAN applications (BT and UWB) in ST Central R&D at Crolles France.
From 1995 to 2000 – ST Microelectronics C R&D
In charge of RF design of blocks and Transceiver for GSM/DCS and BT
From 1991 to 1995 – ST Microelectronics C R&D
In charge of High speed digital transceiver design for ATM and SONET
From 1987 to 1991 – ST Microelectronics C R&D
Video ADC / DAC design.
1 Paper at ESSCIRC
From 1986 to 1987 – Thomson Semicoductor “Direction Technique”
Micro controller design in CMOS
From 1983 to 1986 – Thomson Semiconductor “Direction Technique”
High speed digital design in Bipolar ( ECL, CML, STL, ISL, I2L…) which included the characterization and the modelization of the Bipolar transistors.
Research Contributions
60 patents registered
175 Publications as Author and Co-Author (IEEE explore)
In these 175, 43 are in SSCS conferences and Journal, others are in manly MTT, CAS, and Devices societies conferences and Journals. (JSSC, MTTJ, ISSCC, JSSC, ESSCIRC, BCTM, RFIC, ASSCC, EuMw…) (15 journals, 145 confrence papers, Chapter writer in 3 books)
h_index: 13
536 times cited
Journal Reviewer: JSSC, MTTJ, Microwave revues ….
TPC Chair: EuMIC 2010, ESSCIRC 2012
PHD Thesis Management and Tutoring:
As Industrial Tutor: Co-Tutoring with the lab Director(s)
Francois Fadhuile (IMS-EPFL) (->2014)
Nicolas Martin (IMS) (->2014)
Sophie Dréan (IMS) (->2012)
Andrée Fouque (IMS) (->2012)
Nicolas Delaunay (IMS) (->2012)
Pierre Olivier De Pelouans (IMS) (2011)
Sofiane Aloui (IMS) in Qstream Program (2011)
Luis Alejandro Andia Montes (ESYCOM) (2010)
Ameziane El Hassani (IMS) in VeLo Program (2010)
Bernardo Leite (IMS) (2009)
Laurent Leyssenne (IMS) (2008)
Francois Rivet (IMS) (2008)
Ouail El Gharniti (IMS) (2007)
André Mariano (IMS) (2007)
Carlo Tinella (INPG) (2001)
Olivier Richard (INPG) (2000)
As Team Manager: Program orientation with the industrial Tutor (belonging to the team)
Camilo Salazar (IEMN-Berkeley) (-> 2014)
Mathieu Vallet (IMS) (-> 2014)
Hanni Sherry (IEMN-Wupperthal) (->2013)
Faouzi Ouari (IEMN-Twente) (-> 2013)
Aurelien Larie (IMS) (->2013)
Mathieu Egot(IEMN) (2011)
Nicolas Regimbal (IMS) (2011)
Y Jean Gorisse (IEMN) (2010)
eni Pinto (LabSticc) in Velo Program (2010)
Jonhatan Muller (IEMN-Berkeley) (2010)
Nejdad Demirel (IMS) in VeLo program (2009)
Anna Asquini (INPG) (2008)
Thomas Finateu (IMS) (2008)
Isabelle Hibon (ESYCOM) (2007)
Baudouin Martineau (IEMN) (2007)
Nicolas Seller (IMS) (2007)
Stephane Razafimandimby (IEMN) (2006)
Claire Tassin (IMS) (2006)
Cyril Thilac (IRCOM) (2006)
Vincent Lagareste (IMS) (2005)
David Chamla (IEMN) (2005)
David Marchaland (IEMN) (2005)
As Industrial Orientation correspondant: (Program co-orientation with the Lab)
Yohan Abiven (IMS) (-> 2013)
Mikael Kraemer (LAAS) in Qstream Program (2011)
Severino (IMS) (2011)
Maria Suarez (ESYCOM) (2010)
Yoan Luque (IMS) (2009)
Olivier Mazoufre (IMS) (2008)
Christian Moreira (IMS) (2007)
Cedric Majek (IMS) in ASGBT Program (2006)
Alexandre Shirakawa (IMS) (2006)
Mustapha El Hassan (IMS) (2006)
Anne Spataro (IMS) (2000)
Franck Badets (IMS) (2000)
Top of the Document
Tzi-Dar Chiueh Tzi-Dar Chiueh is now a Professor of Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering at National Taiwan University. During 2004-2007, he served as the Director of the Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering in the same university. Since November 2010, he has become the Director General of the National Chip Implementation Center, National Applied Research Laboratories ( in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Prof. Chiueh was the recipient of the Outstanding Research Award from National Science Council, Taiwan in 2004–2007. In 2005, he received the Outstanding Electrical Engineering Professor from the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers (Taiwan), and was awarded the Himax Chair Professorship at NTU in 2006.
Prof. Chiueh is an IEEE Fellow. He has been the chair of the Membership committee of Solid-State Circuit Society since August 2010. Since Jan. 2011, I have served as the board member of the IEEE Taipei Section. He served in the International Technical Program Committee of ISSCC during 2007-2012, and as the chair of the ISSCC Energy-Efficient Digital Subcommittee from 2010 to 2012. He was the IEEE VLSI-DAT Conference co-chair (2009), Program co-chair (2008), Tutorial chair (2007). He now serves as the secretary of the steering committee of the IEEE A-SSCC, and the Digital Circuits and Systems (DCS) Subcommittee chair of its TPC, and also as the Organizing Committee chair of the IEEE A-SSCC 2014.
Franz Dielacher received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Graz University of Technology, Austria, in 1981 and 1990 respectively. His doctoral research was directed towards the modeling, simulation and design of oversampled analog-to-digital converters.
From 1981 until 1999 he worked for Siemens Semiconductor Group in circuit development and system integration for wireline and wireless communications. Since 1999 Dr. Dielacher is with Infineon Technologies in various positions in circuits and systems for communications like DSL, high-speed transceivers, wireless infrastructure, wireless connectivity and telecom standardization. Currently he is a Senior Principal Engineer and Chief Scientist in the RF-Power Group.
Dr. Dielacher is a senior member of the IEEE. His international involvement includes ISSCC TPC member from 2001 to 2011, ISSCC wireline subcommittee chair, ESSCIRC TPC member, ESSCIRC technical program committee chair in 2001, ESSCIRC steering board member since 2005, IEEE JSSC guest editor in 2002, SSCS AdCOM member since 2011 and conference chair for AACD (Advances in Analog Circuit Design) in 1995. In 2000 he and his team received the Austrian Innovations Award and several of his product innovations are described in the book-series “Product Innovations in Austria”. He is the author and co-author of many scientific papers and several book chapters and holds many patents with several more pending. He has contributed to numerous conference and workshop presentations and is a lecturer at advanced engineering courses. Since March 2013 he is also an IEEE SSCS distinguished lecturer (DL).
Hideyuki Kabuo (M’03) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan, in 1985 and 1987, respectively.
In 1987, he joined Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., renamed to Panasonic Corp. in 2008. From 1987 to 1992, he engaged in developing SPARC RISC microprocessors for EWS, especially was in charge of designing high speed modules in FPU. From 1992 to 2003, he was leading to develop low power DSPs for 2G speeches CODEC and 3G baseband processing in mobile phone terminals and base stations. From 2003 to 2006, he engaged in research project on reconfigurable processor core. Currently he has responsibility of developing processor core technologies, low power and high speed circuits and systems for processor cores and multimedia SoCs. He holds 44 patents including 31 in the US and 13 in Japan.
Since 2001, he has been serving for the technical program committee of the Symposium on VLSI Circuits and is the program committee chair in 2012 and 2013. He was also serving as a member of Digital Circuits and Systems sub-committee of the Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC) from 2005 to 2010, and was its sub-committee chair in last two years. His service also includes a treasurer of SSCS Kansai chapter from 2007 to 2008, and a Guest editor for the IEEE JSSC.
Peter R. Kinget received the engineering degree (Summa cum Laude) in electrical and mechanical engineering and the Ph.D. (Summa cum Laude with Congratulations of the Jury) in electricalengineering from theKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, in 1990 and 1996, respectively.From 1991 to 1995, he received a graduate fellowship from the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (NFWO) to work as a Research Assistant at theESAT-MICAS Laboratoryof the KatholiekeUniversiteit Leuven. From 1996 to 1999 he was atBell Laboratories,Lucent Technologies,in Murray Hill, NJ, as a Member of Technical Staff in the Design Principles Department. From 1999 to 2002he held various technical and management positions in IC design and development atBroadcom, CeLight and MultiLink. In 2002 he joined the faculty of theDepartment of ElectricalEngineering, Columbia University, NY. He is also a consulting expert on patent litigation and a technical consultant to industry.
His research interests are in analog, RF and power integrated circuits and the applications they enable in communications, sensing, and power management. He is widely published in journals andconferences, has co-authored 3 books and holds 11 US patents with several applications under review. His research group has received funding from the National Science Foundation, theSemiconductor Research Corporation, Department of Energy (ARPA-E), Department of Defense (DARPA), and an IBM Faculty Award. It has further received in-kind and grant support from several ofthe major semiconductor companies.
Dr. Kinget is a co-recipient of the "Best Student Paper Award - 1st Place" at the 2008 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, of the "First Prize" in the 2009 Vodafone AmericasFoundation Wireless Innovation Challenge, of the "Best Student Demo Award" at the 2011 ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (ACM SenSys), of the "2011 IEEE CommunicationsSociety Award for Advances in Communication" for an outstanding paper in any IEEE Communications Society publication in the past 15 years, and of the "First Prize ($100K)" in the 2012 InterdigitalInnovation Challenge (I2C).
Dr. Kinget is a Fellow of theIEEE. He is an elected member of theIEEE Solid-State Circuits SocietyAdcom, the society's governing board (2011-2013), and a member of the Board of the ArmstrongMemorial Research Foundation. He has been a "Distinguished Lecturer" for the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society and an Associate Editor of theIEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits(2003-2007) and theIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II(2008-2009). He has served as a member of the Technical Program Committee of theIEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC)(2000-2005), theSymposium on VLSI Circuits(2003-2006), theEuropean Solid-State Circuits Conference(2005-2010), and theInternational Solid-State Circuits Conference(2005-2012).