CityStudioSTL is accepting proposals for Faculty Course Grants. All faculty are encouraged to apply. These community-engaged teaching grants provide funding for curricular initiatives that involve collaboration with the St. Louis community. Faculty should propose collaborations involving organizations, agencies, or individuals outside of Washington University. These collaborations should be mutually beneficial—the community partner’s needs should guide your project’s development. Proposals may be for undergraduate or graduate courses, and awardees may receive funding for up to two years. Proposals with multiyear collaborative plans within existing courses will be prioritized.

Interested faculty may apply for grants to:

- Support an existing community-engaged teaching course.

- Add a component of community engagement to a course that does not currently have one.

- Develop and execute a new course with a component of community engagement.

Course grants are available for a maximum of $2,000 per year, with the possibility of $4,000 in funding for a two-year project. Up to $4,000 in grants will be offered each year.

Eligibility & Application

To qualify for a CityStudioSTL Faculty Course Grant, your course must fulfill the following requirements:

- Students must be directly involved in socially engaged and collaborative work with a St. Louis community partner.

- The collaborative research and activities proposed must take place in the St. Louis community.

- The course must be taught by at least one Sam Fox School faculty member and be listed in the Sam Fox School (cross-listed & interdisciplinary courses are okay).

Applications and supporting materials must be submitted to Liz Kramer, Assistant Director of Community-Based Design & Sustainability, at by the following deadline:

5P on March 21, 2017

Application Criteria (Application Form is Attached)

Applications must include the following materials:

- Description of proposed course experience.

- Description of expected community and student outcomes and deliverables.

- Timeline and goals, including pre-course preparation and post-course evaluation.

- Itemized budget and narrative.

- Description of involved participants and partners.

Award Selection

A grant review committee composed of faculty from all disciplines, including community practitioners, will evaluate all applications.

Project Evaluation

The Office for Socially Engaged Practice will conduct an internal review of all partnerships.

Archival and Communications Materials

In order to properly promote the outcomes of the grant program, awardees will be required to provide course materials to the Sam Fox School Communications Office and Liz Kramer, including syllabi, images, written descriptions of student work, etc. Materials must be provided promptly for the purpose of public dissemination and inclusion in the archives.


Applications must be submitted as PDFs.

1.  Information for lead faculty member





2.  Nameofcourseorproposed course:

3.  Intended student audience:

4.  Communitypartner(s)andorganization(s):

5.  Location (if project is place-based):

6.  Please indicate which description best represents this course:

_ 1) existing community collaborative course

_ 2) existing course that does not currently have a community collaborative component

_ 3) new course to be proposed including a community collaborative component

7.  If you selected option 3 (new course to be proposed including a community collaborative component), have you vetted this new course with the appropriate dean, director or chair? Note: Curriculum committee approval may be required. This approval may be obtained following the receipt of this grant.

__ Yes __ No __ N/A

8.  Semester(s) course will be offered: Community engagement may extend beyond the semester the course is offered.

__ Fall 2017 __ Spring 2018 __ Summer 2018

__ Fall 2018 __ Spring 2019 __ Summer 2019

9.  Semester(s) engagement will be implemented: Funding is available for a maximum of 2 years, but multiple semester engagement is optional. Please check all semesters that apply.

__ Fall 2017 __ Spring 2018 __ Summer 2018

__ Fall 2018 __ Spring 2019 __ Summer 2019

10.  Course Description: If available, please include a syllabus. If application is based on an established course, syllabus does not need to be updated to reflect community collaborative component. If the course has not yet been developed, only a course description is needed.

11.  Course & Collaboration Narrative: Explain the community partnership, including the knowledge that has led to the identification of the community need and the planned approach to address it. Identify the student audience and anticipated student outcomes. Discuss your timeline, including pre-course planning and continuation after the course, and anticipated outcomes and/or deliverables. Max 2 pages.

12.  Project Budget: A detailed project budget is a critical component of each application. Please itemize the budget using the indicated categories. Identify the types of equipment, supplies, and personnel needed. Give the basis for any estimated travel expenses: include destination, duration, mode and cost of transportation, meals, and lodging. The total cost = the amount requested from other sources + amount requested from Sam Fox School

Funding can be used for the following:

-  Stipends to support a teaching/research assistant, training, etc.

-  Transportation costs to community site

-  Books and other resource materials

-  Materials to implement or complete project with partner, such as building supplies

-  Space rental, software, equipment, etc.

-  Guest speaker honoraria

-  Receptions connected to the course and community partners

-  Publications or final documentation of the course outputs

Budget Expenses / Total Cost / Amount Requested from Other Sources / Amount Requested from SFS / Description of Budget Item (include name of other funding sources if applicable)

13.  Budget Narrative

Indicate clearly how each item in the budget will support the project.

14.  Sam Fox School Funding

Please list any Sam Fox School funding you have received in the last 3 years, including Creative Activity Research grants or Faculty Teaching Development grants.

15.  Please list proposed or existing partners

Potential partners could be with organizations, agencies, or individuals, but must be outside of Washington University but within the St. Louis community. Indicate your current level of engagement for each.

Partner 1: ______

__ I currently work in collaboration with this partner.

__ I am in contact with this partner.

__ I have emailed a letter of support from my community partner.

__ I have developed a project plan with my partner.

__ I have not yet contacted this partner.

__ Other(pleasespecify):

Partner 2: ______

__ I currently work in collaboration with this partner.

__ I am in contact with this partner.

__ I have emailed a letter of support from my community partner.

__ I have developed a project plan with my partner.

__ I have not yet contacted this partner.

__ Other(pleasespecify):

(Others if necessary)


Applications and supporting materials must be submitted to Liz Kramer, Assistant Director of Community-Based Design & Sustainability, at by the following deadline:

5PM on March 21, 2017