Scientific Training Programme:
Proposal to develop training post(s) academic year 2017.
1. Name of host organisation:Contact details of lead person:
2. Contact details of lead HR person:
3. Department Training Accreditation Status:
Please indicate which organisation your department has approved training status
NSHCS / IBMS / IPEM / RCCP / UKAS / CPA / Other ……………………………………
4. Contributions to Trainee Post:
Following the Comprehensive Spending Review uncertainty still remains around
the funding arrangements of the STP programme. Whilst the consultation process
has yet to begin and with time constraints against us we need to begin our
planning process. We would therefore be grateful if you could provide us with the following information. Please circle your response.
1. Would you be willing to contribute to the trainee’s salary?
In part / in full
2. Would you be willing to contribute towards the trainee’s academic fees?
In part / in full
5. Recruitment: / Yes/No / Number of Posts
National Recruitment
(Please complete section 4)
6. Specify trainee position required/Speciality &/or area of training:
i.e. Blood Science /Immunology:
In-service applicants only:
7. Nominee 1 details:
Name of nominated employee:
Current Position:
Agenda for Change banding: / Grade: / Pay Point:
Current Registration status and number:
Email: / Tel:
Qualification held by nominee:
Please enter details of qualifications currently held.
Qualifications / Subject / From Year / To Year / Place of study / Result
In-service applicants only:
7. Nominee 2 details:
Name of nominated employee:
Current Position:
Agenda for Change banding: / Grade: / Pay Point:
Current Registration status and number:
Email: / Tel:
Qualification held by nominee:
Please enter details of qualifications currently held.
Qualifications / Subject / From Year / To Year / Place of study / Result
In-service applicants only:
7. Nominee 3 details:
Name of nominated employee:
Current Position:
Agenda for Change banding: / Grade: / Pay Point:
Current Registration status and number:
Email: / Tel:
Qualification held by nominee:
Please enter details of qualifications currently held.
Qualifications / Subject / From Year / To Year / Place of study / Result
In-service applicants only:
7. Nominee 4 details:
Name of nominated employee:
Current Position:
Agenda for Change banding: / Grade: / Pay Point:
Current Registration status and number:
Email: / Tel:
Qualification held by nominee:
Please enter details of qualifications currently held.
Qualifications / Subject / From Year / To Year / Place of study / Result
8. Summary of proposal and rationale for application:
9. Background of current issues ,including service delivery; justification and rationale in detail:
10. Summary of risks associated with workforce and opportunities for STP
11. Future service delivery requirements:
12. Training posts required and support available:
How are you/is your organisation going to ensure that the STP post delivers appropriate education and training / development opportunities for the post
13. Future employment prospects/retention strategy:
14. Organisation(s) covered by bid, (if multiple please state specific involvement of each organisation):
15. Lead manager and contact details:
16. Training officer / coordinator and contact details:
17. Rotations agreed with (1):
Name: / Department: / Trust:
17.Rotations agreed with (2):
Name: / Department: / Trust:
17.Rotations agreed with (3):
Name: / Department: / Trust:
17.Rotations agreed with (4):
Name: / Department: / Trust:
18. Name of Executive Director sponsoring the proposal:
Foundation Trust:
I have read and understood the explanatory notes.
I have read and understood our responsibility towards STP trainees.
Submission date:
Please submit your business case as part of your Foundation Trust workforce planning return to Health Education England North East.
The submission closing date is Friday 29th July 2016.
*Health Education England North East email notification time line:
· September 2016 confirmation of business case acceptance in workforce plans
· December 2016 confirmation of commissions from Health Education England
· January 2017 confirmation of STP commissions from National School of Healthcare Science
· May 2017 confirmation of STP post from National School of Healthcare Science
· September 2017 STP post commence
*These time lines are indicative and subject to change.
Guidance Notes:
1. Name of host organisation:
This should be the Lead organisation who will host the trainee, including the named person who Health Education England North East can contact.
2. Contact details of lead in HR:
This should be the lead HR person associated with the department requesting the trainee post who Health Education England North East can contact.
3. Departments training accreditation status:
This should clearly indicate the organisation/professional body which the department is accredited with for training status to align with the NSHCS quality policy.
4. Contribution to trainee post:
Following the Comprehensive Spending Review and the impending consultation process we are seeking an indication from you on your willingness to contribute to the trainee’s salary and / or academic fees.
5. Recruitment:
This should clearly indicate whether the trainee is to be drawn from the national recruitment pool or is an in-service applicant. If the business case is for multiple posts please state number of trainee posts.
6. Specify trainee position required/Speciality &/or area of training: i.e. Blood Science /Immunology:
This section must clearly state what speciality the STP trainee/s will be working in; e.g. medical physics imaging, blood sciences, clinical biochemistry etc. A separate business case must be submitted for each different specialism if a consortium is submitting multiple applications.
7. Nominee details – In-service applicants only:
This section must be completed if your applicant is an in-service applicant. All sections must be completed. Up to four in-service applicants can be inserted into this section, if you have more, please copy and paste the table to add additional nominee details.
8. Summary of proposal and rationale for application:
This should be an overall summary of the proposal, including an explanation of the main issues being faced, or will be faced in the future and how the post will help address these.
9. Background of current issues, including service delivery; justification and rationale in detail:
This should outline the current issues being faced, from a service delivery perspective. It should outline how the workforce is facing those issues, and what risks they provide to service delivery. It should also outline the value for money to the trust(s) that are participating in this business case, and it should link to wider trust level objectives for their service provision, and, more specifically, to the scientific area of work for which the case is being put forward. i.e. What are you trying to solve and why is STP the best solution?
10. Summary of risks associated with workforce and opportunities for STP solutions:
This should outline the current issues facing the workforce, including for example the age profile of current staff, vacancy / recruitment / retention issues locally, and where applicable nationally. It should also outline what other options have been tried to resolve these issues, and the success or otherwise of these.
11. Future service delivery requirements:
This should outline what kind of change is planned / anticipated in service delivery and how they will be delivered. This should include any incremental changes, for example changes in patient numbers, type of service provided and any material changes planned or anticipated, for example service reconfigurations in terms of role substitution, and potential creation of consultant scientist role. This should then also be linked back to the value for money proposal put forward in the ‘background’ section of the proposal.
12. Training posts required and support available: How are you/is your organisation going to ensure that the STP post delivers appropriate education and training / development opportunities for the post holder?
This should outline the training post required. It should be clear on the type of post that this will be including how it will be filled. It should include information on how the post and trainee will be supported, mentored and developed.
This should also include whether the post will be filled by an in-service trainee, if so the person must be identified and there should be confirmation that the organisation(s) is committed to providing the necessary funding for the post, which equates to 12.5% of the salary per year (including on-costs), for the duration of the training programme, as agreed by the Local Education Training Board. Where the post is to be filled via recruitment from the national pool (often called supernumerary trainee) then this should outline the support and mentoring that the organisation(s) will provide to ensure we maximise the potential to retain the trainee in the North East, this is especially important where the trainee may come from outside of the North East. Financial support available from Health Education England North East can be sourced from
13. Future employment prospects/retention strategy:
Where the post will be filled by an in-service trainee then this should be an outline of the future plans for the employment following qualification, recognising the investment that the Foundation Trust and Local Education Training Board has made by way of salary contribution. Where the post is to be filled via recruitment from the national pool (often called supernumerary) then this should outline the future employment prospects following qualification. This is not a guarantee of employment; however there should be a realistic assessment of the employment prospects in the organisation or within the North East.
14. Organisation(s) covered by bid, (if multiple please state specific involvement of each organisation):
This should outline the organisations and any rotational nature of the post. This may be a single organisation, it may be a single employer on behalf of a number of organisations, where the post will be of a rotational nature between different organisations or it may be on behalf of a clinical network. If the latter it will still need a lead and host organisation. Any bids that involve organisations outside Health Education England North East must clearly state the contact persons involved within the other regions Local Education Training Board organisation.
15. Lead manager and contact details:
This should be the lead manager and their contact details who has put the bid together, and will be the sponsor for the post should it be successful and during the period of training.
16. Training officer / coordinator and contact details:
This should be the person who will be responsible for the trainee and their programme coordination during the trainees training programme. They will be the point of contact for the National School of Healthcare Science.
17. Rotations agreed with:
These rotations are applicable where the curriculum has been mapped to the current work place and it is found that there are gaps requiring placement opportunities within other organisations. These must be discussed and agreed with relevant parties prior to the business case submission to ensure programme sustainability. These discussions should be held with the training officer/coordinator.
18. Name of Executive Director sponsoring the proposal:
This should be the Executive Director and their contact details from the organisation that has put the bid together or who is the lead on a collective bid. They will be the sponsor for the post should it be successful during the length of the STP training period.
Any further information not mentioned above, if relevant, should be supplied.
Further questions and queries to:
Strategy Team
Health Education England North East
Tel: (0191) 2754635
Trust & Host Departments
Your Responsibilities towards STP Trainees
If you are reading this information you are considering submitting a business case to apply for an STP Trainee post for your department, Trust, Network or group, but have you considered your obligation during that training period and more importantly can you meet that obligation over the next three years?
To make sure that you have, here is your memory jogger:
1. The course
a) Are you familiar with the work place components?
· Induction
o Trust including mandatory training annual updates
o Local departmental including service users
· Rotational
o Lasting approx. 12 weeks which you arrange
· Elective
o Lasting 4-6 weeks trainee arranged
· Specialist
o Includes placement based project/s year 2/3 totalling 60 credits
b) Do you have an awareness of the professional practice curriculum?
c) Do you understand the integration of the academic MSc Clinical Science degree?
If not, here are the links to find all the relevant information:
2. All trainees must have a designated Training Officer.
The training officer will:
· Attend the train the trainer day offered by the NSHCS
· Arrange a training programme, liaising with other departments where necessary in a timely fashion to meet learning outcomes and associated assessments
· Produce a training timetable including meeting schedule
· Provide support, guidance and mentoring
· Issue GSP, STP work based guide, OLAT learning guide and NSHCS links to the trainee
· Support the trainee when out with the host department
· Ensure clinical practice is supervised, patient safety is maintained and competency is achieved
· Complete the OLAT documentation clearly and with trainee agreement
· Ensure contributors to OLAT are aware of the process
For more information go to the NSHCS link:
3. The department
All host training departments providing training for trainees on the STP programme must meet the quality assurance standards detailed in the LDA agreed, signed and issued by the HEE/LOCAL EDUCATION TRAINING BOARD as well as be MSC approved and accredited which is carried out on by the NSHCS on behalf of MSC, (previous holders of IPEM/ACS approval is acceptable).