15th January 2017


God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1.9

Today’s sermon is about the church in Corinth, the subject of one of our Bible readings. The church in Corinth was made up of real saints and sinners, living in a geographical, historical and cultural setting. Our preacher Les shares with us some of the sights of ancient Corinth and the history associated with them. At the start of Paul’s first letter to this turbulent church, we hear of Paul giving thanks for the Corinthians’ giftedness in knowledge and speech, in spiritual gifts and for the sense of fellowship God has given them. These are indeed great blessings, and yet we know from the rest of the letter that they are also the very points at which the members of the Corinthian church were falling short. Something more than endowments in knowledge, speech, and spiritual gifts was needed. What were needed were the love, unity, graciousness and spiritual maturity that would make for a healthy church life. Yet for all its faults the Christian community at Corinth “would have presented a marvellous contrast to their heathen fellow citizens”.


A Parish Lunch will be held on Sunday 29th January 2017 at 12.00 noon, following the fifth Sunday combined service at St. Albans at 9.30am. This is the only service in the parish that weekend. Catering is by Dean Deland with help of Coralie.

Cost of the lunch is $25 per head and any profits will go to the Parish Outreach Fund. More details later.


During January this service will be in recess. This service will resume in February, 2017.

ON LEAVE – Rev Mark is away on leave for two weeks and Ven Les Forester will be with us for the next two Sundays.


The monthly changeover at Koorong, Port Macquarie, happened earlier this week – so quite a few “new and different” books for you to peruse. Also, great gifts to purchase for a “special” occasion – or just for that “special” person! Don’t forget we’re open every Sunday after each service at St. Alban’s and for January 9am – 12 noon Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. A Great range of Bibles.


For the month of January, we suggest anything you see while out shopping that could be useful.


Great Lakes Mental Health Family and Friends Support Group are running a Family Fun Day on Tuesday 17thJanuary 2017, 10am to 3pm. Arts and crafts and games for all the family. BBQ Lunch and soft drinks available at small cost – tea and coffee provided. See flyer on the notice board. Registration is essential as numbers are limited

Email or ring 0456-966-173.

Bible Readings:

Bible readings are no longer in Parish News as they are in Summer Program, 2017. If you have not obtained your copy of Summer Program, 2017 they are at the back of church or on our web site
In Our Prayers:

Our Parish:

·  Friends and family.

If you would like to add someone to the Parish Prayer list, be sure to obtain permission from the person concerned and then contact the Parish Office.

Our Diocese:

·  Bishop Greg and Assistant Bishop Peter

·  Parishes of Toronto and Windale

·  Newcastle Grammar School

·  First Peoples of the Diocese

·  Diocese of North Queensland

The World:

·  The Diocese of Kyushu, Japan

·  Liz Burns (CMS Tanzania)

We commend to God’s keeping those who have recently died and we pray for those who mourn their passing. We remember with thanks those whom we have loved whose anniversary occurs at this time: Annie Leckie Wright, Victor George Godwin and Joan Winter.


18th January Suellen Belton and Diane Kellehear

8th February Heather Dwyer and Nerelle Duff


Parish Priest: The Reverend Mark Harris 6555 4200

Priest in Local Mission The Reverend Bill Green 6555 4200

Parish Office: St. Alban’s Anglican Church: 6555 4200

Parish Secretary Phillip Castle 0422 036 656

Op Shop: Head St Car park 6555 4267 Enquiries: 6555 4200

Book Shop 6555 4272

Parish Website:

Items for Parish News:

Email: or leave in the pigeonhole outside the Parish Office by 3pm Wednesday.

Our Bank Details: BSB: 705 077 Account: 00040071

Acc Name: Anglican Parish of Forster/Tuncurry


The next Men’s Dinner is Tuesday 7th February at St. Alban’s Hall Forster. 6.00pm for 6.30pm. $12ph. Drinks available.

Speaker: Greg Anderson---Chaplain—Manning Valley Anglican College. Lists at back of Forster & Tuncurry Churches or phone Clive Davies---0412 653061.


Our monthly mission for January is the Anglican Board of Mission. The ABM Five Marks of Mission are:

·  Witness to Christ's saving, forgiving and reconciling love for all people

·  Build welcoming, transforming communities of faith

·  Stand in solidarity with the poor and needy

·  Challenge violence, injustice and oppression, and work for peace and reconciliation

·  Protect, care for and renew life on our planet

Collection box is in the foyer at St Alban’s. Please give as generously as you are able.