Committee on FYE Classes

Friday, November 6th 2015

2:00 to 3:30 p.m.

Horrabin Hall 1


I.  Materials

A.  Agenda for 11-6-15 (please bring a copy if you want one)

B.  Minutes from 10-2-15 meeting (please bring a copy if you want one)

C.  Copy of membership list (please bring a copy if you want one)

II.  Topics for Discussion

A.  Update from FYE Leadership Committee

1.  Connection between Univ 100 & Y

a.  Paired Up Univ 100 & Y –please indicate how that is going

2.  Mandatory Training (make it an FYE Academy with certificate upon completion).

a.  See attachment of discussion items from LC (in yellow)

3.  FYE Student Advisory Committee (in LC we will talk about it further before moving forward). Want to know purpose & goals. Thoughts/ideas? See attachment of discussion (in pink)

4.  QC & Commuter Students—offered practicum to…..David Raymond so he will be joining us in the spring

5.  Course Staff Identification—should we have two applications? Thoughts & input—will take ideas in Discussion portion of meeting

B.  Report on Peer Mentors

1.  Leslie’s ILE

a.  Leslie’s ILE presentation will be Friday, Nov. 13th at 9:15am in the Multicultural Center. Please feel free to come if you are free.

b.  Training for Fall 16/PM Handbook—training and handbook revamp is what her ILE is all about.

2.  PODs (topics, etc.) (Peers Operating Dynamically)—POD meetings went well this month as they talked about stress management.

3.  Peer Mentor Subcommittee Meeting –created a timeline and new outline for P.M. training (and manual).

a.  Peer Mentor Applications will be “live” by the end of December. Applications will be due at the end of February.

b.  Going to have two applications (one for new peer mentors and one for returners). Made a few changes to the application (did away with the grandfather clause for returners, changes consistency language in the duties/responsibilities, added questions for the returner application), included language about the checks potential peer mentors go through, etc.).

C.  Discussion Items

1.  Update to Syllabus Statement:

FYE Classes Connection Statement:

All First Year Experience students must take and pass two FYE courses (Univ 100 & a pre-professional or General Education course designated as a “Y”).

First Year Experience students will be learn how to successfully transition to the university and discuss how to live well as a student (physically, intellectually, socially/civically and emotionally) in Univ 100. FYE Y courses will connect the material being learned in Univ 100 to the topics covered in their pre-professional or department specific Y classes so that students are not only learning the material for how to transition (Univ 100) but also have an environment where they can apply these tools for success (Y course). If we can help students learn to be successful in their first semester, they should be able to transfer those skills to their other future academic courses.

2.  Assessment Committee

a.  Ideas for sophomore/junior survey are being reviewed currently by Nancy. Once approved, they will be sent to the Assessment Committee.

3.  Update: FYE New Univ 100 Mentoring Sessions—going very well. Most of the new instructors are asking good questions and learning what will be expected as the semester winds down.

4.  Update: FYE Training Survey has gone out and will remain open until Nov. 27th. Hopefully by the Dec. meeting, there will be information to report.

5.  Update: College meetings will be held in the spring due to the potential change in FYE Training (moving to the FYE Academy)

6.  Update: Joyce’s students sent examples of FYE stickers and we’ve chosen an idea. Joyce presented us with mock up stickers and even a t-shirt. Joyce indicated that we will be able to get stickers and shirts so stay tuned for details.

7.  Mandatory Training for Y Proposal (see attachment from LC)

a.  The Classes Committee agreed that the FYE Academy sounds like a great idea. To move forward, contact will have to be made with department chairs and Deans.

b.  FYE Academy Ideas: when thinking about how to present this, we need to (as the committee suggested) help Y understand their value in the FYE program. We need to help the Y see the connections between Univ 100 and &, and help them see how to structure the authentic relationship between these two courses as it relates to their first year experience.

~FYE Academy Idea: Can we see if those participating can get .5 ACE for it (faculty) since the training would be half day?

~FYE Academy Idea: One component could be that perhaps we pair them up with a Univ 100 counterpart so that they can begin a conversation about the relationship and then carry it through not only the summer but the fall semester.

~FYE Academy Idea: Could we provide the Y faculty with a list of who their students’ Univ 100 instructors are so that if they wanted to directly reach out to them, they could?

8.  Course Staff Identification—what items would we change to create a “returning” application?

a.  The application was discussed and suggestions were made to change some of the items. This will be sent to the Course Staff Identification Committee for discussion at the next leadership committee.

9.  Cengage Pilot—in the next few weeks we will be advertising (to peer mentors) for Cengage Ambassadors. These Ambassadors will be paid a $100 stipend to help during the first two weeks of the academic year at Activation Stations outside of the University Bookstore. Our hope is to get the first year students to stop at the “Univ 100 Textbook Activation Station” as soon as they come out of the bookstore. This should help eliminate some of the Mindtap troubles (students not understanding how to activate, taking of the codes, etc.).

10.  Timeline for spring—The timeline is going to be as follows for spring:

~Peer Mentor Applications & Instructor Applications out December 15

~Textbook changes need to be turned in by Jan. 1st

~Instructor applications due Feb 5th

~Peer Mentor applications due Feb 27th

~Instructor & Peer Mentor matching occur mid-March

~Instructor & Peer Mentor Meet & Greet early April

~FYE Academy April 2016

11.  Spring Univ 100 sections—we have 10 sections slated for the spring and are working on filling the sections with peer mentors. Nancy indicated that this fall there were 144 withdraws from FYE Y and Univ 100 courses. We will know more about the number of students needing to take it in December.

D.  New Agenda Items

1.  WO & Zimbra training for 1st year students—an instructor asked if we would be able to incorporate this into the orientation of our first year students and I indicated that there wasn’t really time. So, here are a few ideas of how we could get WO & Zimbra information into the course earlier.

a.  CCE (perhaps with PM 1st week of school)

b.  Put together a powerpoint and have ready for the instructors to distribute

c.  Add directions to front matter?

d.  Have peer mentors walk the students through this early in the semester.

2.  New Item (from Committee Member): could we try to promote Univ 100 courses and the application process to Unit A faculty in September when the schedules are being put together?

3.  (did not discuss)-- How do we recruit good people to teach Univ 100?

4.  (did not discuss) -- How do we get more faculty involved?

5.  (did not discuss) -- Spring support group for Univ 100 & Y

6.  (did not discuss) -- End of the year survey questions?

a.  Mindtap & technology

b.  If you could change any 3 things about Univ 100, what would they be?

c.  If you could change any 3 things about Y courses, what would they be?

Meeting Dates for 2015-2016 Academic Year

Dec. 4th Horrabin Hall 1 2:00-3:30pm

Feb. 5th Horrabin Hall 1 2:00-3:30pm

March 4th Horrabin Hall 1 2:00-3:30pm

April 1st Horrabin Hall 1 2:00-3:30pm

April 29th Horrabin Hall 1 2:00-3:30pm

Members Present:

Jane Coplan, Patrick McGinty, Joyce Runquist, Bree McEwan, Douglas LaFountain, Shaozhong Zhang, Wanmo Koo, Stacey Macchi, Nancy Parsons, Leslie Ducay, Brenna Smith (PM), Kaylee McAllister (PM), Emily Bryant (PM) and Nicole Richards (PM) and Kyle Mayborn.

Members Absent: Sarah Schoper, Audrey Adamson, Kate Pohlpeter, Chungying Zhao (Janice Gates SP 15), Jessica Butcher, Mishelle Oaks, Magdelyn Helwig, Irina Andreeva, Alexis Hill (PM)