Supplementary Information

“A Devonian Tetrapod-like Fish and the Evolution of the Tetrapod Body Plan”

Character List and Data Matrix

All characters unordered

1)Parasymphysial plate: 0 – long, sutured to coronoid, denticulated or with tooth row; 1 – short, not sutured to coronoid, denticulated; 2 – carrying tooth whorl

2)Anterior end of prearticular: 0 – not forked; 1 – forked

3)Prearticular and angular: 0 – separated by ventral exposure of Meckelian bone; 1 – in contact

4)Prearticular: 0 – rear part with conspicuous horizontal ledge; 1 – rear part flat

5)Number of coronoids: 0 – more than three; 1 – three

6)Coronoid proportions: 0 – posterior coronoid same length as middle coronoid, or shorter; 1 – posterior coronoid significantly longer than middle coronoid

7)Dentary tooth row reaches symphysis: 0 – yes; 1 – no

8)Dentary fang pair: 0 – absent; 1 – present

9)Number of fang pairs on posteriormost coronoid: 0 – one; 1 – two; 2 – none

10)Tooth folding: 0 – none; 1 – generalized polyplocodont; 2 – labyrinthodont; 3 – dendrodont

11)Infradentary foramina: 0 – always present; 1 – variable; 2 – always absent

12)Number of fang pairs on ectopterygoid: 0 – one; 1 – two; 2 – none

13)Proportions of entopterygoid: 0 – anterior end level with processus ascendens; 1 – anterior end considerably anterior to processus ascendens

14)Entopterygoids meeting in midline: 0 – no; 1 – yes

15)Posterior process of vomers: 0 – absent; 1 – short; 2 – long

16)Anteromedial process of vomer: 0 – absent, vomers separated; 1 – present; 2 – absent, vomers in close contact

17)Vomer proportions: 0 – not much broader than long; 1 – much broader than long

18)Relationship of vomer to parasphenoid: 0 – no contact, or simple abutment; 1 – overlap; 2 – intimate suture with lateral edge of parasphenoid

19)Internasal pits: 0 – undifferentiated; 1 – strong midline ridge but shallow pits; 2 – deep pear – shaped pits

20)Posterior end of parasphenoid: 0 – denticulated field extends into spiracular groove; 1 – denticulated field does not extend into spiracular groove

21)Enlarged anterior tooth on premaxilla: 0 – absent; 1 – present

22)Choana: 0 – absent; 1 – present

23)Orientation of anterior tectal and lateral rostral relative to external nostril: 0 – dorsal/ventral; 1 – posterior/anterior

24)Width of ethmoid relative to length from snout tip to posterior margin of parietals: 0 – more than 80%; 1 – 70 – 80%; 2 – 50 – 70%; 3 – less than 40%

25)Extent of crista parotica: 0 – does not reach posterior margin of tabular; 1 – reaches posterior margin of tabular

26)Cosmine: 0 – present 1 – absent

27)Pineal foramen: 0 – present; 1 – absent

28)Location of pineal foramen/eminence: 0 – level with posterior margin of orbits; 1 – well posterior of orbits

29)Parietals surround pineal foramen/eminence: 0 – yes; 1 – no

30)Shape of pineal series: 0 – round or oval; 1 – kite shaped with distinct posterior corner

31)Proportions of postparietal shield: 0 – not extremely wide posteriorly; 1 – extremely wide posteriorly

32)Postparietals narrow to a point posteriorly: 0 – no; 1 – yes

33)Posterior margin of tabulars: 0 – anterior to posterior margin of postparietals; 1 – level with posterior margin of postparietals

34)Median postrostral: 0 – absent (postrostral mosaic); 1 – present; 2 – absent (nasals meet in midline)

35)Number of nasals: 0 – many; 1 – one or two

36)Frontals: 0 – absent; 1 – present

37)Extratemporal: 0 – present; 1 – absent

38)Contact between extratemporal and supratemporal: 0 – absent; 1 – present

39)Supratemporal series: 0 – complete; 1 – tabular only

40)Postspiracular: 0 – absent; 1 – present

41)Posterodorsal process of maxilla: 0 – present; 1 – very weak or absent

42)Jugal – quadratojugal contact: 0 – absent; 1 – present

43)Relationship of jugal to orbit: 0 – contributes to orbital margin; 1 – excluded from orbital margin

44)Contact between posterior supraorbital and lacrimal: 0 – absent; 1 – present

45)Position of orbits: 0 – lateral and widely spaced; 1 – dorsal and close together

46)Preoperculosubmandibular: 0 – absent; 1 – present

47)Subsquamosals: 0 – absent; 1 – present

48)Extrascapular overlap: 0 – median overlaps laterals; 1 – laterals overlap median

49)Anterior margin of median extrascapular: 0 – long; 1 – very short

50)Dermal intracranial joint: 0 – absent; 1 – present

51)Endoskeletal intracranial joint: 0 – absent; 1 – present

52)Basicranial fenestra: 0 – absent; 1 – present

53)Contact margin for clavicle on cleithrum: 0 – straight or faintly convex; 1 – strongly concave

54)Anocleithrum: 0 – exposed; 1 – subdermal

55)Archipterygial pectoral fin: 0 – no; 1 – yes

56)Body of humerus: 0 – cylindrical; 1 – flattened rectangular

57)Radials: 0 – jointed; 1 – unjointed

58)Dorsal and anal fins: 0 – present; 1 – absent

59)Caudal fin: 0 – heterocercal; 1 – diphycercal

60)Basal scutes: 0 – absent; 1 – present

61)Scale morphology: 0 – rhomboid with internal ridge; 1 –round

62) Mesial lamina of splenial: 0 – absent; 1 – present

63)Suture between anterior coronoid and splenial; 0 – absent; 1 – present

64)Accessory tooth rows on dentary: 0 – present; 1 – absent

65)Meckelian exposure in precoronoid fossa: 0 – present; 1 – absent

66)Lateral parasymphysial foramen: 0 – absent; 1 – present

67)Mesial parasymphysial foramen: 0 – absent; 1 – present

68)Anterior end of anterior coronoid: 0 – toothless; 1 – toothed

69)Dermal ornament: 0 – even; 1 – separate “starburst” on each bone

70)Coronoid fangs larger than marginal teeth: 0 – yes; 1 – no

71)Coronoid fangs mesial to marginal tooth row: 0 – yes; 1 – no

72)Palatal fangs mesial to marginal tooth row: 0 – yes; 1 – no

73) Subterminal mouth: 0 – absent; 1 – present

74)Intertemporal bones: 0 – present; 1 – absent

75)Proportion of skull roof (measured as length from tip of snout to posterior margin of postparietals) lying anterior to middle of orbits: 0 – <50%; 1 – 50%; 2 – >50%

76)Relative size of prefrontal and postfrontal: 0 – similar; 1 – prefrontal much bigger

77)Extrascapular bones: 0 – present; 1 – absent

78)Jugal extends anterior to middle of orbit: 0 – no; 1 – yes

79)Lacrimal excluded from orbit: 0 – no; 1 – yes

80)Submandibulars and gulars: 0 – present; 1 – absent

81)Large median gular: 0 – absent; 1 – present

82)Scapulocoracoid: 0 – small, tripodal; 1 – large, C – shaped; 2 – very large, triangular

83)Interclavicle: 0 – small, unornamented; 1 – large, ornamented

84)Contact between postorbital and lacrimal: 0 – absent; 1 – present

85)Contact between postfrontal and supratemporal: 0 – no; 1 – yes

86)Postfrontals extend anterior of orbits: 0 – yes; 1 – no

87)Spiracular notch: 0 – absent; 1 – small opening; 2 – narrow groove; 3 – wide notch

88)Preopercular: 0 – large; 1 – small

89)Transverse joint at the level of the ulnare, intermedium and radius: 0 – absent; 1 – present

90)Articulations for more than two radials on ulnare: 0 – absent; 1 – present

91)Postaxial process on ulnare: 0 – present; 1 – absent

92)Lepidotrichia: 0 – present and jointed in region that overlaps endochondral elements; 1 – present and unjointed in region that overlaps endochondral elements; 2 – absent

93)Branched radials distal to the ulnare: 0 – absent; 1 – present

94)Shape of radius: 0 – bladelike; 1 – subcylindrical

95)Olecranon process on ulna: 0 – absent; 1 – present

96)Anterior termination of ventral ridge: 0 – adjacent to the caput humeri; 1 – offset distally toward the proximodistal mid – region of anterior margin of humerus

97)Ventral ridge orientation: 0 – diagonal to long axis of the humerus; 1 – perpendicular to long axis of humerus

98)Radial facet: 0 – faces distally; 1 – has some ventrally directed component

99)Ulnar facet: 0 – faces distally; 1 – has some ventrally directed component

100)Ectepicondylar process: 0 – terminates proximal to epipodial facets; 1 – extends distal to epipodial facets

101)Radial length: 0 – longer than humerus; 1 – shorter than humerus

102)Area proximal to radial facet: 0 – short, cylindrical leading edge, with no muscle scars; 1 – enlarged, sharp leading edge, with areas for muscle attachments

103)Coracoid plate: 0 – absent; 1 – present and extends ventromedially

104)Glenoid position: 0 – elevated from plane formed by clavicles; 1 – offset ventrally to lie at same level as clavicular plane

105)Orientation of cleithrum: 0 – vertically oriented: tilted less than 10 degrees caudally; 1 – angulated: tilted over 10 degrees caudally

106)Cleithral ornamentation: 0 – present; 1 – absent

107)Anocleithral ornamentation: 0 – present; 1 – absent

108)Attachment of scapulocoracoid to cleithrum: 0 – tripodal, via three processes; 1 – via a single dorsal process of scapulocoracoid that lies flush against internal surface of cleithrum; 2 – complete fusion between surfaces of the scapula and cleithrum.

109)Subscapular fossa: 0 – absent, 1 – present

110)Glenoid orientation: 0 – posterior and/or ventral orientation; 1 – lateral component to glenoid orientation

111)Opercular: 0 – present; 1 – absent

112)Caput humeri: 0 – ball shaped; 1 – elongate (bifid or strap – shaped)

113)Expanded ribs: 0 – absent; 1 – present

114)Imbricate ribs: 0 – absent; 1 – present

Characters #1 – #61 from Ahlberg, P.E. & Johanson, Z. Osteolepiforms and the ancestry of tetrapods. Nature395, 792-794 (1998).

Characters #62 – #83 from Ahlberg, P. E., Luksevics, E. & Mark-Kurik, E. A near tetrapod from the Baltic Middle Devonian. Palaeontology43, 533-548 (2000).

1 11111 11112 22222 22223 33333 33334 44444 44445

Taxon 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890


Glyptolepis 20001 01003 10000 00020 00?01 11010 10000 00010 10000 11001

Megalichthys 000?0 00101 20000 11001 1110? 01??1 00010 00000 00000 00101

Eusthenopteron ?0000 10011 21102 20101 01031 10000 00110 01?01 00000 00101

Gooloogongia 1???? ?01?? 2???? ????? 0100? 10100 01001 00100 000?0 00111

Panderichthys 01110 10102 20?01 20101 01030 10100 00100 11?00 1?001 00100

Acanthostega 11110 10122 22110 20001 0102? 10000 ?0?21 11?00 11001 00??0

Ichthyostega 11110 10122 22110 20001 0102? 10000 ?0?21 11?00 11001 00??0

Elpistostege ????? ????? ????? ????? ??03? 10?0? 00100 11?00 ??001 0???0

Tiktaalik 00??? 10122 20101 2000? 0103? 1000? 0010? 11?00 11001 00??0


55555 55556 66666 66667 77777 77778 88888 88889 99999 99990

Taxon 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890


Glyptolepis 11011 00000 10000 00000 000?0 ?0000 00000 00000 ?00?? ?????

Megalichthys 11000 01001 00000 00000 ??000 ?0000 00000 01000 ?00?? 00000

Eusthenopteron 11100 01011 20000 00000 00000 00000 00000 01000 00000 00000

Gooloogongia 1??10 ??000 20000 00000 ??000 ?0100 0?000 000?1 11?00 ?????

Panderichthys 11100 11110 00000 00000 00100 00000 11000 02?10 11000 00000

Acanthostega 00??0 10110 01111 01111 ?1012 11111 ?2100 131?? ?2010 11001

Ichthyostega 00??0 10110 ?1111 01011 ?1011 11111 ?2100 131?? ?2011 11111

Elpistostege ????? ????? ????? ???0? ??111 1?100 1??10 0???? ????? ?????

Tiktaalik ??100 101?0 00000 00000 0?112 111?0 11?11 13111 1110000101

11111 11111 1111

00000 00001 1111

Taxon 12345 67890 1234


Glyptolepis??000 01000 0?00

Megalichthys 00000 00000 0000

Eusthenopteron 00000 00000 0000

Gooloogongia??0?0 00??? 0?00

Panderichthys 11111 00111 0110

Acanthostega 11111 11211 1110

Ichthyostega 11100 11211 1111

Elpistostege????? ????? ????

Tiktaalik 11111 00111 1111